Be Unseen

Are you trying to simply win a paint ball game, or are you running because you're in danger? Either way, this article can help.


  1. Establish rules. If in a game type situation, establish rules such as boundaries, time limits, and base location (if there is one).
  2. Study your surroundings. This is the golden rule. If you can find a discreet, small nook or cranny that you can fit into but isn't too obvious, this will help.
  3. Make your decisions quickly. This will get you to safety faster, saving you crucial time in open view!
  4. Never pick obvious hiding places. This is very important.
  5. Hide. If you are being pressured, try to somehow get behind a person. Pick an out-of-sight hiding place.
  6. Go to the most obvious place in the whole area, but stay hidden, because the seers will only check the least obvious places first. It sounds crazy but it is also proven.
  7. Go to a place that they have already checked, the last thing anyone will do is check twice.
  8. Stay hidden. After hiding you have a choice, let the seeker pass, then remove yourself from your hiding spot and run the other direction; or stay in your chosen spot. If all else fails, run like mad.


  • Be light on your feet. You don't want to be heard while finding a place to hide.
  • Throw things in weird areas so that the sound will confuse those who are trying to find you
  • Make sure your shadow is hidden as well as your person, a common mistake.
  • Moving fast is noticeable, go slow and you will be less noticeable.
  • Scope out the area first. If you see a place that is covered in shadows and you cannot see what is there, neither will your opponents yet you will be able to see them.
  • Avoid eye level. People are not likely to look down, and even less likely to look up.
  • Difficult: If able, watch people who are looking for you from a secure location. When they turn away, hide where they have already looked. Seekers rarely look in places they have already checked.
  • If you're being pressured quickly, always get behind the person seeking people out. This avoids eye contact.
  • Do not let them flush you out. If they are coming your way, do not move. Freeze. If they are making eye contact, run.
  • Set up decoys, making it look like you're hiding in an area you are not.
  • Motion draws the human eye more than anything else
  • When playing at night, always wear dark clothes, preferable dark blue, as black makes you stand out like a silhouette.
  • Wear things similar to your surroundings.
  • Wear camouflage as to not be detected.
  • Don't ever pick a place that has a high risk factor.
  • Know where other people are hiding. While being chased, you may find it a helpful tool to bargain with the chaser for other's locations.
  • Clothing: Wear clothes similar to people you're among, it works like a pack of zebras to confuse people chasing you.
  • Don't giggle or laugh or you'll give away your position.


  • When hiding in small spaces, first make sure there is enough air.
  • Avoid hiding in places that can move with little notice, like a car, a boat, washing machine, dryer, etc.
  • NEVER hide in a refrigerator or freezer. Firstly, if they are plugged in/turned on, they will be very cold and uncomfortable. But more importantly, you can suffocate, as most do not have any way for air to enter. You can also become stuck inside, since most refrigerator/freezer doors are meant to open from the outside only.
  • Hiding is very difficult to do. Some of these ideas might not work.
  • ALWAYS have a safety word while playing for fun, a word that lets the person hiding know that the seeker has given up. A common one is Olly olly oxen free (all-e-all-e-ox-in-free)

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