Be a Walmart Door Greeter
Being a Walmart people greeter can be a tough job. Especially overnight if you're working at a 24-hour Super Center. Depending on the amount of theft in your store your position may be called either People Greeter or Asset Protection Customer Host (APCH). The positions are very similar.
- Be sure to keep all distractions (smartphone, mp3 player, etc) at bay. Especially when management or a CSM (Customer Service Manager) is walking around, you don't want them catching you playing around with a cell phone or MP3 player.
- Be courteous, look at your customer when greeting them, and smile. You don't have to say "Welcome to Walmart!" if you think it sounds cheesy, instead, you can say "Hello, how are you?" or "how are you doing?" instead.
- Familiarize yourself with sticker applying procedures. Throughout the day you may have to peel those little "happy faces" off the roll and applying them to various customers throughout the day. Your fingers/hands will likely take an abuse so make sure you properly stretch and exercise the fingers. NOTE: most customers will not want a sticker so your next option would be to tear a few off the roll of stickers.
- Check receipts, especially if you notice a customer carrying an item that isn't contained in a bag. You should always check anyway, but do not overdo this, you don't want to stress yourself out if you miss a few customers here or there, this will happen and this is normal. Some rush out the door, some stop and hand you a receipt if you ask them, and some customers are angry either way, so be careful.
- Use Express Returns in SMART to issue a return label if a customer has a return, provided you have an MC40 or TC70. If you do not have one of these, just write them up. Write your initials, the date, how many items they have and you should be golden.
- When the store is not busy, you should work on keeping the vestibule (area between the two sets of doors) clean by cleaning the windows by the entrance doors, straightening nearby shelves, sweeping, etc. Basically whatever you can do to keep yourself from being bored. Remember that management will be watching you and, whatever you can do to help them out will be a really big help to them, because they have a lot of responsibility, so you should treat this job as important as any other.
- Remember: you have it really easy, don't mess up! This is by far the easiest job in the store. You have it made, and you're making money to stand around, even more overnight. Not too shabby. It is going to get boring, but my suggestion to you would be to grin and bear it until something better comes your way.
- Be sure to notice the regular customers who come often, as they will trust in you over time.
- Don't be shy! Always be friendly, greet as many people as you can, and be polite and humble in doing so.
- Always smile as customer enters upon premises even if they appear to be angry and do not smile at you.
- Make sure to keep your area neat & tidy, as management will recognize you for this as well.
- Talk with customers as well, they can be comforting to talk to sometimes as well.
- If somebody asks you a question about where an item is located, and you're not sure, refer them to a cashier who might know.
- Fun fact: Did you know that the door greeter was rolled out to all stores in 1983?
- Talk with your co-workers around you, it will help to pass time, and you might learn a thing or two about them, or you might become good friends, you never know.
- If you're worried about bad breath, then use a mint such as green or blue Icebreakers, that's what I recommend because it dissolves in your mouth and also helps to keep you awake.
- Always show up on time on your scheduled days, if you don't, you may be seen as unreliable by management and they may fire you, and you most certainly want to avoid that whenever possible, as other career opportunities within the store open up to you.
- NEVER give a customer an attitude, if they give you an attitude, especially when you check their receipt, tell them in a calm and polite manner that it is your job to do so, and that they can speak with management if they have an issue.
- DO NOT harass other greeters about the way they are doing their jobs, especially if they're older, so leave them alone, and treat others how you would like to be treated. Just talk to them and give them company, they have probably been lonely and need somebody to talk to about their day perhaps. Who knows what kinds of stories they may have during 1st-2nd shift transition.
- You will get made fun of for doing this job, especially if you're a young adult (18-20's or so), so expect this. Just brush it off; it is going to happen often.
- NEVER talk bad about anybody, especially your co-workers, because they will be the ones to complain to management if you do say anything negative to them.