Blow Your Nose

If you have a cold or allergies, blowing your nose can help to clear your nasal passages. Blowing your nose might seem like a simple task, but there's actually a right way and a wrong way to do it. If you blow with too much force you can make matters worse by giving yourself an earache or a sinus infection. Instead, blow one nostril at a time, and make sure to do it gently.


  1. Get a tissue or handkerchief. The type of material you blow into is a matter of preference, and completely up to you. Some people like tissues, while others prefer old-fashioned handkerchiefs. In some cases you'll have to grab whatever's in reach, since you can't always predict when you'll need to blow your nose. Here's a rundown of the different choices:
    • Tissues: these are made of soft paper and sometimes doctored with lotion to help soothe the skin on your nose, which can become dry and irritated after a lot of nose blowing.
    • Handkerchiefs: these are generally made of soft cotton, which is said to be easier on the skin than paper. Make sure to use a clean section each time you blow, and wash your handkerchiefs often, since handkerchiefs can become breeding grounds for bacteria.
    • Toilet paper or paper towels: use these only as a last resort. They're made of scratchier paper and sometimes treated with chemicals that are irritating to the skin.
  2. Open your mouth and close your eyes. This releases pressure from your face, and for some it makes the experience of blowing your nose more comfortable. Open your mouth just slightly, and close your eyes if you feel like it.[1]
  3. Press one nostril closed with your finger. It doesn't matter which nostril you start with. Choose one and use your finger to press it closed.
  4. Blow gently into the tissue through your open nostril. Hold it to your nose and blow gently until the nostril is cleared. Remember not to blow too hard or force it; if nothing comes out, just stop blowing. It may be helpful to move the finger holding your nostril closed to different areas as you gather breath to gently blow again. Try closing your nostril up close to the nasal bone and all around the soft area of the nose.
  5. Switch nostrils and blow again. Cover the nostril that was open, and blow through the nostril that was closed. Again, don't blow too hard; give a gentle blow, then stop.[2]
  6. Wipe your nose. Give the outside area a good wipe with a clean section of your tissue or handkerchief. Make sure your nose is dry and no mucous is left on the outside of your nose.
  7. Take care of the tissue or handkerchief. If you used a disposable tissue, toss it out into a trash receptacle. If you used a handkerchief, fold it so that the used part is contained within the folds.
  8. Wash your hands. This will prevent you from transferring germs to people with whom you might shake hands as well as surfaces you'll touch as you go about your day. Use soap and warm water, then dry your hands with a clean towel.
  9. Help your mucus flow more easily. If your nose feels clogged, and you're having trouble blowing, there are a few ways you can help your mucus flow so you can clear your sinuses. Instead of trying to force it out, help it gently flow by trying the following:
    • Drink plenty of water and warm drinks to hydrate yourself
    • Take a steamy shower, since hot steam helps clear the sinuses
    • Use a neti pot
    • Eat something spicy


  • Don't blow too hard!
  • Drink some water to help loosen things up.
  • Eat something spicy to loosen things up.


  • Don't blow too often, it may get raw and hurt as your nasal passage need as bit of the stuff for protection.

Things You'll Need

  • Tissues
  • Soap and water or hand sanitizer if you are traveling or in public facilities.
  • Handkerchiefs

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