Clear a Stuffy Nose
A congested or stuffy nose is caused by inflamed blood vessels in the membranes lining the inside of your nostrils, usually due to the flu, cold, or allergies. The excess mucus in your nose can make it difficult to breathe. While this can be life-threatening to newborns, it's simply annoying and uncomfortable for most kids and adults. Luckily, stuffy noses can usually be easily cleared up with minimal cost and time.
Please note that the stuffy nose will not completely go away until the underlying infection has subsided completely. This is because to trap and kill infectious pathogens, your immune system creates mucus. These steps are just treatments, they are not cures.
Quick Fixes for Kids and Adults
- Take it easy when blowing your nose. If your nose is stuffed up but not dripping, or mucus isn't coming out easily when you blow your nose, don't force it. Your impulse may be to blow your nose — hard — until you expel some mucus, but it's best if you leave the tissues alone. Only blow your nose when it is running.
- Blowing hard repeatedly will make the delicate membranes inside your nostrils get more inflamed, and can quickly lead to increased stuffiness. It seems counter-intuitive at first, but you really will feel better if you use tissues less.
- Take an over-the-counter decongestant or antihistamine. Depending on the cause of the stuffiness, you might be able to find some relief in widely available medications. Here's what to choose:
- If you have a cold, pick up a decongestant. Decongestants will ease the swelling and inflammation in your nasal passages, leading to easier breathing. You can take them orally, as a pill, or use a decongestant nasal spray. Be aware that decongestant nasal sprays are only recommended for three consecutive days of use; oral decongestants such as Sudafed can be taken for up to seven days.
- If you're suffering from allergies, such as hay fever, get an antihistamine. If allergies are at the root of your problem, an antihistamine will both relieve congestion and take care of other symptoms, like sneezing. Be aware that some antihistamines can cause sedation. Look for non-drowsy options to take during the day and wait to drive or use heavy machinery until you see how the antihistamine affects you.
- Use a saline nasal spray. Saline nasal sprays are simply salt water in a convenient applicator — no medications or drugs are included. The water will soothe the inflammation in your nose, as well as flushing out any mucus or bacteria.
- Buy the spray, or make your own spray. You can purchase sterile saline sprays at most drug stores. Or, if you own a nasal aspirator or bulb syringe, make your own by mixing 1/4 teaspoon of salt with 1 cup warm, sterile water.
- Lean over a sink, with the tip of your nose is pointing toward the drain. This position allows the water to easily run out of your nose.
- Slowly spray the saline into one nostril at a time. If you're using a bulb syringe, squeeze it a little to evacuate the air, dip it into the saline solution, and release the bulb. Squeeze the bulb again to put the solution into your nostril.
- Allow the solution to drain from your nose completely before spraying again.
- Use the saline solution two to three times a day.
- Check out How to Use a Neti Pot for an alternate way to irrigate your sinuses with saline solution.
- Use steam to ease congestion. The moisture and heat from steam will ease the inflammation and help you breathe easier. The good news about this method: you can do it as often as you need to, including running a humidifier constantly until you feel better.
- Take a steamy shower. Close the bathroom door so that no steam escapes and turn the water temperature up. If you don't want to bathe, simply get the shower going and inhale the steam as it fills the bathroom.
- Inhale the steam from a boiling pot of water. Bring the water to a gentle boil, and carefully lean over it to breathe in the steam. (Just make sure you don't burn yourself!)
- Run a humidifier or vaporizer. This can be especially helpful while you're sleeping. Make sure you follow the instructions for cleaning the unit, as mold can easily grow on humidifiers, which will only make your symptoms worse.
- Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluid will thin out any mucus in your nose, making it easier to expel. The extra moisture in your system will also soothe irritated nasal passages and prevent sinus blockages.
- Some people find it helpful to drink warm fluids when they're congested. Consider herbal teas, broths, or soups.
- Put a warm compress over your nose. Wet a washcloth with water that's as hot as you can stand, lie down, and lay the cloth over the bridge of your nose so that it covers your sinuses but leaves the path to your nostrils clear. Rewet the washcloth when it starts to feel uncomfortably cold.
- It might take a few rounds of reheating the washcloth for you to feel any benefit, so be patient. Try using a compress while you do something relaxing, like listening to music or watching TV.
- Use a vapor rub. Most chest or vapor rubs contain menthol, eucalyptus, and/or camphor, which some people believe helps ease congestion when the vapors are inhaled. Popular rubs that can be used for this purpose include Vick's, Tiger Balm, and IcyHot. Although the ingredients in these remedies may effectively relieve the sensation of a stuffy nose in many people, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that they effectively treat cold symptoms.
- Rub it on your throat or chest if you're going to sleep. It's close enough to your nose that you'll be able to breathe it consistently as you sleep, but not so close that it will irritate your eyes.
- Put some vapor rub on a tissue, then hold the tissue to your nose and inhale deeply.
- Or, if you don't have any vapor rub on hand, dab a drop or two of peppermint oil beneath your nose. It should have the same effect.
Try these application methods for some relief:
- Rest in an upright position. If you find that the congestion gets worse when you lie down, try to elevate your head a little bit. Put an extra pillow beneath your head, or try to sleep in a recliner.
- Use nasal adhesive strips. These thin white strips go over the bridge of your nose, and are meant to manually widen your nostrils just enough to help you breathe easier. They might be marketed as anti-snoring strips in some stores.
- Eat spicy food. If your sinuses are congested, consider chowing down on a dish that's slightly spicier than you usually enjoy. Drink plenty of water as you eat, and you should find that your nose is running by the end of the meal. Blow out as much mucus as you can.
- Use a soap rub. If it is merely a mucus-filled nose this method can help. When you're in the shower or bath, take some soap and wet your finger so they can run over skin easily. Massage both side of the nose for a little while and this should soothe the nose and the mucus should run easily out of your nose due to the warmth.
Treating an Infant
- Watch for nasal congestion in infants. Because infants can't breathe out of their mouths yet, nasal congestion can become a serious condition, especially during breastfeeding. Because you can't simply blow a newborn's nose, you'll have to clean out the mucus via other means.
- Use saline drops to loosen any mucus. Place the infant on a flat surface, with a rolled towel beneath the shoulders to tip the head back. Place a few drops of saline solution in each nostril, and wait 30 to 60 seconds.
- To make your own saline solution, mix 1/4 teaspoon salt with 1/2 cup lukewarm water.
- Drain the mucus. Turn the infant on their stomach to help the mucus drain out. You have two choices when it comes to manual removal:
- Roll a tissue into a small cone, and swab it around the nostrils. Do not insert cotton swabs into an infant's nose, ever.
- Use a bulb syringe or nasal aspirator to remove mucus. Push out a small portion of air, insert the aspirator into the very front portion for the nostril, and gently release the bulb. Squeeze any mucus you remove onto a tissue.
- Know when to call a doctor. Nasal congestion can cause serious problems in infants if it continues for too long. Get help if you notice the following symptoms:
- The congestion interferes with the baby's ability to feed.
- The baby has a fever.
- The baby's breathing is extremely labored and fast.
Knowing When to See a Doctor
- Schedule an appointment if your congestion persists for more than seven days.
- Swelling around the forehead, eyes or cheeks that might indicate a sinus infection
- Blurred vision
- White or yellow spots in the back of the throat
- A cough that produces mucus that's yellow-green or gray
If a severe stuffy nose lasts longer than a week, you're probably dealing with something more severe than allergies or a common cold. Other signs to watch out for:
Making Boiled Onion Tea for Babies
This is an old homemade remedy. If you have any concerns about a baby's inability to breathe, see your doctor or call emergency services immediately.
- Put a few large pieces of onion in small saucepan with several cups of water.
- Bring to the boil. Boil until the water changes color or the onions turn soft. Remove the pan from the heat and allow it to cool to room temperature.
- After it has cooled off, give about 3 to 4 ounces to the baby. It will help to unclog the nose. Make sure you test the temperature to make sure it as cooled enough to be safe to give to the baby
- Cough drops may be helpful in releasing the mucus in your nose. It's best to use one with menthol or eucalyptus.
- If you use a chest rub, put a heating pad or warm compress on your chest. It helps get the vapor up to your nose.
- Rub coconut oil underneath your irritated nose, it will moisturize dry skin and irritation from blowing your nose as well as being a disinfectant/antimicrobial.
- Try having some fresh air. As long as you don't have hay fever, this can sometimes make you feel better.
- Rub gently, with one or both hands, on the sides of your nose, starting at the bridge in between your eyes, rubbing gently on both sides in a circular motion down until right before you hit your nostrils. Repeat a few times (will depend on the severity of the stuffy nose). The mucus will begin to drip out. Lean over the sink and run hot water as you do this. Another helpful tip would be to do this after putting a warm compress over your nose, making sure you keep your nostrils uncovered.
- Chew on a strong mint or gum as the mint can clear your sinuses to make it easier for you to breathe and can clear most of the inflammation up.
- Use steam, that will definitely help you. Do not rub your nose with a handkerchief, use a tissue.
- Get a pillow that allows you to comfortably sleep/rest and make sure it is soft/firm enough so that you are able to sleep with it.
- Make sure to get enough sleep as, not having enough sleep can make your blocked nose and cold worse.
- Use menthol and eucalyptus bath salt in a sink or bowl of steaming hot water. Put a towel over your head and around the sink/bowl edge. Breathe in until the temperature drops. Just like a sauna for your head!
- When making your own saline solution, make sure to use distilled water to prevent any possible nasal irritation due to foreign substances in the water such as bacteria and/or chlorine. If you must use tap water you should first boil then cool that water before making the saline solution. Using a salt without iodine is a good idea also to keep the possibilities of extra inflammation and irritation down to a minimum.
- Use a vapor rub to melt away the mucus.
- Relax because the stuffiness will go away. If it's very irritating, then see what the chemist recommends.
- You can clear a blocked nose by heating your body up. Walking also breaks the mucus and makes it a runny nose, which you easily blow out.
- Add menthol crystals to boiling water and inhale. Be careful, it's very strong. Alternatively, leave the bowl nearby.
- By using nasal spray, you can severely reduce how blocked your nasal cavities are.
- If just one side of your nose is clogged, lay on the opposite side of your body and the nostrils may drain.
- A Helpful Pressure Point: place your middle finger on the bridge of your nose. Go upwards until you feel a dent/ the bridge of the nose starts going in. This is usually between the eyes, and sometimes higher. Press for 45 seconds, and you should feel your nasal passages starting to clear up.
- Get a bowl of boiling water and make a tent with a towel over the bowl and your head, allow steam to enter the nasal passage. This is unblock stuffy noses.
- Before going to bed, use a humidifier. If you can, find a scent like lavender or something citrus.
- Rubbing your nose really helps so you can easily blow it.
- Use a hot compress and place it on the bridge of your nose and keep it there for 15 minutes it shows alot of relieve.
- Never stick a cotton swab into nose nostrils.
- Be careful when using steam or a steam inhaler, as boiling steam can cause nasty scalds.
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Sources and Citations
- Burrow, Eccles, & Jones, 1983; Eccles, 2003
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