Be Saved Through Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ came to save those that are lost! Are you wondering how you can be saved? Well this article has the answer. The process is simple and the outcome is everlasting! It takes the power of an almighty God and the will of man to ensure salvation.


  1. Leave everybody out of it; it’s between you and God. You have probably heard this spill a ton of times but this “How To” can change your life! And, it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.
  2. Realize that you are a sinner. Ask yourself these questions, "Has anything ever been more important to me than God? Have I ever lied (a lie is a lie, no matter how small you may think it is), stolen (cheated on a test, took a piece of gum, etc.), hated (the Bible says it's murder in your heart), lusted, (the Bible says it's adultery in your heart), taken the Lord's name in vain (such as "OMG!!!"), dishonored my parents, or been jealous of someone else's belonging?" The Bible says that we have all sinned, and that if you've broken one commandment, it is the same as breaking all of the commandments (the whole law). All sin deserves punishment, and God is a just God. He should give you what you deserve -- Hell. However, He died for your sins and took your punishment, so that you can live eternally.
  3. Repent from sins, and change your mind about going your old ways. That means turn away from sin at a heart level and trust and follow Jesus. On the day of Pentecost, Peter stated, "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." (Acts 2:38)
  4. Find a Church that baptizes in the authority of Jesus' Name by His instructions in Matthew 28:19. "Go Ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost..." Upon repentance and faith, God will then impart into you, His Holy Spirit. He will transform you and make you a new creation in Christ Jesus. He wants you to forgive others as you have been forgiven, love others as you are loved, and help others as Jesus also helps you.
  5. Be glad, and rejoice, now that you have been forgiven (because when you ask for His forgiveness, He forgives). Be assured that evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost is that He makes you holy, and gives you gifts according to His own will (see 1 Corinthians 12)!
  6. Stay connected with God. Pray daily: Praying is vital and essential -- even praying for little things such as asking God to help with a test -- and for more serious things such as, asking God to help the doctors figure out what is wrong with someone close to you.
    It’s very exciting to know that Someone is always there for you, and that is Jesus Christ. See examples of God answering our prayers.[1] Read the Bible daily: What kind of relationship is it if you're the only one who talks? You will never know what God is telling you unless you open up His Word and listen in your heart for God to guide you in the right direction. He speaks in a still, small voice but, you'll know it's Him. He can guide you in all things you do.
  7. Remember these verses. JESUS answered, Verily, verily, I say to thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God"(John 3:5) Be born of the Spirit. according to the Bible as God's gift to you. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
  8. When you need help ask Jesus and expect Him to keep His promises. Casting all your cares (problems) upon Him; for He careth for (looks after) you. (1 Peter 5:7)
    • Jesus is someone you can count on. Talk to Him like you would to a friend, a close brother, and tell Him everything. He loves you as his brother or sister, so much that He laid His life down to take your death sentence and died in your place! The Holy Spirit will never leave you: He is your comforter and friend!


  • Jesus said, "I must go away so you may receive the promised Holy Spirit as guide and comfort, who will never leave nor forsake you, but abide with you forever."
  • Jesus is a name that we have been hearing right from the day we were born, though we didn't know at that time who this Great One was. But, as we grew we came to know more about the Son of God, who came for you and for me into this world as a human child and washed away our sins by giving His life on the cross -- who can do so much for us, except Jesus Christ?
  • If Christ loves us so much, we can believe that He will forgive us of our sins. He is the only way to life. Satan is every moment testing us -- but the Lord is every moment calling us nearer Him.
  • Problems never actually come to destroy us, or merely to give us pain: they are to make us stronger for every situation. Jesus, the resurrected one, has the power to overcome death, to cover, forgive and save us from our sins. Just ask, and He will forgive your sins. He also wants you to show forgiveness, love and kindness to others.
  • Believe in the Lord because having faith in Him does work. Trust on Him for a miraculous new beginning, and then He won’t leave your side or let go of your hand. He loves you, and wants to be a part of your life. He can solve your problems, when you see no possible answer, in amazing and unexpected ways! So invite Jesus to come live in your life right now, don't wait.
  • Remember: He died for me, shed his blood for me. I will live for him and worship the Lord in all that I do with faith, trust and hope in my heart.


  • One door may close, but another swings open. A new job, friend, school or career changes, as well as family changes come and go.
  • It's not always easy being a Christian; you will have many joys but, also, trials to face. Such trials only happen to make you stronger, testing your faith. They will either make you or wear on you. Be sure when hard times come that you hang onto Jesus and pray. But, also be sure and thank Him for all your many blessings each day! Prayer works every time. God answers, by events: "Yes." ... "No." ... or "Wait." Don't assume God's silence means "No;" he could be working silently on your case, as you work through it all day by day, so that one day you may see a big difference.
  • It is important to stay separated from the world and to live a holy lifestyle! If we don't live holy, we will not be able to enter into the Kingdom of God. "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord." Hebrews 12:14

Things You'll Need

  • Bible
  • Faith
  • Blood of Jesus Christ applied to your life
  • Obedience to the Word of God

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Sources and Citations