Be Smart and Cool at the Same Time
Many people think that if you're a straight-A student or you like making computer programs, you are a nerd. However, you can be smart and cool at the same time. This guide will teach you how to transform from nerdy to cool without changing your Stop Lying About Your Interests to Impress a Boy.
- Analyze the situation. How nerdy are you? Are you a nerd at all? We're not talking about how smart you are. You need to figure out how people perceive you, for the most part. Slightly dorky, but mostly cool? A normal kid with a geeky side? A total social outcast? Someone you wouldn't expect to have good grades? Don't let what you find out in this step get you down or make you arrogant. Others' opinion of you isn't the end of the world. We are just using it as a tool for your personal development. Besides, you're not really "nerdy." You're just smart and you happen to be capable of forming interests without the validation of the mainstream.
- Learn to listen. Sometimes you might not notice that you are talking and think that people are actually interested but they are annoyed or bored. If you can't think of anything to say ask a question that is not too lame. Most people like to talk about themselves. It's good to be talkative and able to hold up a conversation, but make sure to let the other person or people speak - really listen when they are talking. Practice your speaking skills with people you feel comfortable with, like a sibling or neighbor.
- Do not talk too much about your personal life. If someone asks what you like to do for fun, don't lie. Just answer honestly (no matter how geeky the answer is). But do not go into much detail. For example, if you like to make web-pages, don't say "I make the best web-pages without even using any programs. I make them with NotePad because I memorized HTML and I'm fluent in JavaScript, and I hate how the Make a Website Using a Web Editing Program editors force you to conform (conformity is so mainstream) and to relax I like to play MMORPGS, Warcraft on the Dalaran server, to be specific, blah-blah-blah." Just say, "I like to use the computer and play videogames." If they ask you specifically, say "I make websites", or "I like to play Warcraft". Don't go into details, unless you're asked, because most people don't care. They're just making conversation (something you'll soon be doing). If you play a sport or do something else in your free time, like go shopping, go to the beach, watch movies or eat at your favorite restaurant, you might want to mention that too, in order to downplay your "nerdy" hobbies. Make sure you ask them what they like to do, as most people are quite happy to talk about themselves.
- Avoid getting obsessed with things that don't really matter. For example, do not care about your post count on any forum. Or don't care about your page views. The point of Use the wikiHow Forums/communities are to share thoughts, ask questions and discuss topics, not have 65,405 posts and 485 topics with 6,584 replies. Life is too short to freak out about stuff like that. Go outside and get some fresh air or learn to play an instrument instead of wasting your time with that. And if it really is that important to you, you probably don't want to mention that to most people.
- Do not brag. Do not try to say that you are better than someone through bragging. You think you're being cool, but bragging is annoying, and that makes you annoying. Don't be a know-it-all who always corrects people's grammar and ideas either.
- Do not do pointless things that other people label as "cool." For example, care more about knowledge than your grades. Fail rather than cheat. Have some integrity and class!
- Disregard what some idiots think about you. Don't even respond if someone insults you (unless you want to look up some snippy comebacks). You know that you're cool. Don't lower your mentality to theirs! If they keep bothering you, you can walk away, or use one of those snippy comebacks and then walk away.
- Have good hygiene. Nothing screams "NERD!" like gunky teeth, greasy hair and too-small clothes. It is kind of sad that people place so much importance on looks, but it is the truth. For right now, it's best to just stay healthy and clean for wellness's sake. Shower daily, brush your teeth, floss, wear deodorant/antiperspirant and brush your hair. You might want to save up for money to buy new clothes if you are sick of people making fun of yours. You don't have to buy exactly what the "popular" kids wear, but something stylish and flattering works fine. Ask a friend if you need help. If you have glasses that you think detract from your appearance a lot, you can always try contacts. If you can't wear contacts for some reason (sensitive corneas, for instance), don't worry about it. Plenty of really cool and smart people wear glasses. And don't worry about people thinking braces are dorky. See all those perfectly straight teeth on the movie stars? Most of those have had to deal with years of orthodontic treatment.
- Try to be balanced. Do you have a mighty brain but weak and uncoordinated muscles? Build up your strength and stamina through Care About Sports or other daily physical activities. Studies show that daily exercise improves your brain and your mood.
- Dress cool! You can be a nerd in the inside just don't show it! Wear cool stuff out side! But be smart!
- Be an easy to talk to person. People like to be able to talk to someone smart without having to feel stupid. If someones asks you something really simple to you like, "What is pi?" don't say "I'm not telling". You'll just become a total jerk and super uncool. Say something like "Here, I'll show you" and when you've explained it in an easy form, say, "It seems hard but it's really not" and when they thank you say "Any time!" This makes you a likeable person that can help people a gain new perspective. And if people start taking advantage of you, all the better! You could show the fact that you're a self-reliant kid, and you can stick up for your self by saying something like, "I'm here to help you, not to baby you".
- Don't care what anyone thinks! Have fun and be you.
- Try to be more interesting and listen more than you talk!
- Always try to learn from other people. Never assume that you know everything because you don't!
- Make friends with people of all kinds!
- If your friends don't like the way you really are then they are not friends. Friends are people that support you for being you.
- Just be yourself!!! Don't be someone you are not, you are more likely to get friends if you are honest.😀
- Always be truthful.
- Be nice to people help them and they might like you and do the same. Just ignore bystanders.
- It takes time for people to understand the new you, so don't expect overnight miracles.
- If you think you may have an Internet addiction or are obsessed with your computer, consider taking some time out from it or seek help.