Be a Faithful Christian

God is amazing, and sometimes we might feel like we don't give him enough. This article will give you some tips on being more faithful to God.


  1. Read Your Bible. You should read your Bible twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. If you focus just on God for 5-10 minutes, it really helps. Try to find time to read a verse or two from the Bible, and concentrate on what God is saying in the those verses.
  2. Pray to God. Pray to him when you feel happy, sad, angry, scared, or just bored. Tell him your feelings and don't hold back on it. Not only are you strengthening your relationship with God, but it also really makes you feel better when you have someone to talk to.
  3. What Would Jesus Do? If you have a conflict, even if it is something as simple as, "I wonder if I should eat this last slice of cake?" You should ask yourself if what Jesus would do in this conflict. So, Jesus would probably not take that last slice of cake, but let someone else have it.
  4. Avoid temptation. A lot of times in our lives, we are tempted to do things we know we shouldn't do. Even though it's hard, the best thing to do is avoid it. Just walk away if the temptation is hard, and if it just keeps coming, pray to God to help lift your temptation, and find something to distract yourself. If someone is peer pressuring you to do something that isn't right, you should just tell them to stop, and walk away from it.
  5. Go to church. It doesn't matter what type of Christian you are. There is a church out there for you. Attend any services you can, and make sure you take notes on the sermon. Also, attending a Sunday School helps, too. Most churches have Sunday Schools for adults and kids.


  • Regular confession is a great practice.
  • Sometimes, one of the greatest temptations is wandering away from God. Don't worry, though. If you ever find that happening, just pray to God and fight the temptation!
  • You can find books specially created for devotion. You can read a chapter a day, and follow any instructions the book has to give.
  • Talk to other Christians who seek advise and help them.
  • If there is a sin that you keep committing, and you know in your heart that it's wrong and is stopping you from having a real relationship with God, confess your sins to God and repent!!


  • Don't become lazy and forget to do these things. Write a note, or frequently remind yourself to stand firm in your faith.
  • Don't overdo it. If you do, you could become like the Pharisees in the Bible, doing those things just for publicity, and to show people that you are a Christian. After all, God does say that he rewards people who worship him in secret.

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