Become a Riding Instructor or Coach
A riding instructor is someone who teaches horse riding and techniques to students. They will also well-round you in skills such as jumping, dressage, and basic techniques. A riding coach is someone who coaches competent riders in a specific technique or discipline, In some countries a riding instructor does not need to be qualified and anyone may call themselves an instructor. However qualifications allow you to be registered and approved, and will greatly reduce your insurance
Being a riding instructor or riding coach is one of the most rewarding jobs there is. And if you do something you love, you will never work a day in your life! And you will be with the creatures and people you love.
Learning the Skills (without qualifications)
- Find a good riding school with a good reputation. Although all riding students should try a find a good riding school, it is even more important for someone who plans to go into a profession that is very reliant on reputation. For an unqualified or newly qualified instructor having the recommendation and contacts of a respected instructor can be make or break.
- Take and watch riding and horse care lessons, even if you already know how to ride and care for horses. Being able to ride and care for horses is not the same as being able to teach riding and horse care. Watching is, in many cases, better, as you can watch a range of levels, do not have to focus on learning or riding yourself and it’s free.
- Tell your instructor your ambitions. He or she is the person in the best position to help and advise you. If you want to become an instructor you should have a passion for horses and other ponies.
- Get involved at the riding school. Although it is a good idea to view as many schools and instructors as possible early on, at this stage it is best to make a commitment to only one or two schools. Some riding schools have a volunteer program which will allow you to take part in stable duties. Be reliable, helpful and friendly with the staff.
- Start teaching the basics. Knowing when new students come in is very helpful. Offer to give them a quick tour, show them their mount, and teach them to groom and tack up.
- Help in lessons. In horse care lesson this is fairly straight forward and you may well be more involved in the teaching. For a mounted lesson this could mean helping people check tack before the lesson, putting up jumps and moving equipment, cleaning up after the horses, having a horse/pony on lead rein and generally being a second pair of hands. While in the ring stay alert and look alert. Even if you are aware of where all the horses are all the time the instructor must feel confidant that you are. Don’t give instructions, talk unnecessarily or otherwise distract attention. If you must talk you will normally talk to the instructor only, the exception being if you are helping a student with something. Talk to a low clear voice, close to the person you are speaking to. If you have any questions about the lesson ask them after the lesson is over and the students and horses have been seen to. Remember that this is the riders’ lesson not yours.
Basic (Horse Owner) Qualifications
- Gain a non- or semi- professional equine related qualification. These are relatively inexpensive and require a minimum time commitment. These are a good idea even if you don’t intend to become fully qualified as they will allow you to be given greater responsibly and show your commitment to your equine education. If you do intend to become fully qualified you may be able to take a lower qualification within the same route or get an exemption.
- Join the Pony Club if you are under 18 years. They offer internationally recognized progressive exams. Gaining the highest will often mean an exemption on a professional course.
- Join a Riding Club. If they are affiliated they may offer exams similar to those of the Pony Club.
Working Unqualified
- Find out the law. In some countries you can work completely unqualified as a professional (paid) riding instructor. You must however be honest about you qualifications with all your clients.
- Get insured. Liability insurance is expensive, especially for unqualified, free-lance instructors, but without it you are risking everything you own. Unfortunately for someone with only one or two clients, the cost of insurance will mean you will make a loss.
- Start small and build your way up. Try teaching a friend to ride and encourage them to enter shows when they feel confident with their ability. Some one might see your student, comment on how well she rides, and ask who taught her. This will spread your name around the show ring and you may just get a few new pupils.
- Join a Riding Club or Pony Club branch; they need instructors and the Pony Club often has Instructor Schools. By becoming a member you may be covered by their insurance for volunteer club activities. It is a great advertising platform to gain paying clients
- Advertise. Ask at livery yards if they allow outside instructors to teach their livery clients in their faculties, and if they will allow you to advertise on their board. Be aware that some won't allow it, most will want to see proof of insurance. Keep an eye out in horse magazines and your local newspaper, as they might have advertisements looking for an instructor or a coach.
Choosing the Route to Take
- Ask your instructor(s) about their own qualifications and the route they took. This will probably be the most sensible route for you to take too, as your instructor will know what will be expected of you and will be able to help prepare you better.
- Research the qualifications your instructor(s) suggested and your other options. The Internet is good resource for this but make good use of the phone too. You want an internationally recognized and respected qualification.
- Decide on your method of gaining your qualification. Working student positions are common and if you do not have family commitments, you are free to move to the best opportunities. Your employer will pay for your training; however you must be prepared to work hard for little money. Taking a college course is another option, though it will probably only take you so far in your instructor rating. If you are under 19 years old, in a country with free education, this is often the most affordable option. Organizing and paying for the training and exams yourself is the most expensive option. For most people it will mean working another job outside the low-paying equine industry, thereby cutting your studying and experience-building time. Your instructors, riding school and riding club will be vital if you choose this method.
Options for People Living in Low Populated Areas
- Correspondent Course
- Working Student Placement
Getting Instructor & Associated Qualifications
- Contact the relevant body for information on the qualifications you are choosing, including syllables, reading lists and exam notes. Insure you read and fully understand the information and what is required of you. This will not be as simple as it may seem and it is advisable to ask your lecturer, instructor or mentor to go though it with you.
- Design a study plan. If you have chosen a course this will in the main be done for you, you must simply organize your time as with any other course. If you are following the syllables you must design your own study program. Use the professions around you to help you. They can make sure you know all you need and give you practical experience. Planning the time for your exams will largely depend on your finances and the exam dates scheduled, however it is best to book an exam sooner rather then later. You want the information to be fresh in you mind and you may have to book months in advance.
- Earn any other qualifications that you will need. These often include some from of first aid and child protection course. These will often need to be refreshed.
- Get your name on a register of approved instructors, if there is one in you country. There will probably be a member fee, but insurance is sometimes included or you will be able to get a reduction.
- Work under respected, talented instructors. Even if you must work for free, do a few lessons for them a week. Working free-lance under no supervision will at best allow you skills to stagnate, at worse let them slip. You will never finish learning all there is about horses, riding or teaching.
- Continue to volunteer at Riding Clubs and Pony Clubs. This will allow you to come into contact with a greater range of riders, instructors and other professionals.
Improving and Further Qualifications
- Join the body responsible for the discipline you would like to couch, if any. That body will have a list of trainers approved to coach at various levels. A certain level of competing and further training will be required to get your name on the list.
- Make sure you understand the purpose of the course you are taking and where it can lead you. Many equine subjects are interconnected and the defining line between them isn’t always very clear.
- Think there are hundreds of people wanting to become riding instructors, you just have to prove your commitment and show what you can do to give your-self a better chance of getting the job.
- If you are planning on teaching free-lance, or are lucky enough to have the facilities for your own school, a business course is also important, though this is included in some equine courses.
- If you become a paid instructor, you can NOT participate in Amateur classes at horse shows. You must show in the Professional divisions. If showing is your main focus in your life and you cannot afford the higher show fees for Professional divisions: find a different method of payment or avoid advertising your paid coaching.
- Never stop looking, opportunities always arise. Remember, if no one comes to you, go to them. Advertise your self.
- On the terms of agreement, explicitly indicate that you waive liability of the student in the case of an accident. While this may seem harsh, an instructor could face serious legal and financial trouble if a student is injured or even dies at a lesson. Opt for this if your insurance policy does not cover this.
- Make sure you find out about the law in your country. In some places it is illegal to charge for lessons before you get your accreditation.
- Be sure to spell out the terms of the agreement on paper and have all parties sign it.
- Don't risk your neck for a buck
- Always remember horses have legs not arms
Things You'll Need
- Internet
- Horse Magazines
- Instructors or Riding Schools
Related Articles
- Get Into Shape for Horseback Riding
- Choose a Good Riding School
- Condition Your Horse for Endurance Riding
- Saddle a Horse Western
- Begin Horseback Riding
- Sit in the Saddle When Riding
- Know if You Have What It Takes to Own a Horse
Sources and Citations
- British Horse Society (BHS) Offers qualifications and an instructor's register. Riding Clubs affiliated to the BHS offer progressive exams.
- American Riding Instructor Association (ARIA) Offers qualifications and a instructor's register
- Pony Club Offers equine exams for children up to 21 years old.
- Brithish Dressage (BD) Offers training and a list of dressage coaches.
- Earn a Bachelor's of Science Degree in equine studies or become certified as a riding instructor or horse trainer. All courses online. Work at your own pace. Start anytime.