Build a Concrete Pond

A concrete pond can add beauty and functionality to your landscape. Ponds can be installed for aesthetic purposes, or for irrigation or swimming. Build a garden pond to transform your backyard into a natural wildlife habitat. To build a concrete pond, follow these suggestions.


  1. Envision the best design. If you have a concept in mind, sketch the basic shape. Take into consideration the yard layout and your budget, which will dictate the size and style of the pond. Calculate your budget by making a list of the materials you'll need.
    • Search Internet sites and home and garden magazines for concrete pond plans. Visit parks or friends' yards for ideas.
    • To build a concrete pond, plan carefully. If necessary, revise the plan before breaking ground to avoid extra costs.
    • The proximity of the house and your property line may determine the dimensions and location of the pond. Keep in mind zoning ordinances and easements.
  2. Contact the civil authorities. Ask the building inspector at city hall about restrictions or requirements, like permits or surveys. Also schedule an inspection from the utility company to examine the area before beginning the project.
    • It's imperative to locate any water pipes or underground gas, electrical, or communication lines before digging.
  3. Excavate the area where your pond will be built. Prepare the yard by clearing away rocks, debris and other obstacles. Any trees or bushes should be completely uprooted to prevent roots from growing back and cracking the concrete.
  4. Accumulate the equipment. If you're going to build a concrete pond on a large scale, you'll need to rent a front end loader, and hire a concrete truck for delivery. On a smaller scale project, an electric concrete mixer, shovels, hoes, and a wheelbarrow could suffice.
  5. Trench the dirt and move it out of the way. Regardless of the dimensions, keep any dirt, debris, rocks, etc. from falling back into the hole. Be sure the rim is level all the way around. Pack the earth down by driving around the rim.
  6. Reinforce with re-bar or fence wire to strengthen the concrete. Place a layer of plastic around the perimeter of the pond, covering the dirt. Stretch wire around entire perimeter. Depending on the size of the pond, also use chicken cage wire for reinforcing.
    • Install re-bar or fence wire above the ground with stakes. This allows the metal to dry in the center of the concrete, giving extra strength.
  7. Mix and pour the concrete. Keep the consistency a bit thick to line the sloped edges of the pond. Ideally, the sides should be hand mixed, as many concrete truck drivers keep the mixture "wet," which could cause it to run.
    • Concrete pond walls and floor should be around 4 inches (10.2 cm) thick. Follow additional instructions from the concrete manufacturer.
  8. Screed and smooth out finish. Use a screed (a board or strip of metal) to smooth and level the concrete. Use trowels for a smooth finish. Depending on the temperature and humidity, hardening usually occurs within 2 hours of initial mixing. Leveling and smoothing should be complete by then.


  • Use a pump to keep the pond water circulating, preventing stagnation.
  • Heavy equipment can be rented from lumber yards, where the clerk should be able to assist with instructions.


  • Allow the concrete to cure completely before filling with water, which could take several weeks.
  • If you will be operating heavy machinery, be certain of your ability, for safety and time management.

Things You'll Need

  • Concrete mix
  • Front end loader
  • Electric concrete mixer
  • Shovels
  • Hoes
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Screed
  • Trowels

Sources and Citations