Be a Tough Biker

He leads his group back to their territory. Has a jacket or vest with a rad logo on and a lot of patches on the front. Body full of tattoos and scars. Don't mess with him. He's a tough biker, and you want to be like him.


  1. Protect your family and friends. As the saying goes, when one goes down, we're here to help. Loyalty is key.
  2. Don't talk much. You got to know when you have to keep your mouth a rest. But if you got something to say, then say it.
  3. Behave yourself. Don't ask stupid questions about or touch another person's woman, bike or colors (colors mean patches in biker language). You will end up with a broken nose and a black eye.
  4. Be loyal. As said in the first step, loyalty is King. Don't let anyone hurt your loved ones in any way.
  5. Be kind to women and children. But don't take crap from anyone. You wouldn't let your woman take control of your life would you?
  6. Follow your leader. If you are a member of an outlaw motorcycle club, make sure you don't get lost when riding in a pack, or if you are the leader, make sure everyone stays behind you.
  7. Break the rules. To be a biker, you don't necessarily have to be a criminal but be a rebel and break the rules you want to..
  8. Listen to other people. You don't always know when people say something very IMPORTANT.
  9. Learn to fight. You could go to a fight sport or like most bikers, join the military. Just something to protect yourself and others.


  • Don't forget manners. Being a jerk just makes people think of you as a poser. Be respectful and understanding to people but don't let anyone disrespect you

Things You'll Need

  • Attitude. You got to have confidence and self esteem. Don't let anyone step on your toes or touch your lady, colors, bike etc.
  • Biker slang. You will call a car a cage, a sport-bike a crotch rocket, your wife/girlfriend Will be your "old lady" and your patches will be called "colors".

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