Be a Good Librarian

Picking a job for you can be hard, but maybe doing it can be tricky too. If you pick a job as a librarian and you are a bit nervous and scared, then read on.


  1. Know how libraries work. Most libraries use the Dewey Decimal System, so study up on it. Fiction books are typically organized by the author's last name, so find out what goes where: for instance, know what to do when a name is hyphenated or has a prefix (the "Mc" in McCann or the "di" in "DiAngelo").
    • Know what jobs librarians must do. You might not be responsible for all of them (unless your library is small), but it's best to have a working knowledge of each. A librarian's daily tasks may include:
      • Reshelving (putting back newly-returned books)
      • Checking books in and out (usually with an electronic scanner; some libraries, however, might use older methods, like stamping)
      • Shelf-Reading (going through all the books on their shelves to make sure they're all in the right place)
      • Running events and activities (there are often programs at libraries for people of all ages, such as book clubs and craft-making)
      • Running a certain department (such as Nonfiction or Children's books)
      • Finding requested books (updated libraries might have an online catalog, which people can use to order books from nearby libraries)
      • Processing new books (a new book needs a bar code, classification, and entry into the catalog)
      • Help patrons find books
    • Most libraries have computerized systems to keep track of their books. Make sure you know how the most popular systems work, and have an understanding of exactly how to use them.
    • In any particular library, different types of books will be in different areas. Make sure you know where to find Nonfiction, Young Adult, Adult Fiction, and so on- not just to direct people who are new to your library, but also to make jobs like reshelving much easier on you.
  2. Read, read, read. Sometimes patrons will ask for a recommendation or if you have a book that covers a certain topic. It's good to know your library's books so you can help patrons as much as possible.
  3. Get to know your patrons. At a small library, you're likely to see the same people come in over time. Even at larger libraries, there are "regulars" who you'll see quite often. Know the tastes of people who come in frequently so you can suggest new books to them. Also know who tends to cause trouble or return books late.
    • You've probably seen or read about the stereotypical librarian, a frowning old woman with glasses who hisses "shh!" if you so much as whisper. Don't be that librarian. Be welcoming. Smile at people, ask them if they found everything they wanted, and stay positive.
  4. Dress the part. No need to dress in gray, stiff shirts; you'll need to be comfortable throughout the day. However, don't wear a t-shirt and cutoff shorts, either. Dress business casual: for women, a sweater or blouse with a skirt, slacks, or nice pair of jeans will do. For men, a polo or comfortable button-up with khakis or pants would work.
    • Make sure you have comfortable shoes. You might think a librarian sits behind a desk all day, but there is quite a bit of walking involved. No high heels for ladies and no brand-new dress shoes for men.
    • Avoid wearing jewelry that jingles or clinks together. This is quite noticeable in the quiet of a library.
  5. Learn from mistakes. Even the best librarians mess up. If you make a mistake, stay calm. Admit guilt and/or apologize if the situation requires it.
  6. Learn from others. If you have a former or current librarian as a friend or partner, ask them for advice. They'll probably have a few tips and helpful anecdotes of their own.
  7. Interact with the library staff. Be kind and friendly. As with any work situation, it's helpful to be on good terms with your coworkers.


  • Be on time.
  • Being nice to patrons doesn't mean letting a fine slide. Be firm when you need to, but never disrespectful.

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