Build a Lean to Using Two Trees

There are many methods of Build a Lean To One method uses only one tree with a low hanging branch. Although that works great, a low hanging branch is not always available. In that event, building a lean to between two trees becomes the best option. All the materials you need can be easily found around you if you just know where to look. This article will describe to you how to build a lean to shelter between two trees in the woods from start to finish.


  1. Pick a site: A good site is close (but not too close) to water, wood, and other resources, but is also far enough away from dangers such as animals, winds, or falling objects. Pick a pair of trees that are approximately your body length apart. If you can't find any that fit this description, pick a pair that are no closer together than {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} or no further apart than a foot or so longer than your body. There should be enough room behind your trees to lay down with your head at the front of the shelter and your feet at the back (see picture).
  2. Find out what you will need. Figure out how much and what materials you will need. The minimum that you will need is a transversal beam, a long thick and sturdy piece of wood like the one in the previous picture, that will stick out about six inches on the sides of the trees you chose. You will also need at least 5 to 7 back beams. The back beams should be thinner than the transversal but still sturdy and long. You will also need a lot of pine boughs, unless you have a tarp.
  3. Gather materials. This is where you go out and find the materials you will need in the woods. Be careful not to stray too far from the site and get lost. (You should read How to Survive in the Woods, just in case.) Also remember that in a survival situation, anything is fair game; DO NOT be afraid to cut down trees if you have to. However, if you are just doing this for fun, be kind to the environment and don't cut down trees unnecessarily. Instead, build your Lean to using "deadfall" timber, but check to make sure it is still strong and not rotted.
    • Note: While tools are very useful, if they are not readily available, improvise with things like sharp rocks.
    • Caution: Knives and hatchets are useful but dangerous if mishandled. Never use dull tools. Don't use tools in a manner they were not intended for. Serious injury or death can occur from misuse of tools.
    • Danger: if you intend to cut down a tree be aware of what is around it. Extreme injury or death can occur from negligence.
  4. Attach the transversal. Using a clove hitch, a method of attaching a string to a piece of wood, and square lashings, method of attaching two logs together, attach the transversal between two trees as shown in the pictures that will follow. The transversal should always be attached at the waist level of the highest person in in a group. While attaching the transversal, use your hip to support it in place while you tie it to the trees.
    • Note: attach the transversal on the side of the trees you wish to be the front of your shelter.
  5. Test the transversal. This step is very simple. Although the lashings are only made of string or roots, they are still very strong. To test the lashings, sit on the transversal. Be careful, though, because if the lashings are not strong enough, they will fail and the transversal will fall (see picture).
  6. Attach back beams. Attach the back beams as shown in the picture. Make sure that when you lay the back beams on top of the transversal that you have enough room on the inside of the shelter so that you can comfortably lay down inside the shelter and not touch any of the back beams.
  7. Interweave branches. Find some long, flexible, thin branches and weave them through the back beams all the way down to the bottom of the shelter. Space the branches about a foot apart.
  8. Make the roof. At this point, if you have a tarp, use it to cover the back of the shelter. Tie it to the two trees and secure it on the transversal. Pull it taut from the back of the shelter, covering the entire shelter. Peg or weigh it down so it remains taut. If you do not have a tarp, this is where the pine mentioned previously is used. Weave the pine boughs through the back of the shelter. Make sure that the needles are pointing downwards when you weave the pine so that they will act in a manner similar to the shingles of a roof, causing water to roll down the back of your shelter and not into it. You will have to layer the pine on very thick, about a foot thick. A good way to see if you have enough is to look up through the bottom of the shelter. If you see any sunlight coming through then water can and will get into your shelter. If this is the case put on more pine.
  9. Clear a place to sleep. Sleeping on the ground will cause you to lose body heat drastically through the night. To prevent this, first clear out any leaves or twigs inside the shelter. All that should be left on the ground is dirt.
  10. Make a bed. To make the shelter more comfortable and, more importantly, to prevent the loss of further body heat, you must now put something between you and the dirt to insulate you from the ground. A thin layer of leaves and twigs is not sufficient. Get some more pine or moss and cover the entire bottom of your shelter with it. A heavy layer of dry leaves or pine needles will also work to insulate you from the ground. You now have a place to sleep out the night.


  • Knives and hatchets are tools and should be treated as such. If not treated with care serious injury or death could occur.
  • Unless you are on private property and have permission to do so, you should not cut down trees, including saplings, unless your survival absolutely depends on it. Build your Lean to using "deadfall" timber, collected from the ground, but check to make sure this wood is still strong and not rotted.
  • Wear the proper footwear, something sturdy and waterproof like hiking boots or combat boots.
  • Never use dull tools as they increase the risk of injury. Never use a tool in a manner that it was not intended for.

Things You'll Need

  • wood
  • knives - optional
  • hatchet - optional
  • string - very useful but if unavailable use tree roots instead

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