Build a Social Life as a Senior Citizen
Having an active social life during your golden years can be a challenge. Many of your friends and family may no longer be with you, which may have reduced your social circle. You are also possibly experiencing some social withdrawal if you have retired and find yourself missing workplace camaraderie. And of course, you might not have the same physical abilities that you did in your younger years. But that doesn't mean that you cannot still have a fulfilling and active social life! In fact, you can find great pleasure in discovering new friendships and activities. There are many steps you can take for this to happen.
Meeting People
- Be outgoing. While there is no one personality trait that leads to guaranteed happiness, research does suggest that being outgoing can make you more satisfied with your social life. Your first step towards being more outgoing is to get to know people around you. Chances are that there are people in your daily life that could potentially become your friends.
- Look around your neighborhood. Is there a friendly face next door whom you have never spoken to? Next time you see them out in there yard, make a point to go over and say hello. Finding new friends is a great way to build your social circle.
- Strike up conversations on your daily errands. For example, do you frequently go to the same farmer's market on the weekends? Take a look around. You might start noticing that you see the same people there regularly. Start a conversation with one of them and see if they would like to grab a cub of coffee.
- Explore your surroundings. Senior citizens comprise a major percentage of the population. Chances are that there are activities in your community that are geared towards helping seniors socialize. Find out if there is a community center in your neighborhood that offers senior-friendly activities.
- Community centers might offer a wide variety of activities such as game nights, cookie swaps, and guest lectures. Don't be afraid to attend on your own! There will probably be lots of other people looking for new friends, too.
- Your neighborhood gym or YMCA are also great places to find social activities. Many health centers offer group classes or programs that are specifically formulated for seniors. Being active is a great way to meet others.
- Be open-minded. As you age, it can become easy to get set in your ways. After all, you've had a lot of experiences in your life and you know what you like and what you don't like. However, try to keep your mind open towards new people and new experiences. Even though your personality is already formed, it can still change. Be open to befriending people who you might not immediately have a lot in common with.
- Remember, you don't have to only be friends with other seniors. Maybe a nice young couple has moved in next door to you. Try inviting them over for dinner. Even though they are members of a different generation, you might find that you share a lot of interests. And even if you don't have much in common, you can still have an enjoyable evening.
- Use technology. Technology can be a great way to widen your social circle and meet new people. Try setting up a Facebook profile. This is a great way to reconnect with old friends you have lost touch with. It can also help you to stay in touch with family members who don't live nearby.
- If it is a romantic connection that you are looking for, technology can be a big help in that area, too. There are many online dating services, and more and more seniors are signing up.
Finding New Activities
- Exercise your mind. Finding new activities to participate in is a great way to build a more active social life. You could try finding a new intellectual pursuit. This will help you to sharpen your mind at the same time that you are meeting new people.
- For example, you could join a local book club. Check with your neighborhood bookstore or local library to find out what sorts of groups they offer. You'll get exposed to a new array of literature, and hopefully, have fun discussing what you've read.
- Look for a lecture series. Many community centers and libraries have regular events where a local author or public figure delivers a talk. These events are a great way to interact with other people and be part of your community. Colleges and universities also regularly offer these types of events.
- Explore new places. This is a great time to try finding a new place to explore. You could take a bus trip up to a winery and enjoy a wine tasting. You could join a nature group and go on easy hiking excursions. Chances are, there are places nearby that you've yet to explore. Check out local groups for these types of excursions--you can often find inexpensive day trips.
- Birdwatching is an excellent way to explore the habitat around you. You could find a class at your local community college and meet others who would like to explore nature with you.
- Find a new hobby. Participating in a hobby can be a fun thing to do with friends. Look for a common interest that you and a friend (or relative) share and devote some time to pursuing that activity. Finding a new hobby can be a great way to help you keep your social connections strong.
- Maybe you have always wanted to pursue photography. This would be an excellent new skill to learn. You could also use it as a social activity by using your friends and family as test subjects.
- Try taking a dance class. Your new dance partner might become a new friend. Dancing is also a great way to stay physically active.
- Recruit others. Sometimes it can be intimidating to try new activities. If you're a little bit shy, try bringing a friend, neighbor, or relative with you on an outing. Having company can help give you the confidence that you need to take the leap and try something new.
- Try setting up a regular activity. Being the organizer allows you to invite a variety of people, and set up things that you like. For example, you could organize a weekly coffee club or a monthly dinner party.
- Volunteer. Volunteering is a great way to help others, and to find a productive way to fill your time. Spending time volunteering is also a great way to meet other people who share your interests and ideals. Make sure to find a volunteer opportunity that fits both your skills and interests.
- Try to find a way to volunteer that utilizes your skills or passions. For example, if you love animals, try contacting your local shelter to see if they need dog walkers.
- If you are a former teacher, you could volunteer helping under-privelaged youth learn to read. Your local library is a great place to learn about volunteer opportunities in your area.
Changing Your Mindset
- Be proactive. It will take some effort on your part to build an active social life. Instead of waiting for opportunities to come your way, try being proactive and creating those opportunities for yourself. Being proactive means creating your own experiences.
- Actively try to meet people. Put a smile on your face and get in the habit of striking up conversations with new people.
- Vary your routine. Try going to new places. The more places you go, the more likely you are to meet someone new. This is a great way to expand your social circle.
- Gain confidence. As your confidence grows, you will find yourself more willing and able to try new things and meet new people. There are many ways to build your confidence. Try picturing yourself succeeding. For example, think about a time that you tried something new and enjoyed it. Try to channel that experience, and picture it when you are going on a new adventure.
- Avoid negative thoughts. Build yourself up by complimenting yourself. Focus on your strengths. If you project a confident air, others might naturally gravitate towards you. Being confident can help you meet new people and attract new friends.
- Appreciate the benefits of being social. Not only is having a social life fun, but it turns out that it is also good for your health. Being active socially is also great for your mental health. Socializing helps keep your mind sharp.
- Socialization is also good for your physical health. Research tells us that seniors who regularly socialize have lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease.
- Know your physical limitations. Consult with your personal physician prior to beginning a new physical activity.
- Don't be afraid to try new things.
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