Be an Expert in Math
There is more to Math than just equations, theorems, algebra and constructions. Do you think that you could never excel in Math? Feel nervous before a Math test? Just throw away all those fears! Follow the steps and you can not only understand the diversity of real mathematics, but also become an expert at it! Read on.
- Vacation study. Vacation is a time to enjoy, really. But if you plan on improving your math, some changes are necessary.
- Along with enjoyment, find some time (at least 2 hours) to review your previous lessons.
- If you have any doubts, clear it immediately with the help of your elders or friends (you may also take the help of the Internet).
- If you're done with your review, take a break for 1-2 days (don't be too happy, there is more to it).
- By the end of the vacation you would have improved (at least a little) and will be ready for school.
- Concentration. - This is the most important part that you should take care of while dealing with math.
- Be careful and don't let your mind wander in class. During class hours, clear your mind and only concentrate on the topic.
- Don't get distracted in any manner (or else you'll lose your concentration). If your friends are too distracting find another good spot which is comparatively silent.
- Tell your friends to talk some other time if they invite to talk with you.
- Take notes. In class, have a special notebook for Math. Note down all the important Mathematical ideas which have been discussed in class (and understand them). It would be great to write down every word your teacher said, but that is virtually impossible. Take special care to ensure that your notes are legible and understandable, but try to write quickly, leaving out short, meaningless words.
- If your teacher is nice enough to point out what specifically will be on the test, use that to your advantage. Write it down, and leave a symbol (like a star, exclamation mark, etc.) near it if necessary.
- Clarify your doubts. Doubts should be cleared immediately if you have any. But try not to disturb the class or the teacher while clarifying your doubts.
- Don't fall behind in class. In Math, especially in algebra, the lessons build on top of one another, so that if you sleep through September, you might be in real trouble when October comes. Try to be disciplined about doing your Math homework, and pay attention in class. If you make a habit of these things, the class will seem generally easier.
- Get a study partner. Find someone in the class who cares as much about doing well in the class as you do. Make a habit of getting together to do your homework, or talking about the homework on the phone. Math can seem less scary when you don't have to do it alone. In fact, when you and a friend are working together to solve problems, it can be kind of fun.
- Make a routine of studying at a certain time. Find a certain time everyday when you can study. It might only be 30 minutes, but if you can say "I'll study every day at 4:30," it'll make a huge difference. People don't like to change, but if you can make it a habit of studying at your time in your special study place, it will be easier to sit down and work.
- Find an after-school tutor. This can be a paid tutor, or any of your friends. Don't wait until you are getting failing in grades to find a tutor, but find one at the first sign of trouble. Don't be afraid to take advantage of any available help.
- Stay calm. Many people suffer from "Math anxiety," where just thinking about math, gets them feeling less confident and more nervous. This makes them put off studying and homework until it is too late. Don't let the Math scare you, or make you feel bad. Math can be hard to learn, but you can do it.
- Make up any work you may have missed or failed miserably. Whether or not your teacher asks you to redo that homework assignment you forgot about (I know - your dog ate it), there is no substitute for actually doing the work. You certainly won't pass the quiz on Tuesday's material if you don't understand Monday's lecture because you were busy Friday night. Doing old tests and homework may also serve as a good review prior to a big test! Also, keep in mind that old tests and exams can help you get better at math.
- Don't cheat. If you do, go back and do the work yourself until you understand it. It may look great if you get a 95% on that quiz, but you're still going to bomb the next test. Sure it's an old method, but the only person you hurt by cheating is yourself.
- Prepare for tests. Make sure that you know what will be on each test, and practice those kinds of problems. Ask your teacher for a sample test. Study for the tests with your "study buddy." Get a good night's sleep before each test, too.
- Don't wait until the last minute. Try studying a little bit every night until the test. If you try to study the night before, you probably will forget everything and be tired and unprepared. The best idea is to just review key ideas and such the day before and morning of.
- Math isn't as hard as you think. Math is not like other subjects such as English and Science or other languages. It isn't a subject to be by hearted, it needs practice. Practice Math daily for an hour. Concentrate and pay attention on what you are doing and understand what Math really is.
- Don't use calculators to do Math homework. Calculators should be used only to check your answers. If you use calculators, it isn't your brain that is thinking to do the problem, the calculator is doing the whole job. If you use a calculator, it is hard to become good at Math. Use calculators only to check your answers. Unless it is geometry, like finding the angle of a triangle or finding the root of a large number.
- Always do your homework on time. Do them right after your class or right after school when the lesson is still fresh in your mind. They are a great way to practice Math.
- Learn your tables at an early age by heart. Multiplication tables are very important during higher classes. It is better to learn them by heart at an early age at least 1-11 tables. It must be told even when you are asleep.
- Learn and remember formulae. Formulae are really important during some lessons. If you forget it, the whole lesson might be of no use. So it is important to learn formulae through practicing and not by heart. Don't just learn the formulae, but conceptually understand why the formulae work.
- Math might be easy if you understand what it really is. Understand what each lesson is trying to tell you about. Algebra consists of only using Mathematical language to find a number. Negative numbers are just below zero and need a minus sign. Geometry is just to draw some figures. All these are just simple. Learn each lesson completely without any doubt. See that you know and understand everything.
- Math is fun through Math games and activities. Try to learn math through various Math games and activities with friends and companions. You might see that this is an interesting and fun way to learn Math. And there are various websites that offer free Math games and activities too. Try them out.
- Take it easy and learn it easy. Math is fun and interesting of all the other subjects, and one of the important ones, too.
- Do Math homework every day to get your mind going.
- Don't get frustrated if you don't get something. Be patient and try to do the problem calmly.
- Always check your paper or worksheet at least twice before you submit it.
- Practice math daily.
- Thinking is the best strategy to tackle Math exams, think in every manner to solve the problem.
- Have a quiet and ventilated place, a separate desk and chair when you study Math.
- Mastered the basic then go on advance.not only you will have the knowledge to advance further but it will also allow you to do any similar work or exercise without difficulty
- Develop practice tests and time yourself while taking them.
- Practice the sums "n" number of times until you know it perfectly.
- Use a pencil when practicing because when something is wrong, you can erase it.
- Try doing mathematical question in different ways and solutions,this not only help you studying math but also increase your logical thinking and skill in solving math problem
- Time is needed in doing math but don't stress yourself too much. think that time is not a problem and keep on doing it. don't think of the clock or any time-telling device as it will distract you and make you even more panicked and scared.
- During class hours, copy all information that is written on the board.
- Be interested and enjoy Math like other subjects you like.
- Look for clue and keyword that provide you with hint on solution
- Ask for help if you are stuck on a problem and don't understand anything. Ask your Math teacher, parents, or a good student at Math or go to tutor. These all will help you to be a top student at Math.
- In any geometry homework,read through the order carefully and always draw diagrams as it will help you visual it as well as finding hint to solve it. if you can't think of any solution,read the first question (if have) as most of them are related to each other
- Have a good geometry box when learning geometry lessons.
- Concentrate a lot and focus while your teacher is teaching. Remember to ask questions !
- Every time when you do your homework ,add a timer.
- Do math daily because your brain is like a muscle and you have to exercise it to get better.
- Stay positive. Every problem has a solution!
- Your improvement depends on one thing, and that is your willingness to do better. If you really don't want to make the effort and sacrifice, no amount of suggestions, ideas, or outlines can help much. You are the one who is responsible for your education, and your life. To that end, one last word of advice - work intelligent, not hard.
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