Breed an Ash Dragon in DragonVale

The ash dragon is a dark beast with a ridge of glowing coals on its extremities. It's a good dragon to have for future dragons that are rare, so breeding is worth it.


  1. Have a park level of at least 10.
  2. Go to your breeding island or breeding cave.
  3. Pair two basic dragons. The ash dragon's elements are lightning and plant. Pair a lightning and plant dragon in your breeding island or cave.
    • It is also possible to breed an ash dragon from two dragons that combine plant, lightning and at least one other element.[1]
    • The level of the dragons does not matter.
  4. Wait for six hours.
  5. If you have managed to breed an ash dragon, the egg that hatches will have swirls of yellow and green on it.
  6. Place the ash dragon in either a plant or lightning habitat. To help it grow, feed it the same food as all baby dragons.


  • The ash dragon produces 13 gold coins at level one and 86 gold coins at level 10.

Things You'll Need

  • Dragonvale installed

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