Become a Pastor
The requirements for becoming a pastor usually vary depending on the church and denomination. In some cases the aspiring pastor must complete college or seminary courses, other times they may be required to finish a course with a curriculum based on that particular denomination. It can also be as simple as signing ones name or filling out an online application
- Decide what kind of pastor you want to be. Some established and more traditional faiths require a degree in religious studies as well as some form of theological training. Instead of a formal degree, many denominations will require you to complete a series of courses based on their doctrine before you can be ordained. There are also churches and Christian organizations that do not have strict or specific requirements for becoming a pastor/minister in their organization. Choose the path that you wish to take and embark on your journey. You can gain many helpful contacts through fellowship and networking with fellow believers. Most biblical colleges have websites with enrollment information easily available. Take advantage of the resources out there and take that first step whenever you're ready.
- Be dedicated. People perform best in vocations that they are passionate about. Becoming a pastor means that you have absolute confidence in your faith and are ready to share it with the world. Becoming a pastor can be a lengthy and strenuous process. Seek spiritual guidance before making your decision. Always ask yourself the hard questions and never settle for complacency. Make sure that you have chosen the right path and dedicate yourself wholeheartedly:
- To ensure that you're making the right choice, ask yourself these questions. Be sure to answer every question with diligence and thought.
- Why do I want to be a pastor?
- Do I feel a strong passion for this work?
- Do I strongly desire to share God’s word?
- Do I feel love and compassion for all people?
- Do I feel deep in my heart that God is asking me to enter this vocation?
- Make an appointment with someone in a leadership role at the church you're interested in. Discuss all of the requirements and make sure that you understand everything. Be sure to voice all questions or concerns that you may have.
- Ask a representative of the denomination about the duties and responsibilities that come along with the position. A pastor is expected to provide more than spiritual leadership; writing and giving sermons is but a small part of a pastor’s job. Find out what is involved. You may be expected to perform some or all of the following:
- Oversee church committees, missions and missionaries
- Perform baptisms, weddings and funerals
- Provide marital, grief and psychological counseling
- Plan community outreach activities
- Conduct or arrange for Sunday school classes
- Conduct or arrange for adult religious instruction
- Seek out new members for the congregation
- Be available evenings and weekends as needed
- Choose a college. Research colleges that have excellent religious studies programs. Select a concentration in theology that interests you most.
- Prepare for ordination. Once you have completed all your formal studies, you will prepare to be ordained, usually by your home congregation. Preparation for your ordination usually involves:
- Studying church doctrine
- Understanding how doctrinal issues relate to the scriptures
- Giving oral responses to an Ordination Council (this can take several hours)
- Await the congregational response. If the council recommends you for ordination, the church leaders of your congregation have to vote to ordain you. If you win the vote, you will be ordained during a special service in your church.
- There are also online Christian organizations that will ordain you quickly and legally.
- Apply for a job as a pastor. Once you have been ordained, you can start looking for a job.
- Look for openings posted by your seminary.
- Ask your instructors for recommendations.
- Contact your ministry headquarters to see if they have a list of job openings.
- Search online
- Arrange interviews with church officials who have responded to your application. In some cases, you may be meeting with a church council or a board of directors. You may also be asked to give a sermon to the flock.
- Be prepared for scrutiny. Some congregations get very involved when choosing a new pastor; you may even be asked to have an open question and answer time with the congregation in addition to the church council. If you are approved, you will be “called” (hired) to become the pastor.
- Negotiate your salary. Be sure to negotiate all the terms of your employment and living accommodations as well.
- A pastor has to draw on many skills. Gain vocational experience and knowledge while you are attending college by becoming involved with humanitarian work: volunteer at orphanages, soup kitchens and other community outreach programs.
- Beware of online websites that offer pastoral degrees. Many of these “degree” programs are not recognized by traditional congregations.
Related Articles
- Know You Want to Become a Pastor
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Sources and Citations
- Find colleges with religious studies majors
- Resources for pastors
- Find out what lay people want from their pastors