Be More Physically Attractive

Attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder, but there are some general things that most people agree are attractive and one of them is a person's physical appearance. Have you ever seen somebody that looked completely gorgeous and didn't seem to even know they were that way? You can be like that too. Read on.


  1. Start by altering your current lifestyle choices to more healthier ones. Health is the universal cornerstone of beauty. Everything people do to look attractive is usually an attempt to look healthier than everyone else. Models and actors wear makeup to feign a clear, glowing complexion that is associated with good health. You don't have to be exceedingly fit, just take good care of yourself. Treat your body as if it were one of your most prized possessions.
  2. Dress to accentuate your best physical features. First, know what your best features are. Ask yourself some questions:
    • What have you received the most compliments on? It doesn't have to be something obvious. It can be something as subtle as your shoulders, in which you would wear attire that makes your shoulders the focal point. For example; Men could try something subtle but also bold like a tank top or muscle shirt to show off the shoulders. Women can wear strapless dresses or thick strapped tank tops.
    • What do you like best about your body? While asking yourself this, eliminate all negative thoughts and focus on the good.
  3. Smile. If you're preoccupied with the color or direction of your teeth, the prominence of your gums, the smell of your might subconsciously stifle your smile because you feel embarrassed. There are some things that can be helped (like whitening your teeth and getting rid of bad breath) but ultimately, you need to commit to the belief that all genuine smiles are beautiful smiles, including your own.
  4. Keep it simple and have confidence. You ever notice people that look amazing, but aren't wearing anything that looks extravagant looking? Maybe it's because they look happy with themselves. Being confident and happy gravitates people toward you because you seem friendly and easy to get along with. People like simplicity because it's not intimidating. Start by doing little but meaningful things like saying hello to a stranger on your way to work, smile, help that person who dropped their text books or papers in the hallway, be polite, offer somebody to hang out with you sometime. Try not to mistake being confident with arrogance, which will actually push people away.


  • If you have nice shoulders, be careful with the large collar because it could create the illusion of bigger shoulders, thus destroying your best feature.

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