Be a Girl Spy Kid
So you think only boys could be spies? Just because they only sell the cool gadgets for the boys, it doesn't mean you can't be a spy girl!
- Buy a tiny notebook in a color that you like. It should be about two to four inches. Buy some stickers and put them on the cover. Do not write anything like "My spy clues" or "My spy notebook" on the cover. This is the biggest mistake you could make! Instead, you could put "Homework Notes" or something boring that doesn't attract people like "Notes on How Garlic Day Came to Be".
- Get some friends to join you. It is nicer to get a small group (2-4 people) than a big group (5-10). Make sure they all have what they need.
- Don't trust friends that have been hanging out with a person you don't like. They could be passing on information to the enemy.You never want that to happen there could be consequences.
- Get some pencils/pens. Bring some extra lead if it is a mechanical pencil. Bring erasers and pencil sharpeners.
- Have a secret bag. It does not have to be much bigger than a normal bag, but it should have places where you can hide items.
- Make a code. Such as A=1 and B=2 C=3 and more.
- Make invisible ink. Get some lemon juice and put it in a bottle to use as ink. To activate the lemon juice ink, heat the paper gently, being careful not to scorch or burn the paper.
- If you have a group, meet up during recess. Or after school at your house in a secret place.
- Have a base of all operations. This could be your bedroom or a clubhouse.
- Hide your notes and notebooks! Hide them in a locked safe or a location that no one is likely to "happen upon". Make sure that you "cover your tracks" when storing or retrieving your spy notebook. That is, make sure no one is watching you so that suspicion might be aroused.
- Make a mission log. You need to know what your fellow spies are doing and how.
- Blend in with your surroundings. Use camouflage!
- Decide on your rank and the ranks of your cohorts. Titles could be "the leader", "the brainiac", "the stealth" and "the jazz".
- Best missions are similar to: Find out more about your parent's friends or find out about anything at school that's suspicious.
- Have a good explanation for everything. This takes a lot of practice, inventiveness, preparation and rehearsing.
- Be ultra-careful about anything you tell your friends. They could be a double agent and be passing the information to the enemy.
- For a base, you can use anything, even a closet, if it has some room.Try to keep it in a secret place!
- Give your companions each a name and a nickname!
- Have a stainless steel water bottle just in case you must flee and hide for an extended period of time. (Always be safe!)
- If you ever feel threatened, tell a trusted adult.
- Make sure not to spy on anyone you don't know. Better safe than sorry!
- Have too much fun!
- Work alone. Go solo if it suits your style.
- If you have to, pretend to join the enemy.
- If you have a base don't write "Spy Base" or your cover will be blown.
- Use dark colors for dressing.
- Make sure you are never ever noticed by the person you are spying on.
- Pretend to be friends with the enemy.
- If you're starting a spy club only let trusted people know.
- Wear black clothes at night for espionage.
- Always pay attention to the people around you. You never know what to expect!
- Better ask forgiveness than permission.
- Ask for help from a sibling. They could be helpful!
- Never tell anyone your identity! If you're in class make sure your team mates call you by your name.
Things You'll Need
- Notebook
- Pencils/pens
- Lemon juice
- Companion(s) (optional)
- Secret clubhouse or hiding spot.
- Candles and flashlight
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