Bathe a Dog and Keep It Calm
It's a common problem for dogs to panic and run away when you try to give them a bath. The sensations of getting wet and the loud noises of running water can easily startle your dog. With some hard work, you can gradually make your dog more comfortable in the bath. He may not end up loving the bath, but at least you won't have to chase him around the house anymore.
Setting Up the Environment
- Place a rubber mat down where you'll be washing your dog. This will provide traction for your dog when the ground gets wet. Using a mat is especially important for when you bathe your dog in a tub. The tub will get slippery and your dog could fall. This will make him panic, and the bathing experience will become very unpleasant.
- Have everything you need in the bathroom before you start bathing your dog. When you start bathing your dog, everything you need should be within reach. If you get your dog in the tub, then go off to get the shampoo, you give him a chance to escape. He may also think this is a game and start running after you. Get everything set up before you bring your dog in.
- Some items you should have are treats, towels, shampoo, a brush, and a sponge if you use one. You may want to consider hypoallergenic shampoo, or a gentle conditioning shampoo. If you believe there is any possibility that shampoo may get in his eyes, please consider a tear-free shampoo.
- Make sure the water is warm. Your dog won't enjoy his bath if the water is too hot or cold. Before wetting your dog, make sure the water is warm by placing your hand under it. If the temperature isn't right, the initial shock of the water could make him start struggling and trying to get away.
- Have someone else help you. If possible, it helps to have someone else standing by to assist. He can help you hold the dog in place and help distract the dog while you're doing the washing. He can also hand the dog treats during and after, so you don't have to stop what you're doing and give the dog a chance to run away.
Getting Your Dog Ready
- Learn the process of bathing your dog. The following techniques are designed to help your dog stay calm in the bath. For a full explanation of the bathing process, read Wash a Dog. It will give you detailed instructions on bathing and grooming techniques and products to use.
- Start bathing your dog early. If you can get your dog used to bathing when he's still a puppy, bathing him when he's an adult will be much easier. For starters, he'll be much smaller and easier to handle. He'll also learn early on that baths aren't something to be afraid of, and this should make him much calmer when you bathe him in the future.
- Always make sure bathing experiences are good ones. Never just throw your dog in the water. This will make him panic and he could fear baths forever. Make sure to wet your dog gradually so he gets used to water.
- Teach your dog a certain signal that means it's bath time. Just picking your dog up and bringing him into the bathroom can be a shock that will make him struggle and panic. Instead, tip him off with a word or phrase. If your dog is prepared for what's about to happen, it could help keep him calm. Use a word that signifies bath time- 'bath' usually works fine. Say this multiple times the first few times you bathe your dog. In time, he'll learn that the word means it's bath time. By taking away the surprise, he can start to relax because he knows what's coming.
- Avoid chasing your dog. If your dog panics before a bath, he'll probably try to get away. Don't chase him. This turns the chase into a game and your dog will keep running. If he finds this fun, he'll start running every time you try to give him a bath. Instead, just try to coax him over with treats. When he gets close enough, take him by the collar and lead him into the bathroom.
Keeping Your Dog Calm While Bathing
- Give your dog a treat when he gets in the tub. To keep your dog calm, teach him to associate bathing with good things. The easiest way to do this is with treats. You can give your dog several treats throughout the bathing process. The first one should be given right when he gets in the tub, before you start washing him.
- Wet your dog slowly. Even if the temperature is right, your dog can still get startled when he gets wet. If you suddenly douse your dog with water, the shock will frighten him and he'll start struggling. Instead, start by spraying the water on just his chest , with low water pressure. increase water pressure as he seems ok with getting wet. Then when he's comfortable, gradually move on to the rest of his body.
- Praise your dog constantly. Using a happy tone, say things like 'good dog' and other phrases that indicate your happiness with him. This reassurance will help keep him calm and can also distract him if he's getting nervous.
- Put toys in the bath for your dog. If your dog has a favorite toy, bring it in the bath with him. That way he can chew on it while he's getting cleaned. This can help distract him from the bath he's getting and you'll be able to wash him without much struggling.
- Providing a toy will also make your dog associate bath time with fun and play, instead of fear. This will help in the future, because your dog will be more excited to get in the bath and play.
- Rub the shampoo on your hands before applying it to the dog's fur. The sudden sensation of shampoo applied directly to his fur can startle your dog and he may start struggling. To avoid this, pour the shampoo in your hands and rub them together. Then apply the shampoo to his fur.
- Avoid getting any water in your dog's ears. The ears are a very sensitive part of your dog's body, and getting water in them can cause pain and discomfort.
- Some advocate putting cotton balls in your dog's ears to prevent getting water in them. This might work, but it also might startle your dog further. If your dog is nervous, it's best to avoid putting things in his ears. Just take care not to pour any water on his face. You can use a washcloth with a very small amount of shampoo to clean face , head ,and ears . Using a wet one to remove soap and dirt. Most dogs enjoy their head , ears and face being rubbed.
Your dog will definitely start struggling if you get water in his ears. To avoid this, it's best to forgo pouring water on your dog's face at all. Instead, use a wet cloth to wipe around his eyes and mouth.
- Get a shower head with adjustable pressure. If a shower head uses too much force, your dog could get scared. A product like the Bamboo Deluxe Pet Shower Sprayer has adjustable pressure, so you can bring it down to your dog's comfort level and keep him happy in the bath.
- Throw your dog another treat if he gets restless. Have several treats handy so you can give them to your dog if he starts struggling. Either have them at arms' reach or have a partner nearby to get a treat over quickly. Since you only bathe your dog periodically, it's okay to give him more treats than he normally would have in a day.
- Avoid showing your dog if you're upset. Bathing your dog can be frustrating, especially if he's not cooperating. Don't let your dog see that you're angry. Yelling will only make bathing a negative experience, and he'll be more afraid to do it next time. Provide only positive reinforcement during the bath.
- Give your dog a treat when the bath is done. The process will be much easier if your dog has something to look forward to. Never forget to give him a treat after the bath. That way he'll learn that when it's all over, he'll get a reward.
- Change the environment. Bathing your dog in the bathtub can be a challenge: your dog may be afraid to get into a tub, he can slip getting in and out, and it can leave your bathroom a mess. If your dog hates going into the bathtub, changing up the environment might help make him more comfortable and make the bathing process easier.
- Bathe your dog outside. It can be easier to bring your dog outside for a bath. This will avoid making him get into a tub. Be sure to use a leash if he doesn't like baths. This way you can keep him in place while you wash him. You'll still have to associate baths with good things, so use all of the steps you would use if you were bathing your dog inside: wet him slowly, give him treats, let him play with toys, and have someone else standing by to distract him.
- Take your dog to a washing station. Some pet stores and grooming services have do-it-yourself dog wash stations. These stations often have plenty of room, so coming here from a cramped bathroom tub will make bathing your dog much easier. You can benefit from experienced staff who can assist you. They also usually offer shampoo and towels, so you just have to bring your dog. It would still be a good idea to bring toys and treats for your dog. Remember, he has to learn that bathing is a good thing, so positive reinforcement is key. Do everything you would normally do to keep your dog calm in the bath.
- Relax, you need to show Fido that you are relaxed in order for him to relax.
- Give him praises and give him a treat when it's done. He will learn to love baths.
- Give your dog lots of praise and treats for going into the tub. Make him think the tub is a place where he gets lots of dog treats.
- Try talking to your dog while you giving him a bath. It with make him feel more comfortable in the situation.
- Never get frustrated and yell at your dog. This will only make him more scared of getting into the tub.
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