Barrel Race

Barrel racing is one of the most exciting events in a rodeo. Audiences love watching horse and rider race around the barrels. If you are an experienced rider, you might find that barrel racing is the event for you. You will want to carefully train for the event, as it requires a lot of skill.


Choosing Your Team

  1. Pick the right horse. Your horse is the most important piece of your barrel racing team--other than you, of course. You and your horse should be equal partners and work together to learn to succeed at barrel racing. Some horses are more capable of becoming barrel horses, so you'll want to choose your partner carefully.[1]
    • The horse's health is the most important consideration. A potential barrel horse should have legs that are straight and a back that is strong.
    • If the horse has raced previously, make sure that his legs are free from external scars or bumps.
    • It's a good idea to have a vet examine any horse you are considering buying.
    • If the horse has previously worked with a trainer, try to contact him to learn about the horse's capabilities.
    • Consider the horse's stamina. A barrel horse should be able to keep up a fast pace for 6-8 miles at least 3 days a week.
  2. Hire a trainer. It is possible to train for barrel racing on your own. However, as with any sport, you will likely be more successful if you hire a coach. An experienced trainer can work with you and your horse to improve your skills and learn to work comfortably together as a team.[2]
    • Look for a trainer who has experience barrel racing. Before you commit to working with one another, ask him about his prior record with racing.
    • Make sure you are compatible. Do you want a trainer who is very stern and regimented? Or would you work better with someone whose style is more flexible? These questions can be answered during your first meeting with potential trainers.
    • Look for a trainer with a keen eye. He should be able to spot mistakes from across the arena.
  3. Recruit supporters. Barrel racing can be very time consuming. It is fun, but also tiring. You might also have to regularly travel for competitions. If possible, recruit friends and family to be part of your "team". You'll have more fun if you have a cheering section at all of your events.
    • You might also need someone to help you care for your horse. Horses need daily attention, so that they can be properly fed, exercised, and groomed. Before committing to barrel racing, ask your family if they are willing to help out.
    • Make sure that you have a good vet to help you care for your horse. Look for a vet that is patient, caring, and has experience caring for barrel horses.

Training for a Race

  1. Improve your skills. Once your team is in place, it's time to start getting ready to barrel race. Your basic riding skills are the most important part of the foundation for becoming a good barrel racer. Take some time to work on becoming a more competent rider.
    • Work on the basics. Practice riding in a straight line and traveling in a circle in both directions.
    • Practice stopping and backing with your horse.
    • Practice your hand-rein habits. Remember to have soft hands rather than sawing at your horse with the reins.
  2. Get the right attitude. You will also need to get mentally prepared to race. Having a good attitude is one of the keys to success in barrel racing. Most importantly, you should work to increase your confidence.[3]
    • Confidence comes from practice and knowledge. The more time you spend working with your horse, the more confident you will feel. Listen when your trainer gives you feedback so that you can increase your knowledge.
    • A good attitude also means that you are diligent. Make sure to set aside adequate time each week to work with your horse. Ideally, you should enthusiastically train at least three days a week.
  3. Train your horse. Your horse needs to work just as hard as you. Remember, he is your partner, so it's important that he learn to improve his racing skills, too. Tire circles are one of the most effective exercise to use to train a barrel horse.
    • Place a barrel in the center of a circle of tires. The tire circle should be about 40-50 feet in diameter, with the tires placed 8-10 feet apart.
    • Work on circling the barrel from inside the tire barrier. As your horse improves, you can tighten the barrier.
  4. Do specific drills. You and your trainer can work together to put together effective drills that can help you and your horse improve. For example, you can practice straight-line lead changes. This exercise is especially helpful if your horse favors one lead.
    • Lope for 5 strides on one lead, trot for a few paces, then switch leads. This technique can also be used to help you shorten or lengthen your horse's stride.
    • Another effective exercise is changing pace in a circle. You can use this technique to help your horse learn speed cues from changes in your body position.
    • Practice demonstrating to your horse that sitting lower in your hips and dropping your rib cage means "slow down", while leaning forward and tightening your inner thighs means "speed up".
  5. Practice the patterns. In barrel racing, the horse and rider must make a clover-leaf pattern around 3 barrels. The barrels are typically placed approximately 100 feet apart. The rider has the choice of going around the left or right barrel first.
    • Practice riding patterns around the three barrels. As you circle each barrel you will be leaning in towards the barrel.
    • Determine whether you and your horse work better (faster) going to the left or right first.

Running the Race

  1. Warm up your horse. In order to keep your horse healthy, you need to warm him up before each race, the same way you warm him up before each workout. Give him plenty of time to warm up his muscles. Walk him, and give him a chance to run a little if he needs to.
    • Make sure to cool your horse down after the race. Warm up and cool down are critical for keeping your horse healthy.
  2. Sit correctly. Your saddle position is one of the most important components in riding a successful race. As you go around a barrel, make sure to keep your rear end and your hips solidly in the middle of the saddle. This will help you maintain your balance as your horse picks up speed, and will keep you from pulling on the reigns to stay balanced.
    • Make sure that you keep your core tight. This will help you stay upright and in control. Your upper body actually shouldn't move much.
    • Maintain plenty of pressure in the stirrups. This will keep your body from moving up and down and distracting your horse.
  3. Pick the pocket. In barrel racing, "the pocket" is the area directly in front of and surrounding the barrel. This is the area where your horse will reduce speed in order to make a tight turn. Keep your eye on each pocket as you approach. Horses tend to run where their riders are looking, so this will keep him on track.[4]
    • After you circle a barrel, focus your eyesight on the next pocket.
    • When you enter the pocket, use your body cues to signal your horse to slow down.
  4. Use your cues. "Cues" are how you communicate with your horse. Giving him cues with your hands is one of the best ways to help him learn to speed up, slow down, and turn. Most barrel racers ride with two hands, meaning you will hold one rein in each hand.[4]
    • When you are circling a barrel, use your inside hand to steer your horse around the barrel. Pull the rein back towards your hip.
    • Use your legs to cue your horse between barrels. Squeeze your inner thighs and bump with your heels is he is too slow.
  5. Improve your record. Once you have learned to barrel race, your next step is to become faster. Often, a second or two is the difference between winning and losing this event. The more time you spend with your horse, the better you will learn to communicate. This will help you work better and faster together.[5]
    • It's important to train together, but it's also important to enjoy your time with your horse. Take time to go on trail rides with him.
    • Keep practicing. Work on the strength of your muscles and your horse's.


  • Have fun. This sport is competitive, but don't forget to enjoy yourself.
  • Make sure you are financially prepared. It is expensive to purchase and care for a horse.
  • Hit the gym. Barrel races need a strong core and leg muscles.
  • Don't sit too early, if you do your horse will turn too early and you'll most likely knock a barrel over.
  • Quarter horses are better for Barrels because they are bred for short-distance speed and they are a good working horse.

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