Be a Successful Non Profit CEO

There are 1.5 million nonprofit organizations just in the United States. But what does it take to be a successful nonprofit leader? According to the Nonprofit Cheerleader, every day the successful nonprofit leader must 1) Get Ready, 2) Get Set and 3) Go! This is not as simple as it sounds.


  1. Get ready. As the industry changes to meet the demands for social change the successful nonprofit leader must be "Ready". If you are spending more time putting out today's bush fires (and they will be there count on that) you will not be prepared for the 3 alarm fire down the road. Stay connected and informed about your industry, trends and research. Stay connected to the corporate and political activity you must be ready to adapt and adjust.
  2. Get set. Based on the information you have from Step #1, ask yourself, what do I need to do today to make sure my organization is set for the future? There is always something that you, only the leader can do. Develop new relationship, explore a cross-sector partnership, and take necessary action to expand or contract. Do not let the workday end without knowing you spent some time "Getting Set".
  3. Go! Social change requires your full undivided attention. As long as you are the leader you are implementing the mission of the organization now, today in this moment. See the people you need to see, get the resources your organizations needs to operate, the successful nonprofit leader is unique because you are committed to social change, taking on the big, the bad and ugly and making life better for those other than yourself! There is nothing "nice" about it, it is hard and lonely work. But it is the most important leadership role there is.

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