Avoid Office Politics

Office politics are the power struggles coworkers and management engage in to try to get ahead. These struggles are usually based in who you are allied with and what you say, displaying what side you are on. To steer clear of such politics, you need to develop a strong work ethic that prioritizes goal achievement and helps to create greater integrity in the workplace.


Focusing on Your Own Work

  1. Avoid the water cooler. Although it is certainly fine to go get a drink of water now and then throughout your work day, what can get you in trouble is heading over there—or to any break room situation—when other coworkers are gathered there. The water cooler has become the symbol for communicating office gossip, and steering clear of it can prevent you from getting embroiled in the politics you are trying to avoid.[1]
    • Opt for water breaks when the cooler isn’t surrounded, or for breaks when the break room is empty.
    • To further fortify your avoidance of politics, be strict about who you take breaks with in general, limiting your lunches to trusted coworkers.
  2. Get clear instructions on new projects. If you do your research before you get started on a project, you can avoid crossing boundaries into interpersonal issues. For example, if you are assigned to a project without asking any questions and you encounter a problem a couple of days later, you can upset the office equilibrium if you ask the wrong coworker for help. Get all your instructions from the get-go.[2]
    • Ask lots of questions when you get a project. Even go so far as to ask the boss or supervisor for a meeting so that you can ensure that you aren’t impinging on their work time.[3]
    • Ask the person who assigned you project who they prefer you ask questions of before starting the project. This can minimize offense if you go to someone your boss doesn’t like.
  3. Push aside worries about what others think. In order to stay out of office disputes and politics, you have to not care what they think. Getting in the mix and defending yourself can just add fuel to the gossip fire, not to mention create a reputation for yourself of being a time waster.[4]
    • Recognize that work isn’t about who is most well-liked, like it was in high school. Coworkers who form cliques are bad examples, so stay away from them.
  4. Work hard. Instead of worrying about what coworkers like you, focus on doing a good job. If you’re looking for a promotion, the best way to ensure one is to perform high-quality work. A diligent worker does not need to degrade others or pit people against one another in order to advance, because a good performance speaks for itself.
    • Some office politics are related to disputes about who deserves a promotion or more power in the workplace. Stay out of these conversations and build up your reputation as a hard worker.

Communicating at the Office

  1. Avoid office trigger words. Every office has sensitive issues that trigger others to react, potentially working themselves into a frenzy. What you want to do is avoid topics that make coworkers and managers think about these issues. Such discretion can save you from gossip and situations that make you look like you’re taking sides.[5]
    • Watch and listen to others when they seem to be in conflict in the office in order to determine what these issues are.
  2. Use “reply all” only if everyone needs to know. Hitting “reply all” on an email allows everyone on the list to read what you are saying. Restrict your use of this button to information that every single person needs to know.[6]
    • Using “reply all” is also a tactic for showing off, thus making it a bit of a political move.
    • When someone uses "reply all" to ask an unnecessary question or to display how much extra work they are putting in, you know they are using it to get ahead.
    • Be sure to use the single “reply” button on mass emails, or go talk to the sender in person.
  3. Pay attention to what is said. Although you should do your best to stay out of office gossip, you do need to stay informed so that you don’t find yourself embroiled in an office scandal, or offend someone, or become an office outcast.[7]
    • Don’t seek out gossip conversations, but it is ok to eavesdrop once in a while so that you can stay informed.
    • Gossip isn’t the only time important information is imparted. Read between the lines when a coworker gives you instructions or your boss makes an announcement. Watch body language for positive or negative attitudes, for example.
  4. Vent at home instead of at work. Complaining about your job at work is never a good idea, especially not if you are trying to stay out of office politics. Restrict work complaints to those you live with so that you don’t give anyone fodder for gossip, or expose your stance on an issue—this can place you in a camp with a specific person at work, involving you in the politics.[8]
    • If you have a truly important issue that you repeatedly complain about, it might be best to take it to your boss, especially if it is an issue that is disrupting your personal life.

Avoiding Political Behavior

  1. Steer clear of gossip. Discussions about the behaviors, habits, weaknesses and appearance of others can backfire, exposing you to the politics you are trying to avoid. If a coworker approaches you with a story about another employee's mistake, try to understand the motivations behind the storytelling. The goal may be to belittle another person, chat out of boredom, or to help the coworker. If the intent is to degrade the person, find a way to avoid the topic.
    • Change the subject. Find ways to change the focus from the weaknesses of others to more productive topics.
    • Staying productive and committed to your work tasks will make it easier to be less available for fruitless discussions.
    • A consistent pattern of not engaging in the criticism of others lets people know that you prefer to avoid office politics. It also might increase the trust of coworkers when they realize that you do not spend time discussing them.
  2. Find out the facts of gossip. If approached by a coworker about the negative motivations of someone else, ask for the facts. Determine how the negative conclusions were reached and if there are misinterpretations.
    • For example, if the person complaining is referring to a recent memo from the department head, read the memo together. Arrange to meet with the department head to achieve greater understanding.
  3. Avoid coworkers who cause drama. Confiding in a coworker who tends to make a big deal out of things or create interpersonal conflict can add to a political struggle situation. It is better to identify this type of coworker and keep your relationship with them restricted to neutral topics, like the weather and pop culture.[9]
    • To identify these corkers, ask yourself questions like, “Is this someone I should think twice about before emailing?” Sometimes you should not involve coworkers in a situation unless you are forced to.
    • Or, “Is this someone I should always talk to in person instead of emailing them?” Some people are bad about misunderstanding the tone in emails, so going to them in person prevents misunderstandings and drama.
  4. Make office friends wisely. Although to stay perfectly neutral and out of workplace politics you would need to remain aloof from most people in an office, such impersonal behaviors can also alienate you and make work unbearable. It is wise to make some friends in the office. However, you must be sure to choose them carefully.[10]
    • Find people you can trust, such as those who don’t gossip and tend to have a positive attitude.
    • Choose friends who have a positive reputation in the office.
    • Look for people you can be friendly with, though not necessarily close friends with.[11]
  5. Find positive role models. Observe the behaviors of respected employees and company leaders. For example, managers who treat everyone with respect, speak well of others, and show appreciation for tasks well done are positive behavioral examples.
    • For instance, these individuals usually avoid office politics by maintaining a positive attitude and dealing truthfully with people.
  6. Choose not to retaliate. When a coworker performs a wrong against you, unless it is unethical or causes damage to people or property (or they threaten violence), do your best not to seek revenge. Avoiding retaliation makes you look like the bigger person, as well as keeps you from getting involved in politics.
    • For example, a boss legally cannot retaliate against employees for taking action against what they believe to be discrimination.[12]
  7. Observe the unspoken rules. In some work environments, working long hours is a sign of commitment and dedication. In other offices, an employee who consistently stays late may be considered inefficient. Paying attention to these dynamics helps to avoid becoming the target of criticism.
    • Criticism can involve you in politics whether you like it or not, so try to avoid other actions that invite criticism, like being antisocial and choosing obvious sides in a dispute.


  • Maintain a mindset of being neutral in all issues at work—interpersonal, project-related, everything.


  • If you ever feel physically threatened, or like you are being blackmailed, tell someone in authority immediately. This may be the boss or Human Relations (HR).

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