Avoid HIV and AIDS
Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, is an infectious agent that has killed over 25 million people since the beginning of the epidemic in the early 1980s. Currently, over 33.4 million people in the world are infected with HIV or have AIDS, meaning they are in the final stage of the HIV disease. There is no cure for HIV or AIDS. That means prevention is the most important step in protecting your health. Read on to educate yourself about how HIV is transmitted and how you can avoid becoming infected.
[hide]- 1 Steps
- 1.1 Understanding HIV Infection and Transmission
- 1.2 Reducing the Risk of Sexual Transmission
- 1.3 Avoiding Transmission through Syringes
- 1.4 Avoiding HIV as a Health Worker or as a Partner of an HIV Positive Person
- 1.5 Taking Action if You May Have Been Exposed to HIV
- 1.6 Receiving Treatment for HIV or AIDS
- 2 Related Articles
- 3 Sources and Citations
- 4 See also
- 5 What links here
Understanding HIV Infection and Transmission
- Understand how HIV works. HIV invades and destroys the T-cells or CD4 cells in the blood responsible for fighting off other viruses and bacteria, leaving the victim vulnerable to other infections and diseases.
- Someone who has been infected with HIV is referred to as "HIV positive" or "HIV+". Someone with "AIDS" has lost almost all of their CD4 cells, or their immune system has been damaged enough that they are experiencing "opportunistic infections" or infection-related cancers.
The HIV virus needs these T-cells in order to reproduce itself, and so cannot survive in areas without blood cells, such as skin or hair.
- Realize that most social interactions cannot spread HIV. Speaking with or shaking hands with HIV+ people is completely harmless, so you do not need to worry whether anyone you meet has HIV. The virus cannot survive in air, water, or most other substances outside of the human body, so sharing food, swimming in the same pool, or sharing a bathroom with an HIV+ person will not transmit an infection.
- Know how infection is transmitted. HIV is transmitted by certain bodily fluids, but not all of them. They are: blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, breast milk and vaginal fluid.
- Note that saliva or phlegm do not contain the virus. This means that exposure is not possible through kissing, sneezing, or coughing, unless visible amounts of blood are mixed with the other bodily fluids. Even then, transmission through brief contact is highly unlikely.
Any exposure to these fluids could result in acquiring HIV. The following sections give you specific advice on how to avoid contact with these fluids in all situations, including sex.
Reducing the Risk of Sexual Transmission
- Reduce your sexual risk factors. You are less likely to become exposed to HIV if you do not have sex, reduce the number of your sexual partners, require sexual partners to get tested for HIV, and/or limit your sex to uninfected sexual partners who do not have sex outside your relationship. Choosing one or more of these sexual practices is an excellent way to reduce the chance of HIV transmission, especially when combined with condom use as described below.
- Have long-term sexual partners get tested for HIV before you have sex without a condom. A significant percentage of people with HIV do not know they have the virus.
- Prevent exchange of bodily fluids during sex. HIV can be transmitted through oral, vaginal, or anal sex if one or more people involved are HIV+. However, there are ways to reduce, but not eliminate, the chance of its transmission. Always use latex condoms or latex female condoms when having sex with a new sexual partner, any sexual partner who has not been recently tested for HIV, or during every sexual encounter if you have multiple sexual partners. When performing oral sex on a vagina or anus, use dental dams or non-lubricated, cut-open condoms for oral sex to prevent direct contact with the mouth.
- Warning: lambskin condoms do not prevent infection, as they contain microscopic holes that the virus can travel through. Polyurethane condoms may not prevent infection as effectively as latex condoms.
- Learn how to use a condom effectively. Practice putting on and removing a condom or a female condom several times before you use one during sex for the first time. Talk to your sexual partner in advance about condom use so you aren't pressured not to use one at the last minute, and make sure to put on the condom before any genital contact begins. Male condoms should be pinched at the tip before putting them on, so there is room for the semen to collect. Make sure not to expose yourself to the portion of the condom that was exposed to your sexual partner's fluids while removing the condom, especially if you have cuts on your hands. Follow these instructions as well for safest condom use:
- A condom or dental dam should never be torn, used past its expiration date, re-used, or used for more than 20 minutes at a time.
- Apply a small amount of water-based lube to the condom if necessary to prevent it from drying out and breaking. Never use oil-based lubes or lotions, which can damage the condom.
- Penises with condoms should be pulled out from orifices before the erection is lost, as the condom may slip off when the penis is no longer hard.
- Store condoms inside their wrapper in a dark, dry location. Replace condoms that have been kept in your wallet or car for longer than one or two weeks.
- Learn about HIV prevention myths. There are many myths or misunderstandings about how to protect yourself from HIV or AIDS during sex. Learn the truth so you do not try to protect yourself with the wrong method. Understand that any form of sex with an HIV positive person carries the risk of infection, and that condoms are one of the most reliable ways to reduce that risk.
- You cannot prevent infection using any type of birth control besides condoms.
- You cannot eliminate the chance of infection through circumcision. Studies show that circumcision partially reduces a man's chance of contracting HIV from an HIV+ woman. However, this is not effective enough on its own to result in "safe sex," and does not necessarily help at all in male-male sexual encounters, or reduce the chance of a woman contracting HIV from a man.
- There is no such thing as a special lube, anti-microbe medicine, or vaccination that protects against HIV. Lube is only useful in HIV prevention because it helps prevent condoms from breaking, not because it can stop the virus on its own.
- Understand which sexual practices reduce, but do not eliminate, the chance of infection. While no sexual activity that involves the vagina, penis, or anus is completely safe, some involve lower risks than other and may be preferable if you have decided to have sex with someone you know is HIV positive. Oral sex, especially mouth-on-vagina, carries less risk than other forms of sex, although studies are unclear on the exact level of risk. Inserting fingers or sex toys into the anus or vagina carries little risk of transmission as long as the fingers do not have open cuts or sores, and the sex toys are washed between uses.
Avoiding Transmission through Syringes
- Beat-Drug-Addiction. You can become infected with HIV by using a needle that has been previously used by someone with HIV. This can occur even if the needle appears clean. Because many injected drugs are addictive, it can be difficult to turn down an opportunity to inject, even if you know the needle is unsafe. Entering a substance abuse recovery program is highly recommended in this scenario.
- Do not re-use or share needles when injecting drugs or receiving piercings or tattoos. Use new, sterile syringes each time, or confirm with the tattoo artist that they are not re-using a needle. Make sure to receive your needles from a reputable source. Never reuse or share anything used to prepare or take drugs, including water (as this could be contaminated with HIV-infected blood). After using, dispose of needles safely by throwing them away inside a closed bottle, preferably one with no recycling refund or collectible value.
- Some regions have free needle exchange programs where people can turn in used needles and receive clean ones in return. Search online for programs in your area.
- Disinfect needles between use if you have no access to clean needles. If stopping or finding a new needle are not possible, clean and disinfect a used needle before injecting. This does not make the needle safe; it only partially reduces the risk. First, fill the syringe with clean water, shake it to dislodge particles of blood, then empty. Repeat this process several times, until no more blood is visible. Next, fill the syringe with a disinfectant such as household bleach, and let sit for at least 30 seconds. Empty and rinse gain with more clean water in order to remove the disinfectant.
- Bleach stored in a warm or sunny place can break down and become much less effective.
Avoiding HIV as a Health Worker or as a Partner of an HIV Positive Person
- Reduce your exposure if you work around bodily fluids. Health professionals or anyone who comes into contact with bodily fluids that can carry the virus should always be cautious at work. Never recap sharp objects (syringes, lancets, etc.) after use. Always dispose of used sharp objects in a clear container to avoid accidental contact. Wear the proper safety protection (gloves, gowns, goggles, etc.) when working with blood or other fluids. Always treat all blood and body fluids as if they are infectious.
- Take action after exposure. Whether you are health care worker who was splashed with a patient's blood, or you were having sex while a condom broke, it's important to consult a doctor as soon as possible. See the section on taking action for more detail.
- If you are pregnant or become pregnant, talk to a doctor about your pregnancy and HIV exposure to find out more about reducing the risk of transmission to the baby.
- Practice safer sex. If you know a sexual partner is HIV positive, work out a way to have an intimate relationship with minimum risk. Use condoms while having sex, or perform sexual acts that do not exchange bodily fluids, such as having one person use their fingers or sex toys instead of other body parts. See "reducing the risk of sexual transmission" for more detail.
- Research your options if you want to have children with an HIV+ person. Minimize the risk of a woman or baby contracting HIV from an HIV+ man through adoption or a sperm donor. If a woman has HIV, consider a surrogate mother. Using an HIV+ person's sperm is not recommended, but it can be treated by medical professionals to reduce, but not eliminate, HIV before it is used in in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination. Having unprotected sex with an HIV+ person carries the highest risk of transmission. Always talk to a medical professional before making this decision, and limit sexual activity to the woman's most fertile point in the ovulation cycle.
- Talk to a doctor about pre-exposure prophylaxis. This preventative medicine, also known as PrEP, is a drug taken daily by people who are exposed regularly HIV, such as people who frequently have sex with HIV+ people. It may also be recommended for long-term sexual partners of people who are at risk of HIV. It is not 100% effective, and is best combined with other safety practices such as condom use. It is important to take the drug every day in the instructed doses, or it will be much less effective.
- If you are not frequently exposed to HIV+ body fluids, PrEP is not for you. Instead, if there is an incident which may have transmitted HIV, ask a doctor about post-exposure prophylaxis immediately after the incident.
Taking Action if You May Have Been Exposed to HIV
- Contact a doctor about post-exposure prophylaxis. If you have been exposed, or fear that you have been exposed, to infected fluids, you may be able to take post-exposure prophylaxis, or PEP, an anti retroviral drug. This medication, when taken immediately after exposure (or up to 72 hours after) can drastically reduce the chance of becoming infected.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that only HIV negative people who have recently been exposed to HIV use this drug. Abusing this drug can result in serious health risks. While this drug does not cure HIV, it can, if used properly, prevent someone who has just been exposed from contracting the virus.
- Look for symptoms. Two to four weeks after being infected, people who are HIV+ often, but not always, experience flu-like symptoms. This is called ARS (acute retro-viral syndrome) and is described as the "worst flu ever." The person may experience fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and a rash. These symptoms may last up to 4 weeks. If you notice these symptoms get tested right away.
- Get tested regularly. Testing is the only way to actually know your status. When you get tested, you will most likely be given a blood test, although urine or a swab of fluid are also used. The results will come back in a few days or in as little as 20 minutes, depending on where and when you get tested. If you test as HIV+, meaning you have the virus, receive treatment as soon as possible.
Receiving Treatment for HIV or AIDS
- Understand the implications of contracting HIV. Once someone becomes HIV positive, the virus will never leave the person's body. However, medical treatment is still vital for delaying the progress of the infection, which can eventually reach the more serious condition called AIDS. Modern medicine has been able to slow down the spread of the virus and help HIV+ patients live relatively comfortable lives, but there is no cure. Infecting others remains a concern even if the HIV+ person has had stable health for years or decades.
- Make an appointment with a doctor who specializes in treating HIV or AIDS. Find an infectious disease (ID) specialist in your area, or ask any doctor to refer you to a specialist. Be aware that, depending on your condition, he or she may ask you to see other doctors as well to address other aspects of your health. If you follow your doctors' instructions and have access to adequate medical care, you can potentially prevent your HIV from developing into AIDS, and lead a relatively healthy life.
- Prepare for your doctor visit. Make a list of any concerns, questions, symptoms and other medical conditions you have. This will help your doctor guide the conversation during your appointment. Certain medications are not compatible and the doctor may need to look over your medication regimen and your symptoms to ensure that your are maximizing the benefits of your medications. Also use the time before an appointment to write down any questions or concerns. Having an expert discuss these thoughts with you will decrease your stress levels, help you find valuable sources of information and set expectations for future problems that may arise.
- Be informed about your specific diagnosis. Do research. No question is unimportant. HIV is a life-changing disease and the more information you have, the better you will be able to cope with your condition.
- Accept that finding the right medications for your treatment takes time. Like many other diseases, there is a trial and error process with finding the right medications. Be sure to be open with your doctor about any side effects you may be experiencing as these may be a sign of a more serious problem. Don't get discouraged during this adjustment process. Some of the side effects may be unpleasant, but modern medicine has greatly increased the overall health, well-being, and lifespan of HIV patients.
- Reduce your expose to other infectious diseases. Because HIV affects your immune system, this will exacerbate any other infections or diseases you may acquire. Be sure to take precautions during flu season or if you feel like you might be exposed to a virus.
- Build up your support system. AIDS can be a deadly disease. Many people need help coping with the stress and uncertainty of their situation. Things like community support groups, open dialogue with family and friends, and counselors can all help you deal with the ups and downs of being diagnosed.
- Reduce the risk of exposing others to the virus. If you are keeping your HIV+ status a secret, as many people choose to, then it becomes your responsibility to try to limit the exposure of the uninfected people around you. Always let future sexual partners know you are HIV+ and inform them about prevention practices before you have any type of sex. Allow them to make their own informed decision about how best to proceed.
- Follow doctors' instructions. Take all of your medications on time and do not skip any doses. By doing this, you ensure that your "viral load" in your body fluids is low. This will keep your body healthier and prevent the chance of infecting those around you.
- Consult a doctor if you become pregnant. If you're pregnant, talk to your doctor about options. While there is no vaccine or cure for this disease, there are medications that can be taken to reduce the chance of a mother passing the virus to a baby throughout the pregnancy, during labor and though breast-feeding. While this is not 100% effective, it does significantly reduce the risk.
Related Articles
- Get Tested for HIV
- Protect Against an STD
- Use a Condom
- Care for Someone With AIDS at Home
Sources and Citations
- http://aids.gov/hiv-aids-basics/hiv-aids-101/overview/what-is-hiv-aids/
- http://aids.gov/hiv-aids-basics/just-diagnosed-with-hiv-aids/hiv-in-your-body/stages-of-hiv/
- http://aids.gov/hiv-aids-basics/prevention/reduce-your-risk/fluids-of-transmission/
- ↑ http://www.avert.org/hiv-transmission-questions-answers.htm
- http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/facts/hiv_aids.htm
- ↑ http://www.youngmenshealthsite.org/condom.html
- ↑ http://www.sharecare.com/health/sex-and-relationships/article/top-condom-mistakes
- http://www.avert.org/male-circumcision.htm
- http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/prevention.html
- http://www.avert.org/oral-sex.htm
- http://addictions.about.com/od/dailylifewithaddiction/tp/findneedleexchange.htm
- http://www.cdc.gov/idu/facts/disinfection.pdf
- http://www.everydayhealth.com/hiv-aids/hiv-sexual-intimacy.aspx
- http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/prep.html
- http://aids.gov/hiv-aids-basics/prevention/reduce-your-risk/pre-exposure-prophylaxis/
- http://aids.gov/hiv-aids-basics/hiv-aids-101/overview/signs-and-symptoms/index.html#early