Be One of the Best Looking Girls in Your Class

So, you want to look good, and be one of the best-looking girls in your class/form? Luckily, this article can teach you how!


  1. Care about your hygiene. Take a shower to wash your body every day. Use a matching shower gel and body lotion, and exfoliate weekly. Brush your teeth and tongue 2-3 times a day with whitening toothpaste, use floss and possibly mouthwash. However, if you have marks on your teeth from braces, go and see the dentist to see what can be done. Use deodorant or anti-perspirant that smells good, don't forget to spray your feet and use perfume on pulse points!
  2. Hit the gym! It boosts your confidence and you will be toned and fit in no time. You don't have to go to the gym; you could take yoga classes, jog or take dance classes. Try to do two sessions of weights and three of cardio per week.
  3. Always wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner that matches your hair type. For example, greasy hair usually needs clarifying/volumizing products, and dry hair needs more nourishment. Wash your hair at 3-4 times a week. Refrain from cheap products, as they probably won't help your hair. Always comb/brush your hair, as it must look neat and be really clean. You can also change your hairstyle, and do different things with it, like loose curls, poker-straight, up-dos, clips, head bands... Loose, "bedhead" layers are in, as well. Long, lush locks with a sweeping side fringe are fashionable and very womanly. Always choose a hair-style that suits your face shape and lifestyle. Use a deep-conditioning/hot oil treatment weekly.
  4. Pamper yourself! Feeling good makes you automatically look good. Take a relaxing bath, have a facial, pedicure and manicure weekly. All of these can be done at home or at a salon. If at home, use skin products that match your skin's needs; like an oil-free moisturizer for oily skin.
  5. Wear tasteful make-up. Never exaggerate or over-do makeup application, as you'll end up looking trashy. Always moisturise and wash your face before applying. For example, an ordinary school day: tinted foundation/powder, concealer, light powder/cream eye shadow (brown suits most eye colours), a bit of natural-looking blusher, a little brown/black mascara (after curling lashes with a quality lash curler), and clear/lightly tinted lip gloss.
  6. Get some fashion sense! Visit, or read OK! occasionally to see styles that are "in" at the moment. You don't have to spend hundreds of pounds/dollars to look fashionable though. Get your clothes, don't buy "outfits", buy pieces you can mix and match to see what looks great! Buy new clothes that fit you perfectly. Don't forget, the number on the label is just that; a number. You can always cut the label out. As long as you are healthy and fit, they don't matter. However, this doesn't mean you should get stressed out with the latest fashions all the time. Try being a trend-setter, instead of a trend-follower!
  7. Be nice and smile. An unfriendly person becomes instantly ugly, even if they're pretty on the outside. Be yourself and treat people well, also study and pay attention in class and watch documentaries, watch the news, and read non-fiction books and newspapers so you can hold intelligent conversation. A pretty person becomes prettier when she is clever and nice!


  • Remember to be friendly and care about studies! The beauty of a pretty person grows a lot if she is nice and shows that she is smart.
  • Be confident! Believe in yourself!
  • When you come back home, remove your makeup, and care for your face with a good cleanser, toner and moisturiser. If you have any zits, use acne creams or consult a dermatologist for help.
  • Don't follow fads unless you approve of them. If everyone is wearing rainbow boots, who says you have to? Most fads will pass eventually.
  • Even if you don't have a good outfit on, work it! Being confident, or showing off curves can make any outfit look a million bucks!
  • Watch shows and read books about girls, like how they dress and what products they use.
  • MAC "Gleam" eyeshadow is AMAZING for all eye colors.
  • Smile. Smiling makes you and your personality shine, and shows people you are beautiful on the inside and outside.
  • Make sure the style is in NOW! If it isn't, people might think your old school. Some times old school can be good but not all the time.


  • Dirty make-up brushes often causes spots.
  • Sleeping with make-up can make you get zits.
  • Squeezing spots always makes them worse, unless they have an obvious "head".
  • Don't try to be someone you're not. You've probably heard this a million times before, but that's because it's the truth. Be yourself, because everybody else is taken!
  • Washing hair every day can make it weak.
  • Don't brush your hair 100 strokes per day because vigorous combing/brushing destroys your hair.
  • If you're trying to get "thin," do not try any crash diets. Yeah, you'll lose weight quickly, but instantly gain it back again. These aren't the way to go, and do your body more harm than good. However, you can do it the healthy way by cutting back on junk food, and exercising more often.
  • Bright lipstick or nail polish can look trashy.
  • Don't be full of yourself because it looks really bad even if you do have the looks.
  • Be yourself and if you have outfits that 1,000 other kids have, add your own style like a purse or a cool belt.
  • Don't wear all black or go totally airhead prep, you don't want to get labelled.

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