Be an Analyst
This article lets one to analyze anything completely and systematically through the indestructible properties which can be discovered through each of those one could analyze.
- Investigate the divisibility property which is discoverable through each of those you could analyze. Divisibility is the property without which one can neither be a part nor be a whole. 'Divisibility' should not be confused with 'division'. Note: Divisibility is the property and division is not a property.Nothing can be quantified in an indivisible universe.
- Investigate the comparability property which is discoverable through each of those you could analyze. Comparability is the property without which one can neither be an equivalence nor be a difference.
- Investigate the connectivity property which is discoverable through each of those you could analyze. Connectivity is the property without which one can neither be a link nor be a limit. Note: The one without any connection to others has no limits. One has no limits in the absence of the other ones.
- Investigate the disturbability property which is discoverable through each of those you could analyze. Disturbability is the property without which one can neither be an influence nor be a sensation.
- Investigate the reorderability property which is discoverable through each of those you could analyze. Reorderability is the property without which one can neither be an origin nor be a derivative.
- Investigate the substitutability property which is discoverable through each of those you could analyze. Substitutability is the property without which one can neither be a substitute nor be misfit.
- Investigate the satisfiability property which is discoverable through each of those you could analyze. Satisfiability is the property without which one can neither be a requirement nor be a fulfillment.
One would become a perfect analyst by learning to discover and investigate these indestructible properties.
Illustrative examples are given below.
Terms of reference
Analysis: an investigation of the component parts of a whole and their relations in making up the whole, the abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts in order to study the parts and their relations, the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it.
- Divisibility: divisible, part, component, constituent, element, factor, fraction, fragment, ingredient, member, quantum, section, sector, segment, division, piece, portion, compartment, region, domain, whole, entire.
- Comparability:comparable, comparison, analogy, homology, homolog,clone, carbon-copy, analog, analogous, resembling, resemblance, alike, similar, same, sameness, identical, equal, similarly, equally, synonymous, equivalence, equivalent, different, difference, unique, unlike, dissimilar, distinct,
- Connectivity: connectable, connection, relation, link, bond, bind, associate, attachment, interconnection, hookup, joining, joint, junction, ligament, ligation, relationship, tie, combine, fasten, affix, append, integrate, dependent, independent, concatenate, detach, disconnect, remove, unfasten, disjoin, isolation, separation, limit, boundary, definite
- Disturbability: disturbable, disturbance, affect, disturb, force, pull, push, act upon, arouse, induce, perturb, excite, incite, inspire, rouse, stimulate, stimuli, stimulant, compel, cause, response, effect
- Reorderability: reorderable, order, form, formation, reformation, disorder, transformation, alteration, conversion, metamorphosis, transfiguration, transmogrification, transmutation, refitting, remodeling, mutation, reshaping, transmutation, permutation, reconstruction, reconstruction, regeneration, process, derivation, transition, transition state, state transition, transpose, recombination
- Substitutability: instead, rather, instead of, as an alternative to, in lieu of, in place of, rather than, preferably, in preference, otherwise, either, else, or, possibilities, opt, option, randomness (absence of preference), substitutable, substitute, misfit, unfit, unadoptable, appropriateness, suitable, relevance, relevant, inappropriateness,
- Satisfiability:satisfiable, need, requirement, demand, want, desire, wish, fulfill, fulfillment, success, perfect, error free, imperfect, error, failure, achievement, attainment, complete, verifiable, satisfy
Example 1. How to Analyze a Computer
- Can divisibility be discovered through a computer? Yes. A computer can be divided into its parts like CPU, Circuits, displays, power supplies, cables, keyboards, printers, mice, bios, software and the computer, itself is a part of our life.
- Can comparability be discovered through a computer? Yes. A computer is comparable to the other things. Certain things like calculator are similar to it. What are similar to a computer? What are different from a computer? Computers are classified on the basis of comparison as: Personal Computer, Workstation, Video Game Console, Server, Client, Mainframe Computer, Supercomputer, Handheld Computer, PDA, Smart Phone, Portable Media Player, and Microcontroller
- Can connectivity be discovered through a computer? Yes. The parts of a computer are interconnected through the buses. The computer itself can be connected to the other computers through LAN, WAN, Internet. How the parts of a computer are interconnected? How a computer is connected to the external world?
- Can disturbability be discovered through a computer? Yes. There are several factors which affect (disturb) the computer and its functions. What are the things that disturb the computer and its functions? Low voltages interrupt computer functions and can damage electronic equipment.
- Can reorderability be discovered through a computer? Yes. The computer in operation transforms itself through several states. The parts of the computer can also be reordered. How a computer can be redesigned?
- Can substitutability be discovered through a computer? Yes. The present day computer can be substituted by other devices in the days to come. The computer itself is a substitute to other devices. What would substitute a computer? What are substituted by a computer?
- Can satisfiability be discovered through a computer? Yes. The computer satisfies some of our needs and the computer itself is in need for further development. What are our needs that are satisfied by a computer?
Example 2. How to Analyze a Cell
- Can divisibility be discovered through a cell? Yes. A cell can be divided into its constituent parts like plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleoplasm, nucleus, chromosome, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, chloroplast, ribosomes, lysosomes. A cell itself is a part of the organism.
- Can comparability be discovered through a cell? Yes. A cell can be compared to other other cells. Certain cells are similar to the cell under study while other cells are different. What are similar to a cell? What are different from a cell? Cells are classified on the basis of comparison as: prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells, animal cells, plant cells, epithelial cells, germ cells, totipotent cells, stem cells, white blood cells, red blood cells, neutrophils, basophils, neurons, histiocytes, hepatocytes, etc.
- Can connectivity be discovered through a cell? Yes. The parts of a cell are interconnected. The cell itself can be connected to the other cells through molecules like connection. How the parts of a cell are interconnected? How a cell is connected to the other cells and external environment?
- Can disturbability be discovered through a cell? Yes. There are several factors which affect (disturb) the cell and its functions. External environmental factors like salinity, pH, temperature, humidity, radiation affect the cell functions to a major extent. The internal factors like mutation can affect the cell to a great extent. What are factors that disturb the cell and its functions?
- Can reorderability be discovered through a cell? Yes. The cell transits through several states in it's life. The parts of the cell can be reordered.What are the states through which a cell is transformed?
- Can substitutability be discovered through a cell? Yes. A cell can be substituted by other cells depending on the conditions. Sometimes such substitutions may be accepted and sometimes such substitutions may be rejected. The cell under study itself is a substitute of its mother cell.
- Can satisfiability be discovered through a cell? Yes. The cell has many requirements which are satisfied through its activities. The cell also satisfies our needs in the production of monoclonal antibodies, proteins, etc.
Example 3. How to Analyze a Man
- Can divisibility be discovered through a man? Yes. A man can be divided into parts like eye, ear, nose, hand, heart, head, leg, fingers, nails, muscles, bones, and the man himself is a part of this universe.
- Can comparability be discovered through a man? Yes. A man is comparable to the other men, other living creatures and nonliving things. Certain animals like monkey are more similar to man. What are similar to a man? A man is also different from other creatures and the other fellow men and women. What are different from a man? Man are classified on the basis of comparison as: tall, dwarf, black, white, etc.
- Can connectivity be discovered through a man? Yes. The parts of a man are interconnected. The man himself is connected to the other men and women. How the parts of a man are interconnected? How a man is connected to all the others?
- Can disturbability be discovered through a man? Yes. There are several factors which affect (disturb) the man. What can disturb man? Man himself disturb the other things in the universe. What can be disturbed by a man?
- Can reorderability be discovered through a man? Yes. A man himself transforms through several states. What are the states through which a man transforms himself?
- Can substitutability be discovered through a man? Yes. A man can be substituted with another man. Who can substitute a man? A man himself can substitute others. Who can be substituted by the man?
- Can satisfiability be discovered through a man? Yes. The man satisfies his needs through his activities. How does a man fulfill his requirements? A man also fulfills other needs through his activities. How does a man fulfill others requirements?
Example 4. How to Analyze a Woman
- Can divisibility be discovered through a woman? Yes. A woman can be divided into parts like eye, ear, nose, hand, heart, head, leg, fingers, nails, muscles, bones, and the woman herself is a part of this universe.
- Can comparability be discovered through a woman? Yes. A woman is comparable to the other women, other living creatures and nonliving things. Certain animals like monkey are more similar to woman. What are similar to a woman? A woman is also different from other creatures and the other fellow men and women. What are different from a woman? Women are classified on the basis of comparison as: tall, dwarf, black, white, etc.
- Can connectivity be discovered through a woman? Yes. The parts of a woman are interconnected. The woman herself is connected to the other men and women. How the parts of a woman are interconnected? How a woman is connected to all the others?
- Can disturbability be discovered through a woman? Yes. There are several factors which affect (disturb) the woman. What can disturb woman? Woman herself disturbs the other things in the universe. What can be disturbed by a woman?
- Can reorderability be discovered through a woman? Yes. A woman herself transforms through several states. What are the states through which a woman transforms herself?
- Can substitutability be discovered through a woman? Yes. A woman can be substituted with another woman. Who can substitute a woman? A woman herself can substitute others. Who can a woman substitute?
- Can satisfiability be discovered through a woman? Yes. The woman satisfies her needs through her activities. How does a woman fulfill her requirements? A woman also fulfills other needs through her activities. How does a woman fulfill others requirements?
Example 5. How to Analyze an Event
- Can divisibility be discovered through an event? Yes. An event can be divided into the sub-events (the parts of an event). What are the sub-events of an event?
- Can comparability be discovered through an event? Yes. An event is comparable to the other events and other things. What are the events that are similar to the event under study? What are events that are different from the event under study?
- Can connectivity be discovered through an event? Yes. The parts of an event are interconnected. How are the parts of an event interconnected? Every event is also related to the other events. How a given event is connected to the other events?
- Can disturbability be discovered through an event? Yes. There are several factors which affect (disturb) an event. What are the things that disturb an event?
- Can reorderability be discovered through an event? Yes. The event passes through several states. The parts of an event can also be reordered. How can the parts of an event be reordered?
- Can substitutability be discovered through an event? Yes. The event under study can be substituted by other events. Instead of this, that may happen. The event under study itself is a substitute to other events.
- Can satisfiability be discovered through an event? Yes. The event satisfies some of our needs and the event itself is in need for further progress.
Study Topics
- What is the relationship between science and the indestructible properties? Can one prove that no relationship exists between science and the indestructible properties like divisibility?
- What is the relationship between philosophy and the indestructible properties? Can one prove that no relationship exists between philosophy and the indestructible properties like divisibility?
- What is the relationship between human mind and the indestructible properties? Can one prove that no relationship exists between human mind and the indestructible properties like divisibility?
- What is the relationship between evolution and the indestructible properties? Can one prove that no relationship exists between evolution and the indestructible properties like divisibility?
- What is the relationship between education and the indestructible properties? Can one prove that no relationship exists between education and the indestructible properties like divisibility?
- Read this document in order to understand the philosophy behind this article:
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