Be a Hipster in High School

If you feel like this is you, this is a guide to become the new you.


  1. Know that you will be hated by some. Everyone these days seem to think being a hipster is a bad thing, and will likely make fun of you, or be rude to you. The key is to be yourself and forget what they think.
  2. Stop shopping at Hollister, AĆ©ropostale, etc. Be different, without being over the top. Good places to shop at to get your clothes are thrift shops and second-hand stores.
  3. Go against the negative stereotypes. There are stereotypes that Hipsters are rude, mean, sarcastic,etc. Prove people they're wrong. Be someone to admire. Be nice, kind, and just be yourself.
  5. Get into music. Music is a big part of hipsters...go out and see some bands! Many hipsters enjoy listening to indie rock bands and singers, like Courtney Barnett and Franz Ferdinand.
  6. Get out and do good in your community.
  7. Act mature.
  8. Don't be a poser. Being a poser isn't cool...just edge your way slowly in instead of dumping everything to become this person.
  9. Find others like you!
  10. Be strong-willed in your opinions.


  • Don't be rude to people, or make fun of them for who they nice, kind, and open and put down those stupid rumours of hipsters being artificial lazy people.
  • Some people will hate you.But don't let them get to you.

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