Be Like Goku from Dragonball Z

Goku is probably the most popular character in the anime series Dragon Ball and the anime world. Note that Goku is a fictional character and it is impossible to be like him, but you can follow his traits and act like him.


  1. Style your hair to different directions. Goku has long spiky hair that goes in different directions. If you have short hair you may buy a wig from a wig store or any shop that has wigs.
  2. Wear an orange gi uniform with a blue inner shirt visible. If you don't have any, you can wear any shirt that is colored orange.
  3. Have an appetite for food. Goku is a wild animal when it comes to eating! All Saiyans eat a lot of food, but Goku has a unique appetite. But,don't go over feeding your self. Know your food limits just so you can be like Goku. Stay healthy.
  4. Train your body to gain strength and become fit. since Goku has a physically fit body, it is necessary that you should also try your best to have one. But don't overexert yourself or you might wind up in the hospital. you should check out safe ways to improve your body strength and extend your capabilities from other articles in this site.
  5. Accept challenges wisely. Though Goku is very powerful and he can take on any enemies, he also uses his rationality and emotions to decide if a fight is worth it. Goku fights to protect people, not to harm them.
  6. Have a cheerful personality! Goku is an innocent, laid-back, happy-go-lucky person. Be happy and be always cheerful. spread positive vibes to people around you! Goku was able to have his enemies be his friends because of his cheerful personality, like Piccolo and Vegeta. They were once his enemies, but Goku spread his cheerfulness, causing Vegeta and Piccolo to be great friends!
  7. Be optimistic. Goku is an optimist. Always think positively. Even when things go bad, always think that there is always a solution to a problem.
  8. Watch the Dragon Ball series. To know how to act like the character, you need to have a good source. To have a better understanding about Goku, you should read about him or watch him in animated.This is probably the easiest way to know Goku.
  9. Show mercy. Forgive your enemies so they can change themselves and come back a better person. It's hard, but it's worth it.


  • Just believe you can do it!


  • Don't get into fights. Never get into fights just so you can be like Goku. Fight at your own risk.
  • Never eat as much as Goku, unless of course you're a Saiyan. In that case, you'll probably be looking to eat just as much as him.
  • Never try to jump off a building. It is physically impossible for a human to fly.

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