Avoid Poisoning from Household Chemicals

Close to 90 percent of poisonings occur in the home, and over half involve children under six years old (Center for Disease Control). You may not be aware of this, but some of your present cleaning products could be damaging your body every time you inhale them.


  1. Try to limit the use of any dangerous chemicals you may have in the home. Consider replacing your current products with safer natural cleaners.
  2. Ensure adequate ventilation when using substances such as ammonia, bleach, paint thinner, and paint. Open windows, turn on the AC, etc. Wear protective gear such as a breathing mask and eye goggles.
  3. Store chemicals away from children in locked cabinets. Do not store dangerous chemicals on shelves above eye level. There is a risk of a container tipping and splashing in your face and eyes. If you store chemicals under your sink or in a closet, make sure that you use a childproof lock.


  • Never mix bleach with ammonia. This combination creates a deadly chloramine gas that can poison and potentially kill you and others around. Store them separately. Many cleaning products contain ammonia or bleach as additives, and mixing them could cause a similar effect, so be careful and be sure to read labels thoroughly.

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