Be a Girl Spy
Have you ever thought that males are the best and only spies? Think again because females can be good spies as well. Read this article to find out how you can become a female spy.
- Carry a handbag. While it may not seem like a big deal, it can serve as an inconspicuous place to store your spy gear. This will give you a good advantage when you spy on people. You will have your gadgets close by your side, and your hands will be free. Do not label it; this will only attract attention to your bag.
- Purchase a small handbag to avoid attracting attention. Make sure it is big enough to hold your gadgets. Refrain from using large, clumsy handbags.
- To keep your hands free, obtain a bag with a strap that can be slung across your chest.
- Use girl talk to your advantage. Studies show that women talk about three times as much as men do, which is very helpful to female spies. Simply insert yourself into a group of girls and listen for the information you need. If need be, shift the conversation towards the desired subject. Words and text speak that girls are well known (such as "OMG" or "LOL") can be used as secret code.
- Create your own hand signals and codes. Practice these with your fellow agents until all of you know them well. You may also want to make an item with all of the motions to have a quick reminder in case you forget. Do not make it a piece of paper or poster; instead, mark everything on a scarf or the inside of your bag. If you make it a paper, people will want to read it and possibly see your secret.
- Take advantage of stereotypes. Most people believe the quieter people are more likely to be the spies, as spies tend to stay in the shadows. However, the popular, outgoing females frequently receive attention. Therefore, throw yourself in the public eye, and no one will suspect you're a spy.
- Form a secret hideout, preferably in an inconspicuous area. Be sure only you and your fellow agents are aware of the location. Have basic supplies stored in there (ex: food, water, medicine, etc.) to use in case of an emergency.
- Spy on your targets. Keep at a distance from them, and always have a cover story or an excuse at hand (ex: "I'm in a foreign government's embassy because [insert reason]."). There is always a chance that someone catches you spying, even though you didn't plan for them to.
- Get gadgets. The spy gear kit at Target includes: DVD holder, secret compartment, flashlight, darts, periscope, and a motion detector. There are other gadgets too, such as the spy gear ear flashlight and the spy gear camera car. Spend your money only on the basic necessities.
- To be a good spy, carry a small weapon (ex: pencil/pen), small purse, global cell phone, extra cash, and appropriate identification.
- If you're spotted, hide your face behind a magazine or book. Do not hurry and quickly hide, though; this will seem awkward and make you even more suspicious. You could also pretend to be taking clothes to the changing rooms at a store or browsing a rack of shirts at the mall. Your targets will automatically label you as another girl at the mall.
- Be aware that you are in the world of spies now. To live in a world of spies, one must be a spy. You can no longer behave a regular citizen, and you must always be on the lookout for danger.
- Team up when you're planning and carrying out missions. It's safer and more fun to work with agents. It's recommended to allow your trustworthy friends to become your fellow agents, but they must be able to keep secrets. If someone you know is a good friend but has spilled the beans before, you should question yourself before recruiting them.
- Have at least one male partner at your side during missions. He may be able to access certain places that you cannot (ex: the men's bathroom). Additional strength can also come in handy. However, he must agree before recruiting.
- Listen carefully. Learn to keep your ears open for important information. It may come at unpredictable times. Avoid getting easily distracted, and remember to observe your surroundings. Use peripheral vision to your advantage.
- Plan your missions and disguises. All spies are masters of disguise. This doesn't mean dressing in camouflage; it means blending into crowded places and fitting in. Your goal is to remain undetected and not stand out from the crowd. Dress appropriately for the place you are heading to (ex: wear a bathing suit when you head to the beach).
- When heading out at night, just wear normal clothes.
- Several other ideas for disguises are:
- Dressing up as a girl from another state or area
- Posing as a skateboarder in the park
- Carrying bags full of random items to give off the appearance that you went grocery shopping
- Play the part you dress up as. If you're a beach girl from the warm parts of America, appear occupied with your cell phone and give off a friendly air by smiling. However, as you follow your target around, change your appearance each time you go to a new place. This way, your suspect won't recognize you.
- Be prepared. You might encounter something you're not aware of.
- Always have a notebook with you to jot down any interesting information you might discover.
- Be subtle when following your suspect, and don't make it obvious.
- For example, if you are following your suspect for more than a few days, your disguise will have to vary greatly from day to day. Key items to have handy to cover your identity are different hats and a pair of sunglasses. Constantly change your hairstyle, makeup, and clothing style. After you are done, a good option would be to not wear those clothes you just wore for a few months, or wear only certain pieces of the outfit every once in a few days.
- If there is a certain person that you are trying to spy on, get as much information on this person as possible. Know their daily schedule so you can follow them around easily. It would also be helpful to know some background information about them.
- Good cover stories should always be well-planned.
- Have a voice changer handy.
- Form a group of friends to help you, as distributing tasks will lighten your load.
- Girly magazines (Seventeen, Covergirl, etc.) give great advice on spying.
- Obtain a pair of sunglasses when going undercover, as it will hide your face without raising suspicion among others.
- Wear black once in a while.
- Always blend in!
- Do not do anything illegal. If you "spy" on someone, it may actually be "stalking". Be a spy, not a stalker.
- Keep a note book and pen handy, plus its a good cover story, saying that you are doing a research project.
- You must hide the fact that you are a spy as much as possible. If a non-agent finds out, everything will backfire and fail. Don't flee the scene if you're recognized because if you get caught, people will know something is up.
- If you feel that at any point someone is suspecting you and/or is on your trail, go to the nearest crowded area. That way, they won't be able to distinguish you from all the people, and they will be unable to reach you easily.
- Never spy on the police.
- Don't go on a mission without a cover story.
- In this field, you always run the risk of getting caught.
Things You'll Need
- A notebook
- Pencil/pen
- A good camera
- Video camera
- A mobile phone
- A purse
- Sunglasses
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