Know You Want to Become a Pastor

Are you considering becoming a pastor, priest, or rabbi? Maybe you never thought about it, consider the following, you may find a desire stirring in you toward that path. Note: Reading this page may do nothing for your faith in God or, it may bring you some direction in your interest in ministry.


  1. Wait for God to make it clear that this is the path He has for you. Like Uzzah in 2 Samuel 6, reaching forth and grabbing the Arc of the Covenant (he died instantly), many people reach for a position of ministry. Wait and see, pray for confirmation.
  2. Remember, this is God's Bride you are seeking to serve, be humble and remember your place.
  3. Love God, be His Bride, be captivated by His goodness and develop a conversational relationship with Him and put him first. He loves you!
  4. Think hard about what you really want to be. Is this really the job you want and become involved in ministry?
  5. If you answered yes to the questions in step 2, pray to God to help you find the right path for you if you are lost.
  6. Talk to your pastor, priest, or rabbi to see what they had to go through to get to where they are today and decide if that's what you want to do.
  7. Talk to your Youth Director, Youth Pastor, or any other person involved in your church about ministry. Chances are they will become very interested in your interests and take you seriously.
  8. If God leads, after graduating high school, go to college to get the proper degrees to become a pastor, priest, or rabbi.
  9. If God leads, after college, attend a theological seminary. This is where you will be ordained into ministry.
  10. Remember, there was no theological seminary in the time of Christ, follow that path if God leads.
  11. Serving God's Bride is a calling, not a job. If being a pastor doesn't seem to be in your future, realize that it is okay. Not everyone is called to be a pastor.


  • Read your Bible everyday, even if it is just a verse a day
  • Number one: Be in relationship with Christ, read Jn. 15 - the message, the information, is not enough, you must seek a love relationship with your Creator
  • Pray daily.
  • Talk to your pastor/priest/rabbi regularly about ministry. It will surely be a learning experience.
  • Love and peace are the most important things in life
  • It is important to seek GOD'S face; then be still and listen for HIS response.
  • Get your pastor/priest/rabbi to write you a recommendation letter for college AND seminary. Most likely, it is required that your minister does write you a recommendation letter.
  • Recite the Lord's prayer daily, if you are led to. Do not be motivated by guilt, which is a tool of the accuser. Be motivated by Love as God is Love (1 John)


  • Be prepared to be put down by others. Some believe in God, but they might think you are crazy. Man's ways are not always God's ways. Men like to check boxes and complete lists, relationship, pilgrimage is much more fluid and unpredictable. Trust in the Lord to lead you.

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