Be a Genius Nerd

This article explains how to become (or try to become) a nerd and act like a genius - the classic type. Read this to be the top in class.


  1. Choose your everyday clothes. Being a nerd isn't limited to wearing braces, suspenders, or glasses. You can wear anything you please, but demure clothing is preferable. If you do want to appear nerdy, conservative clothing, glasses, messenger bags, and neutral colors are generally accepted. It is also preferable to have natural beauty, as it can signify confidence and an interest in matters more important than your appearance.
  2. Do not read trending magazines or books. Read magazines of your choice. Take an interest in mathematics, science, poetry, or classic novels. Constantly expand your knowledge. You should read magazines like Knowledge by BBC, The Smithsonian and Popular science.
  3. Learn how to write fast and neat. Practice writing neatly in both cursive and print. This will help to make less errors, and get better grades. Remember, you're graded on your grammar and punctuation!
  4. Try not to watch reality TV or popular shows. Try educational television if necessary, good examples would be "PBS Create", the Science Channel, the Discovery Channel, or the History channel.
  5. Have, at the least, one complete set of encyclopedias at home. Put it in a place where everybody can see it. If you want it to really be convincing, make a whole bunch of the pages dog-eared so that it looks well-worn.
  6. Your room should be slightly messy, but not with toys and video game systems. It should have crinkled-up papers with writing on them, and books. For suggestions, see step two as well.
    • Your books do not have to be all nonfiction, as some fictional works greatly increase vocabulary. All books are welcome, the key is to have a large interest in them and become knowledgeable.
  7. Increase your vocabulary and use it! Try not to be verbose, substitute some words (threw, building, bored) for those less commonly used (lunged, edifice, ennui). Make sure there's someone around to appreciate your vocabulary, otherwise those around you may become annoyed.
  8. Ponder everything. If at any point you're not pondering, you need to try harder. Question yourself first and the world around you. Don't be afraid to ask others for their answer. Be ready to accept it and even adopt it if it's better than yours.
  9. Learn your proper "nerdy" habits in class. If a challenging problem is asked by the teacher, rivet your eyes on the calculator, while clutching the device as close to you as you can manage, and press the keys non-stop. If in English class you are called to write an essay, always tap the edge of your writing utensil on your head. Having these idiosyncrasies may help you.
  10. Join the nerd industry! Nerds can often make a lot of money by tutoring.
  11. Study at night to get into advanced classes. Try very hard to excel in academia.
  12. Read ahead in every literature book.
  13. How high you put your bag depends on the school you're in and even the country. If low hanging bags are fashion, put it up as high as possible.


  • To be a nerd, you have to be very observant, as to catch faulty logic and other things similar to that.
  • When walking, carry around books. A nerd is always prepared with books to read, and if you have too many, use a backpack.
  • Do not care what everybody thinks, be individualistic.
  • Make sure your colors match, but in certain places, like accessories.
  • Try to excel in Mathematics. Math would be very useful for you in your future.
  • Carrying a notebook and pencil to write down ideas is a good idea.
  • Keep carefully notes in class. It will help you study for a test, and to gets As.
  • Try and keep records for your academic progress. Get a binder, have seperate folders for schoolwork, and a notebook to keep track.
  • If somebody talks to you in class, you should act as if you're focusing on your work, but still look up occasionally.
  • Keep reading and studying. Delve into all kinds of new realms of fiction and non-fiction to improve your vocabulary, artistry and knowledge.


  • Not everyone in your life will relish your nerdiness. Some may even taunt, boo, or try to convince you that no, you have it wrong — nerds are not considered "cool" by most. Whatever you do, do not listen to them.
  • If being a nerd is not you, don't force yourself to become one. There is nothing worse than a person who is not their true self.
  • If you want to be a computer nerd, don't use Internet Explorer. It is too mainstream, true nerds resent that. Good web browsers are Firefox and Google Chrome. Never refer to either web browser by their full name, IE FF and GC are the popular acronyms for the three.
  • Don't become so consumed with your obsession that you lose sight of reality.
  • If you constantly mock others who are less clever than you, they could get their friends to harass you, or do it themselves.
  • Please do not change because of bullying. Get help if a kid is teasing you because of one of your traits.
  • Don't be a know-it-all. If you have to point out a mistake or a faulty logic, do it politely and discretely. If you are constantly correcting others, other people may think that you are trying too hard and you are snobbish and rude.

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