Beat Boredom at Work

There’s nothing worse than being bored at work and watching the clock slowly tick away the seconds. To combat this boredom productively, volunteer for extra tasks around the office or take the initiative with a project. However, this may not be possible for your job. In this case, you may need to find other ways to entertain yourself, such as learning a language or writing a book. If all else fails, brighten your work environment with posters or break your daily routine with short trips outside.


Finding Productive Ways to Occupy Your Time

  1. Ask your coworkers if they need help. If you have nothing to do at work and you notice that your coworker is swamped, ask them if they need a hand.[1] This will eliminate your boredom productively, improve your relationship with your coworker, and potentially improve your standing in the office.
    • If you offer to help your coworker, don’t expect anything in return. You’re not doing them a favor, you’re lending them a hand.
  2. Go the extra mile. If you find yourself standing around without any tasks, become an overachiever.[2] For example, shelve two racks of shoes instead of one. Your boss will notice that you’re taking the initiative without being asked.
    • Don’t complete a task that was assigned to someone else. They may interpret your enthusiasm as an insult and resent you for it.
  3. Talk to your boss about taking on extra responsibilities. If you’re under-stimulated at work then you may not be challenged enough. If this is the case, ask your boss if you can permanently take on more responsibilities.[3] This will make your boss see you as a hardworking, dedicated employee.
    • Don’t make any promises that you don’t intend to follow through on. Your boss will think you’re flaky instead of hard-working.
    • Only ask your boss for extra work if you’ve been doing all of your duties perfectly for several months. Otherwise they may tell you to get a handle on your current workload first.
  4. Vary your daily routine. If you’re bored because you feel you’re your job is monotonous, try to shake things up.[1] This will bring excitement and variety into your day. For example:
    • If you can work remotely, try working from a coffee shop.
    • If you normally sort the returned clothing just before your shift ends, sort it when you get to work instead.
    • If you take your lunch break at noon, take it an hour or two later to vary your schedule.

Occupying Yourself During Down Time

  1. Learn a language. Instead of twiddling your thumbs, use an online program or mobile app to learn a new language. There are hundreds of free online language learning programs that you can choose from. You can learn a popular language such as Japanese or even learn computer programming languages such as CSS and Javascript.
    • Some popular online language programs include,, and
    • Popular online coding language schools include and
  2. Write a book. Most people who want to write a book say they can’t find time to do it. If you’re bored at work, you probably have lots of time to get started on your masterpiece. Writing a book will help you feel productive and give you something to look forward to.[4] Plus, if you force yourself to write every day, you’ll be finished with it in no time!
    • If you work in an office, you’ll look more productive while writing a book than you would surfing the internet or playing on your phone.
  3. Plan a vacation. There’s nothing more entertaining than going on your dream vacation. The second best activity is planning it. Use your phone or your computer to research the different places you’d like to visit and how much it will cost. Once you’ve planned out the logistics, create your savings goals to help you realize your dreams. [5]
    • Make sure no one catches you googling “beach vacations” while you’re on the clock.
  4. Do some light exercise. If you’re forced to be at work all day, you might as well squeeze a good workout in. If you work in an office, swivel from left to right in your desk chair to exercise your stomach muscles. If you walk a lot for your job, choose the stairs instead of the elevator.[6] Some other examples include:
    • Doing squats in the break room to build your leg muscles
    • Sitting on an exercise ball instead of a chair to improve your balance

Improving Your Environment

  1. Take a break. Studies have shown that taking short, frequent breaks improves your productivity and decreases your boredom.[7] After an hour or so of work, stand up and take a short walk outside or take a cigarette break. Alternatively, go make yourself a fresh cup of coffee and chat with your coworkers. Some other break ideas include:
    • Volunteering to run an errand. This will help you escape your workplace for a while.
    • Taking a short nap
    • Playing your favorite mobile game for a few minutes
  2. Add some interest to your surroundings. The less boring your environment is, the less bored you’ll be.[2] You can add interest to your surroundings by cleaning your work area, displaying cool artwork, or covering the handles of work-related tools in cute stickers.
    • For example, if you work in a cubicle or office, add some excitement to your walls with prints and posters.
    • If you work in retail, buy some new clothes to freshen up your work look.
  3. Add perks to your day. Break the monotony of your daily schedule by planning small treats for yourself. For example, plan a small walk around the park during your lunch break. Similarly, you can bring your favorite coffee mug and a tea blend to keep in the break room. Whenever you’re bored or discouraged, pep yourself up with a cup of tea.
    • Focus on healthy treats and rewards. If you don’t, you may replace your boredom problem with a weight-gain problem.

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