Prevent Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterium that presents itself in the urethra, rectum, throat, or cervix in women.[1] The disease is a common infection that affects both men and women, and can infect babies during childbirth.[1] By taking simple prophylactic measures and understanding gonorrhea, you may be able prevent yourself from infection with this disease.


Minimizing Risk for Gonorrhea

  1. Use safe sexual practices. Abstaining from sex is the only surefire way to prevent gonorrhea, but it’s not the most practical solution. Using condoms every time you have any sexual contact can reduce your risk of getting gonorrhea.[2]
    • If you have only one sex partner and don’t normally use condoms, wear or have your partner wear one if either one of you is undergoing treatment for gonorrhea. This can help prevent accidental transmission of the disease.[2]
  2. Limit sexual partners. Your significantly increase your risk of getting gonorrhea by having sex with multiple partners.[2] Limit the number of people with whom you have sex to minimize your risk of getting the disease.
    • If you or your partner isn’t faithful, this can increase your risk of gonorrhea, especially if you do not use any protection.[2]
    • Communicating openly with your partner or partners may help prevent gonorrhea. Ask your partner(s) if they’ve been tested for the disease—and other sexually transmitted diseases.[2]
    • Being infected with gonorrhea and engaging in sex with multiple partners can significantly increase your risk of contracting other sexually transmitted diseases.[3]
    • If you or your partner is unsure of their history or if they’re uninfected, abstain from having sex until you can be tested.
  3. Use condoms properly. Putting on condoms properly can reduce you and your partner’s risk for getting gonorrhea. Make sure condoms haven’t expired or are damaged as well.[3]
    • Make sure to put on the condom before you have any genital contact, opening the package carefully—not with your teeth or fingernails.[4]
    • Place the tip of the rolled up condom over the erect penis, pulling back the foreskin if you are not circumcised.[4] Squeeze the tip of the condom to remove any air.[4]
    • Roll the condom down the length of the penis and remove any air bubbles that appear.[4]
    • For female condoms, carefully open the package and insert it into your vagina by squeezing the ring at the closed end of the pouch.[5]
    • Push the ring up into your vagina as far as it will go using your index finger.[5]
    • Don’t use male and female condoms simultaneously.[5]
    • Any shared sexual device, like dildos, should also have a condom. Disinfect and clean devices frequently and use protection every time.
  4. Use dental dams properly. A dental dam is a sheet of latex that you can use as a barrier during oral sex. Follow the same rules for opening dental dams as you would use for opening a condom. Open the dental dam carefully. Do not use your teeth or nails. Only use water-based lubricants with dental dams, too. Do not use oils like baby oil or petroleum jelly. Also, make sure that you always use a new dental dam every time you have oral sex.[6]
    • To use the dental dam, place it over the vaginal or anal opening prior to starting oral sex. After you are finished, throw the dental dam away.
    • If you do not have a dental dam, you can also cut off the tip and down one side of a condom to create a latex sheet. This sheet can be used the same way as a dental dam.
  5. Avoid touching your eyes. If you have or suspect you have gonorrhea, don’t touch your eyes after touching genitalia or your rectum. This can spread the disease to your eyes and cause an infection.[7]
  6. Get tested regularly. Seeing your doctor and getting tested regularly for gonorrhea is important to maintaining not only your overall well-being, but also the health of your genitalia.[2] Your doctor may discover gonorrhea during your regular exam and prescribe treatment for you.[2]
  7. Finish any medications you’re taking. If your doctor discovers gonorrhea, it’s important that you finish the entire course of medications she prescribes. Stopping treatment can increase your risk of a recurrence of gonorrhea.[8]
    • Gonorrhea is most often treated with a combination of an injection and oral antibiotics, in part because of the emergence of drug resistant strains and the frequency of co-infection with chlamydia.[8]
  8. Protect your unborn baby. It is possible to spread gonorrhea to your unborn baby if you are infected. If you are pregnant and infected with gonorrhea, speak to your doctor as soon as possible to take measures that can minimize the risk of transmitting the disease to your baby during delivery.[3]
    • Most babies born to mothers who have gonorrhea are treated after birth with a medication in their eyes to prevent infection.[3]
  9. Wait to have sex until after treatment. If you want to engage in sex after being diagnosed with gonorrhea, it’s safest to wait until after you’ve finished your course of treatment and, possibly, wait until your partner completes treatment if they were also positive. This can help ensure that you don’t spread the disease to your partner.[3]
    • You should wait seven days after finishing medications for gonorrhea to have sex again.[3]

Understanding Gonorrhea

  1. Recognize the symptoms. Gonorrhea presents itself with different symptoms and can occur on different parts of your body. Learning the symptoms of gonorrhea can help you identify them and get treatment for the disease.[9]
    • You can get gonorrhea infections in your genitalia, rectum, eyes, throat, and possibly even in your joints.[9]
    • Most women have no or mild symptoms of gonorrhea, and they may seem like a bladder or vaginal infection.[3]
    • The most common symptoms of gonorrhea include: a burning sensation when urinating, discharge from the penis or increased vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding between periods.[3]
    • Infections in the rectum may cause no symptoms in both men and women, but you may experience discharge, anal itching, soreness, bleeding, or painful bowel movements.[3]
    • Gonorrhea of the eyes may cause sensitivity to light and you may notice a pus-like discharge from one or both eyes.[9]
    • Gonorrhea of the throat may be accompanied by a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.[9]
  2. Diagnose and treat gonorrhea. If you have any symptoms of gonorrhea or suspect exposure, consult your doctor as soon as possible. She can confirm the disease and prescribe a course of treatment.[9]
    • Your doctor will likely examine your genitals for symptoms and signs of gonorrhea. She may also perform lab or urine tests to confirm this diagnosis.[10]
    • The most common medications used to treat gonorrhea are an injection of ceftriaxone given in conjunction with an oral antibiotic such as azithromycin or doxycycline.[8]
    • Your partner should also get tested for gonorrhea. The treatment is the same for both partners if a diagnosis is concerned.[8]
  3. Learn the risks of not getting treatment. If you don’t see a doctor and get treatment for gonorrhea, you increase your risk for serious health conditions. Knowing the risks of not getting treatment may influence your decision to see your doctor and get treatment.[11]
    • Untreated gonorrhea can cause infertility in both men and women.[11]
    • Gonorrhea can increase your risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, especially HIV/ AIDS.[11]
    • Untreated gonorrhea can cause an infection that spreads to the rest of your body, including your joints and bloodstream.[11]
    • If you are pregnant and have gonorrhea, not getting treatment can increase the risk of blindness, sores on the scalp, and other infections in your baby.[11]
  4. Be aware of how you can’t contract gonorrhea. Just as you should know how to prevent gonorrhea, you should also know how you can’t get the disease. You cannot get gonorrhea from toilet seats or shaking hands with someone.[12]

Things You’ll Need

  • Condoms
  • Lubricant
  • Dental dams


  • Some medical providers suggest that you get a "test-of-cure" 3-4 weeks after you're treated for gonorrhea.


  • If you discover that you have gonorrhea, let all of your sexual partners know if you are able. This can help prevent further spread of the disease.
  • Hormonal birth control, IUDs, and similar birth control methods do not protect against gonorrhea or other STDs. If you're at risk of getting any STD, use condoms or other methods of protection in addition to the birth control to prevent infection.
  • In some places, gonorrhea is a reportable disease, so you might get a call from the health department.

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