Be a Good Resident Advisor

Resident assistants and advisors wear many hats. One of them is helping to sort out conflicts between roommates and dorm neighbors. This is no easy task, but keeping in mind some general approaches and steps for conflict mediation can make the job go much more smoothly.


  1. Prepare for anything. Prepare to ask questions about situations that effect roommates. Mentally prepare yourself to handle drastic responsibilities about changing roommates. In order to completely fulfill this section, practice conflict mediation with relatives and close friends and feel your comfort level.
    • Have friends or roommates come over and pretend to be the residents. Ask residents questions like why do you think this is happening? How can you try to avoid this in the future? Let them state their opinions and figure out ways they can work together.
  2. Be serious. Don't take this as a joke. Residents expect 100% trustworthiness and they want to see if you can take them seriously.
  3. Relax. If you've practiced and know what is coming, don't be nervous. You're prepared for the worst. Don't make the situation worse by adding to the negative atmosphere.
  4. Make your residents feel comfortable. Give them a warm and welcoming environment to talk in confidence and to relax the atmosphere.
  5. Keep an open door policy, even when you are busy. Allow things to be shared instead of letting it escalate.
  6. Be prepared to drop what you are doing to assist residents and help in issues. Things happen at any time of the day.
  7. Build a community. Make everyone feel at home on a daily basis
