Become a Ballet Dancer

Do you dream of becoming a professional ballet dancer, but are you unsure of how to proceed? Luckily, the process is fairly easy.


  1. Meet the body requirements. Anybody wishing to become a ballet dancer needs to meet some requirements.
    • Have a strong core, back, feet, and legs, a flexible body, be a graceful person when dancing, and be relatively healthy. You should also be at a healthy weight. You do not need to have all of these qualities to begin ballet, but having all of them would be helpful if you wished to become a professional ballet dancer. Dancers are strong and flexible at the same time.
  2. Wear the proper clothing. Having the proper clothing can be a big boost. Not only does it make you look like a pro, but some items will help support you, allow you to move, and even help with certain ballet techniques such as pointe shoes.
    • For many schools, the basic uniform for girls is a leotard, tights, a Georgette skirt (thin cloth wrap-around skirt), and soft ballet shoes (leather or canvas). Once you become more advanced, your teacher may allow you to begin wearing pointe shoes, and train to become proficient at pointework. This is a skill vital for professional ballerinas.
      • Do not wear these before you are told, as these can do serious damage to your toes, feet and ankles.
  3. Go through training. This will be the hardest step if you are not already familiar with the ballet world, but many people have overcome it.
    • When choosing a school, make sure that the directors are experienced, most likely having danced professionally before. See if any of their graduates have gone on to professional companies.
    • Make sure that the directors are reasonable: there are many teachers out there who will stop at nothing to try to make their students perfect dancers. It is simply not reasonable. Being in training for a professional career is stressful; you don't want a teacher who is going to increase that stress.
  4. Hire a teacher to teach you privately (do this if you wish to take your dancing further). Nearly all big cities will have a ballet school, i.e Boston Ballet School. Enrolling in these is for the experienced and can be expensive, but will look good for your future.
    • Just having a good teacher or two isn't going to turn you into a ballet dancer. You need to do everything properly as to minimize the risk of injury. Research how your body works in response to ballet (anatomy, etc.), imagery in ballet, and other things that help you get a better sense of your body.
  5. Analyze lead dancers (principles, soloists) from corps de ballet members ("background dancers" in a company) and students and see what makes them different. What do they do differently? How do they do it? Why? These and more are all questions you should ask yourself and apply. You don't have to do things single-handedly. There are tons of things you can learn from.
    • Don't be afraid to develop your own ideas and opinions about your art form. Besides knowing these things, you also have to put it into practice. Stay after class to do this if you will. While the other people dance and you are waiting for your turn, instead of talking or drilling, ask yourself what you can do to be better, more beautiful, more artistic... whatever. Know, then apply.
  6. Gain experience as a performer. This is a very important step, as most schools have recitals in which their students can perform.
    • If you wish to take your performance level further, you may want to look into competing in solos in competitions, such as the Youth America Grand Prix. It is also helpful to train with a different teacher occasionally, perhaps in a summer workshop. Sometimes you can get different corrections or inspiration from another teacher besides your usual teacher.
  7. Get extra home training. Ballet trains your muscles in specific areas and ways, so it is important to "cross-train" so you don't injure yourself by being unbalanced. Try yoga, swimming, pilates, hip hop, bike riding, hiking, or whatever else is fun.
    • You need to supplement things like yoga to make you strong, but you also need acting and artistic skills because you are ballet dancing. You can't go onstage and perform tricks, as there is no art in that. You have to have feeling. Try acting in plays, art classes, gardening, etc.
    • Even though it is good to work hard, you should also try to find time to rest and take a break from dancing. You don't want to get burned out.
  8. Have a good mind. Think of ways you can advance to the next level.
    • Just having good technique means nothing if no one sees you. "Summer Intensives" are a good place to start. These are summer ballet camps organized by major companies.
    • You must always be willing to learn a new thing, or an old thing in a new way. Get to know your teachers. Don't annoy them too much, but familiarize yourself with them.
    • Remember that no one is beneath you. If there was a more senior member who thought you to be beneath you, think about how you are feeling. Plus, if she suddenly wanted a favor or something from you, you would not give it to her. Do not be that type of person.
    • There are some ballet competitions formed to expose dancers to the directors of major ballet schools, and performing at these could be a way to get a good scholarship to them. However, with the bonus comes the added risk. Ballet is a performing art, not a competition.
    • Remember to make friends with everyone to broaden your horizons. This is a very important step. If you must move away from your family at 15 or 16 to increase your chances in you career, or if you wish to do so, do it.
    • At this point, things are subjective. Everything depends on your choices, just as if you were a junior in high school. Think about what you would be doing.
      • For instance, if you become a biochemist, you would be researching and applying to colleges, studying as much as you can, etc. It is important to be seen and get your name out there.
    • Try to get inspiration whenever you feel unsure.


  • Before starting a professional track in pointe, you may take pre-pointe classes. These have special work to strengthen your feet to start dancing on pointe.
  • Ballet can be just a hobby. Pursuing it professionally takes a lot of dedication and persistence. If you continue to train and follow through with corrections, you will improve.
  • Starting young is crucial. You may not have the perfect ballet body, but starting young and working hard will ultimately shape you.
  • Proper clothing helps with movement and supports you.
  • Ballet takes time to be good you need to practice. Do it because you love it.
  • Practice makes perfect so try your best at ballet.


  • Ballet is a blood sport: there is a lot of competition and you will need to have a strong mental mindset. There will always be people who put you down, who say you are not good enough.
  • If you are not doing ballet because you love it, you will eventually fail. You have to love what you are doing. Ballet is not a high paying profession, you will go through 8 hour days in pointe being paid a marginal amount. Do it because you love it, not for anything else.

Things You'll Need

  • Suitable area to practice (stretching/ballet and pointe homework) in
  • A teacher qualified in dance and ballet
  • Correct clothing to allow easy movement

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