Become a Famous Singer when You Don't Think You Sing Well

Start out small by singing to your family and friends, then do it for larger groups of people, whether its at school for any people or at a voluntary fair. From there you just have to find someone to sign you but as you keep moving to bigger and bigger groups to sing to. You might run into someone who can do that.


  1. Pick one singer or vocalist that inspire you or you would like to sing like.
  2. Choose one song from this singer that you think shows their most vocal ability.
  3. Pick one to listen to first and get the lyrics even if you know the song by heart.
  4. Listen to the singer VERY carefully, not the music, only the Singer.
  5. Decide which parts the singer uses a breathy voice, or maybe vibrato, etc.
  6. Listen to the song again one or two times, and try to memorize the way the singer sings each part.
  7. Listen to the song again, but this time sing while you listen and try to imitate the singer by adding more vibrato where she/he does, or maybe crescendos etc. If you don't feel you are ready for the next step you can repeat this step until you are.
  8. Listen to the song again, but this time record yourself singing. Using a computer microphone or a voice recorder because others like cell phones tend to distort your voice making you sound more nasally than you usually do and you want to avoid that.
  9. When you have finished play back your recording and see how similar you sound to the person you were imitating.
  10. If you feel you need to repeat any of the above steps, then do before moving on.
  11. Now you sound like the person you were imitating more or less, but the Music industry is always looking for something New and Unique.
  12. This is where you add your twist, spice etc to the imitation making it your own.
  13. You can add that breathy voice throughout your singing or maybe that vibrato.
  14. Make your imperfection, perfections.
  15. If you tend to sound nasally when you sing, find a way to make it work by maybe adding vibrato to those parts.
  16. You are stage singing your all and find out it is not a far away dream anymore.


  • Drink lots of water while singing.
  • Always warm up before you sing and "warm down' When you are done to prevent any damage.
  • If the song is hard, don't push it! Singing should be as comfortable as talking. That way, you sound more professional!
  • Don't try to go for high notes if you can't sing, them keep at your own range.
  • Drinking water from time to time also helps your voice get even clearer.
  • Get some help from your friends and family.
  • Purchasing Roger Love's 'Sing like the Stars' book and audio CD. He is a vocal coach for many stars in many genres. This is definitely something worth having.
  • It is good if you have some honey and eat it because it sweetens and soothes your throat.


  • Do NOT attempt singing too often this could also hurt your voice.
  • Do not strain your voice because this can badly damage your vocal chords.

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