Audition For a Musical
Do you ever think that you can act and sing? Well, perhaps you are just right for a part in a musical. Even though auditioning for a musical may sound quite challenging, if you follow these simple steps, the audition will be fun and even a breeze!
- Choose your song very carefully, selecting one well within your voice range. If you can't hit that high B-flat more than nine times out of ten, don't do it. You want to be completely confident about your song. Also, the more you enjoy the song, the more any onlooker will as well. Never sing when you can't, especially if your throat is sore or strained!
- Make sure your song isn't one which is commonly used, as your director has probably heard "Tomorrow" from Annie or "On My Own" from Les Miserables or "Good Morning Baltimore" from Hairspray too many times already. A unique song will make you stand out in the director's mind and will set you apart from everybody else. It may seem natural to perform a song from the musical which you are auditioning for, but this can backfire if you don't exactly fit the image the director has in mind.
- Don't do a song from this musical, choose one that is similar in style to those of the show for which you are auditioning. Don't audition for Mary Poppins with a song from Rent! Look for similar time periods, composers, and themes. It's great if you can find a song by the same composer, but never pick a song from the musical you are auditioning for (unless required to), because if you don't fit with their mental image, they probably won't consider you.
- Project your voice! Ever notice that the people who get the big parts are the ones who can speak and sing very loudly! You could be the best actor in the world, but if you're so quiet that you can't be heard above the music, who's going to know about it? Practice ahead of time. Go outside and just belt out whatever comes to mind as loud as you possibly can. (Just don't make it look like screaming) It will help. However, if louder means more off-key, be careful, because nobody likes to listen to a wrong note that is very loud.
- Some directors may already have in mind their own interpretation of a character, so you may be at a disadvantage of interpreting it another way. Most open-minded directors, however, will be open to new and interesting interpretations (as long as they are reasonable), and this may go over well with him or her. Just be sure that you commit to "something" because a strong commitment to an unexpected interpretation is infinitely better than no commitment at all.
- Be confident! (Or, "Act" confident.) Confidence is key--if you look confident (even if you don't feel that way), the directors will probably like your performance more. Having the guts to stand in front of an audience and sing out with confidence is courageous, and they'll like you for it!
- Do not worry if you are stopped midway; this is not a bad sign. It either means that the director has seen enough to make a judgment, or is now going to give you instructions on how to perform it differently. It is KEY that you be able to follow instructions and pay attention to notes, and your director wants to see how well you do this.
- Directors look for things off stage too. When another person is up on stage, be respectful. That means being quiet; you might learn something about the play, or "How to act" from the person who is on stage.
- Always say, "Thank you for your time." afterward.
- Make sure not to have dairy or anything spicy or with seeds in it before you sing. These will clog up your throat.
- Plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time to practice.
- Bring water. Your throat might get dry.
- Get to know the character you are auditioning for, and try to portray that character. It is possible to do this even if you are not singing their song. Just portray the same emotions as them.
- Never look straight at an audience member or the Director, try to find a focal point right above the audience or director's head.
- If you have the option to ask or volunteer to go first, go for it. It shows the director you are confident and ready to go. Don't pester them about letting you go first however, otherwise it will betray you as someone who doesn't have patience or someone who doesn't respect others.
- If you are nervous, it just means that you really want it.
- Don't choose a similar song. Find a song that fits you, unless they tell you to sing a song with a similar style don't sing one because it gives them a chance to call you back and hear what they want to hear.
- You can sing a Disney song if you choose, just make sure to give it all you've got.
- Try to look proud and confident, but avoid looking arrogant.
- Singing a song without any music, such as one you wrote yourself, is a bad idea because the director needs to know that you can stay on key, plus, they want to know the song.
- Know what not to eat or drink before an audition
- Don't consume orange juice or milk products. These stimulate mucus production, and coat your throat with mucus, which will make you sound bad.
- Don't eat or drink anything spicy, as it may give your voice a hoarse quality.
- Try to avoid soda or other highly carbonated beverages. You don't want to come down with hiccups in the middle of your song.
- Don't eat or drink anything sugary! Sugar won't damage your voice permanently, but it will make you sound bad in the short-run. Try to avoid candy, juice, pop, or anything else sweet from the time you wake up to after your audition.
- If you have already warmed up, do NOT drink any cold beverage, even water! The point of warming up your voice is exactly what it sounds like--WARMING it up. If you drink (or eat) something cold, you'll have to start all over. If you have to drink something immediately before an audition, room temperature water is your best bet.
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