Pass a Math Class
Math is not as daunting as it seems, it's all about following simple rules. Repeated use of these rules builds understanding and confidence. This article will teach you how to use and understand those rules. You also must pay attention and be positive of your answers and your mark.
- Pay attention to your teacher. If you're in a fast paced math class, they'll probably only teach a concept once and move on. This means that if you don't pay attention, you've just missed your one chance to learn it.
- Do your homework. This will help you understand the concepts more clearly. Your homework will probably be the only time you get to practice what you just learned before a test, so you need to make sure you do it! If you can't attend the class for a day, ask your teacher to give you the homework you missed as soon as possible.
- Talk to your teacher when you don't understand something. A math class is not a class you want to only think you know what you're doing.
- Learn the terminology. Knowing what is asked of you is half the problem. Math is its own language (solve, expand, simplify, etc.). Becoming accustomed to this will really benefit you. Highlight key words in the question to ascertain what you need to find out. Attempting past exam papers will give you a feel of what to expect; many of these are available for download from your examination board's website..
- Buy a good calculator depending on the class you're taking. If you're taking a basic algebra class, a scientific calculator should suffice. If you're taking a calculus class, a graphing calculator will probably be necessary. Your teacher or professor should have a good idea of what's necessary as well, so asking them at the beginning of the term would be a good idea.
- Know how to use your calculator. It doesn't matter if your calculator has lots of fancy functions; if you don't even know how to add with it, you're wasting all of its features.
- Sit next to friendly, positive people. These should be people you can turn to when you have a question about something, or don't know what to do for a certain problem. However, make sure they won't just give you the answer.
- Find extra learning materials. Oftentimes, different sources will be better explaining some things than others. If you can expose yourself to a different explanation of a concept, you may understand something a lot better. Only use "cheat books" to check your answer.
- Show all your working. Most of the time, your teachers don't care as much about what you put down as an answer as the working that you show. Many will only give partial credit for the correct answer; the rest must be earned by showing your working correctly.
- Be organized. If you aren't organized, doing all that homework will do nothing to help you. Many times, you think you're organized but to gain a true perspective on whether you are organized or not, ask someone you know that will give you an honest opinion.
- Keep on practicing.
- If someone you know has taken the class before you, try talking to them for tips or notes.
- Consider taking notes on the lesson if you can keep up with what the teacher is saying. This will help you remember the material better and let you go back if you forget something in time.
- Do as many questions as possible, you will eventually see the steps you need to follow to solve particular problem. Going above and beyond and doing more problems than assigned will not only boost your understanding of the concept, but will put you on your teacher's good side.
- Try not to forget the formulas. If you revise formulas frequently, it'll be hard to forget them easily, so keep refreshing your memory by studying math often!
- Don't be too shy to ask questions.
- Produce formula flash cards. For example on one side you would write the question "What is the area of a triangle" and on the other side you would have "Width x Height / 2 ". Keep a pile with you and go over them when you find some free time, for instance when you're at the bus stop. In addition, if you have many flash cards, you might want to consider hole punching them and putting them on a ring.
- Put all of the formulas that you learn onto one sheet of paper to study off of.
- Never underestimate yourself - give yourself a chance!
- Don't slack around. Always listen to your teacher because they might explain the question even more. You get most of your knowledge from listening in class. Ask your teacher questions before, after, or in class. You could probably be able to leave study hall or homeroom too.
- Cheating is not having a good grade it is making you when you are in collage a bully guy or girl.
- If you have an extra credit opportunity don't pass it!
- Don't sit in the back or next to the class clown, unless s/he is helpful.
- Cheating can lead you into serious trouble.
Things You'll Need
- A calculator (type depending on the course you're taking)
- Pencils
- Pens (make sure they write smoothly and will not smear)
- Binder
- Loose-leaf paper
- Cue cards