Be a Creative, Edgy Girl

For the majority of people fitting in and being accepted are very important, to the point of obsession, especially true in the K-12 grades. In real life though, being an interesting person will go the farthest not only in making you attractive, but also in making you personally happy. Nothing is as attractive as smarts and creativity, and one day you might earn your living that way, too. If you find yourself getting bored with the same old same old try these tips for growing into a more developed human being.


  1. Understand that you are changing your personality, not your look. Let go of labeling, if you can. It does not matter how you dress or label yourself, what matters is that you want to do this for you, and what you do. That's what matters.
  2. Examine your motivation. These kinds of changes are not done to become more popular. They are done to enrich your being.
  3. Wear whatever you like. Creative people tend to dress to suit their own personality or what they are currently interested in. They are often style leaders which means they wear things they like, things that appeal to their creative, edgy side, things that may flummox, scare or confuse many people.
  4. Listen to whatever music you want, or, to put another way, listen to music that makes you feel creative and edgy.
  5. Engage in creative pursuits: write songs, poems or stories; sketch pictures; play an instrument or learn how to sing. The sky is the limit.
  6. Be yourself, whether you're sarcastic or unbelievably serious or like sulking in dark corners. Being and cultivating yourself is what this is all about. Doing creative things does not mean you have to stop doing other things you like. If you're edgy and you happen to like cheerleading, go ahead and do it.
  7. Do not be afraid to be the girl who actually has a bunch of fun sometimes - it's perfectly okay to dance as much as you want at a party, have as much fun as you'd like. Creative, edgy people are often the most open-minded, fun loving people.


  • Keep your grades up. Don't be a moron.
  • Not all of your friends have to be edgy! You can make friends with as many preps as you'd like.
  • Goth, punk, emo and creative, edgy girl are not all the same thing.
  • Be yourself.
  • Consider wearing less makeup or have your makeup be "natural", mostly, maybe with black mascara or eyeliner. Walking around with a bunch of makeup on designed to make you look "edgy" can make you look like an idiot.However, others prefer to use their face as a canvas, so feel free to experiment.
  • Avoid swearing. It isn't cool, and you should be intelligent and mature enough to express your feelings without the use of profanity.
  • When people make fun of you, either ignore them or respond with enough sarcasm to have people tease them about it for the next five years or, better yet, earn them a nickname like Dancing Donny the Devilish Dog for the rest of their lives.


  • Don't be a moron, do bad or stupid things just to be seen as a creative, edgy person, because then you're just a moron.
  • All-pink wearing Abercrombie preps are not any worse than you are! You're both human, so don't go and start fights with them because of their clothes. That makes you just like all the idiots who do nothing but dress.
  • Most guys are pretty immature, especially in school, and may not like edgy girls, and yes, this does include edgy guys. Intelligent, confident and creative women will continue to scare men throughout their lives, but not all men. Generally the smarter the man the more interested they are in the real (creative, edgy you) than what people wear or how they talk.
  • Becoming smarter, creative and achieving things is not going to make you popular with the popular people. You might be able to meet some unique people who will be real friends though.
  • With abrupt personality changes many grown ups may begin to worry. You may find your new personality being questioned by more than your peers.
  • There will probably be many people who are offended by your mere presence, from your neighbors to the queen bee popular girl. Ignore them; they just don't get it.
  • One of the types of people who will probably be offended with your very presence is social workers. Just warning you: if you wind up having to meet with one, don't wear skull jewelry.

Things You'll Need

  • Money for supplies.

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