Rise to the Top in Business


  1. Be a good thinker. You need to have a vision, for example " If you wanted to start out small and found a clothing line, you would need to start thinking of the: linen, textile, colors, people you would need etc. NOTE: not only this but will power will help you do this.
  2. Have a plan, make a team. If you have regions in your business, look towards those regions. Pick out key people who you see are putting their potential to work or showing that they have potential. The more skilled people you have in your group, the more likely it will be that other employees and outsiders notice you and support you in your rise to the top.
  3. Get organized. Look at skill sets and put people in the occupations and positions they need to be in.  Make sure you divide resources equally and "everyone gets a piece of the cake". Even though you are the head leader, it is still fair share between your group.