Be Little Dead Riding Hood for Halloween

Little Red Riding Hood is a cute, well known story character: but she can also make a successfully gruesome character for Halloween - Little Dead Riding Hood.


  1. Find the proper clothes. The most important part of any costume is your clothes. Going on the basis of the traditional Red Riding Hood, find a black skirt and white top (or any vintage-like clothing), or a white/black or a vintage dress. These should be cheaply bought or secondhand, because they won't be wearable again. You should also find a red cape, or you can easily make one from a blanket or sheet. Find some red or black shoes, too; maybe high heels.
  2. Tear your clothing up. To make the costume look like Red Riding Hood was mauled by old Wolf, you'll need to rip and tear your skirt/dress, shirt, and cape. Try rubbing a few handfuls of dirt on, creasing and generally ruining the costume! Instead of using real dirt, use coffee to make crisp whites look old and worn.
  3. Give your stockings that beat up look. Either wear fishnet tights or ripped black tights. Dirty up the knees, too.
  4. Really 'horrify' your hair. An important part of the look will be your hair and make up. Deep condition your hair, roughly blow dry and tease your hair madly in all directions. Cover in a good quality hair spray. Poke a few twigs in to look like you were in a scuffle - a bit of dirt smeared in the ends would add to the effect. (but don't ruin your hair!)
  5. Do your face up right. Your face should be deathly pale, with dark, smudged lipstick and heavily lined eyes. Try patting talcum powder on, and smudging your eye make up before it's dried. Liquid eyeliner will really make your eyes stand out.
  6. Smudge some dirt or brown make up around your hairline, and if you can, create some bruising.
  7. Carry a basket lined with red material: preferably a broken/snapped wicker basket.


  • Painting your nails black will look effective.
  • Ask one of your friends to go as the wolf for a good costume pair.
  • If you don't have a red cape, find a red sheet or blanket, drape over your head and pin under your chin with a black flower hair-pin or other suitable pin.
  • Mix or buy some fake blood and drip some onto your clothes and select areas of skin.
  • You could try dying your hair temporarily black to contrast with your pale white face, if you really want to look the part!


  • If you decide to make bruising, don't hurt yourself.
  • IF you decide to put mud and twigs in your hair, make sure you are not damaging your hair!
  • When the party's over, carefully comb your hair piece-by-piece, starting at the ends and working up to the roots. Use a thick conditioner afterward, to minimize damage.

Things You'll Need

  • White/black or vintage skirt and top or vintage dress, tights and red/black shoes.
  • Red cape or red blanket and pin.
  • Dark eye make up, talcum powder and dark lipstick.
  • Fake blood and twigs.
  • Basket.

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