Become an Organizational Development Consultant

People become consultants because their knowledge and experience in certain fields empowers them to become experts that others turn to in times of change. Business development consultants, specifically, help organizations improve their processes, relationships, and other skills. If you believe you can come alongside businesses or other organizations and help them grow in specific areas, you can learn how to become an organizational development consultant.


  1. Identify your strengths. Business development consultants focus on helping organizations grow in one or more areas, like change management, communication, technology, conflict management, team building, and leadership development.
    • Decide on the areas in which you are most skilled. Most likely, you will have a large amount of knowledge and experience in these areas.
    • Focus on these strengths as you promote yourself as a consultant. Identify them as your niches.
    • Continue building your strengths. Stay up-to-date with changes and different theories in your field. Take classes, read books, or attend workshops in any skill areas where you may need to update your knowledge.
  2. Determine if you will need certification. Some states require special certification or licensing for consultants, depending on the state you live in and the kind of consulting you would like to do. Search your state government website to determine whether or not you will need to pursue this.
    • Even if you are not required to get certification, you will find that having it adds to your level of credibility and may influence certain businesses when it comes to hiring you.
  3. Market your consulting business. Let others know that you are available and interested in helping them. There are many marketing avenues that cost little or no money.
    • Identify organizations you have worked with in the past that may be interested in your consulting services.
    • Create a website for your consulting business so that potential clients can find more information about the services you offer.
    • Engage in social media. This allows you to interact with potential clients and other consultants.
    • Blog about your areas of strength. Revealing tips and information online are effective ways to let others see that you are an expert who can help their organization grow.
    • Rely on word of mouth. Though this may take some time, it can be an effective strategy for building your business.
  4. Establish and strengthen relationships. As a consultant, it is important for you not only to establish strong relationships with businesses, but also to maintain them.
    • Network at different events, conferences, and workshops. Be sure to follow up on these connections so you can establish a strong relationship.
    • Find a contact person at each organization. Stay in regular contact with them so you can keep the communication open.
  5. Prepare your consulting tools. As a business development consultant, you will lead organizations through times of change. Be prepared by creating basic forms or worksheets you can use with each organization. This will help you stay organized and enable you to keep your methods consistent.
    • Create your own forms. This allows you to have personalized forms in a format with which you are comfortable and familiar.
    • Model your forms after other examples. You may have to modify them a bit, but it will cut down on your workload and help ensure that you do not overlook anything.

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