Be Good at Group Discussion

Discussing in groups of two or more people can be a great way to develop better social and emotional skills in a structured environment. If you have trouble with group discussion, no worries-- just read this article!


  1. Prepare yourself. If you don't know your material ahead of time, you will have less to contribute and will understand the discussion less. Research some background information on your topic if you are given it ahead of time.
  2. Be confident: If you aren't confident with yourself, you'll be scared of sharing your opinions. You need to trust yourself and others and you need to feel confident in your thoughts. Share your opinions- it doesn't matter what other people think as long as your thoughts matter to you.
  3. Form a debate: Group discussion is weighing the pros and cons of a debatable topic, e.g., should prostitutes be taxed? Some will say no, they have unprotected sex and spread AIDS around, but people who know prostitutes will object or live in a building that has one. But they have a living besides prostitution. The group discussions are mostly a way to see if how people's views are different, and how they perceive things. It's also comparing answers to others.
  4. Conquer misunderstandings: Even though you are mainly talking, and announcing whatever comes to you to debate over; it doesn't stop heated words from spilling. So take in all in stride and try to form a question about why such an argument bursts out from something misunderstood. Try to make sure that their anger simmered down, and make a light-humored topic to stay. Compare comedy to the comedy back then, with all the custard pies thrown, and chases, it's a good way to diminish the tense atmosphere.
  5. Find balance: It's important to have those small 'no' or shake of the heads, it's better not to find a topic you all agree on. This allows your view to be heard, and thought upon. There has to be flaws, obviously, or else it wouldn't be a good debate. That is probably the main problem, where the topic is perfect to discuss about. Instead of finding the boring, flawless debate, find one that you never heard of. It'll be enough to research, and enjoy. It also might be something educational, not the regular question from teachers about whether school uniforms should be allowed.
  6. Decision: There is always something different for group discussions. Ranging arithmetic, charities, healthy eating, politics, sports, and virtue or value in today's products. Mainly, you got to wonder if that topic is worth talking about, for politics, it varies; there is the government, and what they control. It's challenging, but group discussion is an opening to your lives. An introduction for you to get to know each other. Good luck in starting it...


  • Never laugh at anyone's opinion
  • Be sure of what you say.
  • Listen! Do not try to formulate your next comment while someone is still presenting his input. Listen with an open mind.
  • Use facts to support your opinions.
  • If you are having trouble thinking of things to add to the discussion, think of the 5 W's and How: who are you discussing? What is important about the topic? Where did the topic originate or take place? When did the event occur? Why is this topic important to society? How can things be improved?
  • If people agree with you it's good if not do not force them but politely tell them to think over your opinion too.
  • If there are disagreements to your thought, don't object, only interject when they misplaced or misheard anything.
  • Do NOT interrupt. Wait for others to finish
  • Stay impartial if you are leading the discussion.
  • If you don't agree with someone's point, you can politely say "Sorry, I beg to differ".


  • Do not interrupt, it's a portrayal of disrespect and it reflects on the members of the group, they will criticize you based on your actions.
  • Make sure you have your fair share of ideas, don't go hogging the spotlight just because you want to get noticed. It's better to think things over before you say anything; blow their mind away with a topic unknown, and if there is any questions, tell them about what you learn so they learn also. No one said you have to restrict your imagination, bend the rules of going over-board for a while.
  • Control enthusiasm.

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