Buy Home Grown Tobacco
If you're looking for an alternative to the processed tobacco products you have been buying in stores, you might think that homegrown tobacco is the solution. Before you decide to start purchasing homegrown tobacco, take some time to read about the legalities of homegrown tobacco and the potential health risks. If you still think homegrown tobacco is right for you, make sure you find a legitimate and reliable source.
Deciding If Homegrown Tobacco Is Right for You
- Learn about the different types of tobacco products. Most tobacco products that you buy in the store are processed in some way. Tobacco that is "homegrown" may be processed as well. If you are looking for an unprocessed product, you should seek out whole, unprocessed tobacco leaves, which you can buy from an individual who grows the plant at home or from a company.
- It is illegal to sell processed tobacco products without a license in the United States, but whole, unprocessed tobacco leaves are not subject to these same regulations.
- Understand the benefits of homegrown tobacco. If you are looking for a more natural, higher quality tobacco product, homegrown, unprocessed tobacco might be right for you.
- Homegrown, unprocessed tobacco may contain fewer chemicals and additives than commercial tobacco.
- Homegrown, unprocessed tobacco may come from heirloom plants, which can produce a higher quality product with a better taste.
- Recognize the risks of homegrown tobacco. While there may be certain benefits to using unprocessed tobacco products, you should understand that purchasing homegrown tobacco will not prevent you from developing any of the various diseases that have been linked to smoking. Large tobacco companies do add many chemicals to their products, but tobacco naturally contains compounds that are known carcinogens as well. If you want to be healthy, the best thing you can do is to stop smoking.
- Unless you buy unprocessed, whole-leaf tobacco, or you buy processed tobacco illegally, which is strongly discouraged, you will have to pay taxes. For this reason, purchasing homegrown tobacco from a legitimate source may not save you any money over purchasing conventional tobacco products from a store.
Finding a Source of Homegrown Tobacco
- Find a legal source. You probably don't want to get wrapped up in an illegal operation, so if you are buying anything other than whole, unprocessed tobacco leaves, make sure the person who grew the tobacco has a valid Manufacturer of Tobacco Products permit from the United States Alcohol and Tobacco Trade and Tax Bureau.
- If you are ever in doubt about the legitimacy of a source, contact the United States Alcohol and Tobacco Trade and Tax Bureau to check for the existence of a manufacturer's license.
- In general, you should avoid tobacco products that are not sold in stores. There are a variety of heirloom and additive-free tobacco products on the market that may offer the benefits you are seeking from homegrown tobacco. You may also be able to find small companies that sell directly to consumers in your local area, but you should check to make sure they are licensed before purchasing from them.
- If you have a friend that gets homegrown tobacco, ask him where he gets it, but remember to always verify that the source is legal. You can legally buy whole, unprocessed tobacco leaves from anyone, but you will most likely have to have some kind of a connection to find a source, as these individuals are unlikely to have stores or websites.
- Finding a legitimate source will also help protect you against sellers who may be selling tainted products.
- Avoid getting ripped off by educating yourself about the different strains of tobacco and the going rate in your area. You can also look online to see what whole, unprocessed tobacco leaves are going for.
- Buy unprocessed tobacco online. If homegrown tobacco is appealing to you because it is more natural than commercially produced products, you may be able to find the same benefits in whole, unprocessed tobacco leaves that are offered for sale online. You can choose from a wide variety of strains from many online retailers.
- If you are not very knowledgeable about tobacco, it may be difficult to tell if a product is high quality or if the price is fair. Before buying, always check online reviews for the retailer and look at other sources to compare prices for the strain that is being offered. Be wary of any retailer whose prices seem unusually high or unusually low.
- If you buy whole tobacco leaves, you will have to process them yourself, which involves washing, drying, separating, and shredding the leaves.
- Consider growing tobacco yourself. If you have decided that you definitely want to smoke homegrown tobacco, but you can't find a legal and reliable source, consider growing it yourself. It will take some hard work and dedication, but it will save you a lot of money.
- In order to grow your own tobacco, you will need a well-equipped indoor growing area, an outdoor garden, and space indoors for drying leaves. You will also have to tend to your plants every day.
- Don't sell processed tobacco! You will get into a lot of trouble if you are caught.
- There are risks associated with growing tobacco, including the potential for nicotine poisoning if you handle wet tobacco leaves. Make sure you understand how to properly handle the crop before you start growing it.
- Tobacco leaves that still have an intact full stem is defined by law as an agricultural product, thus are not regulated by any laws.
The best source for buying whole leaf tobacco (stem intact) is a tobacco farmer. The best tobacco for smoking is bright leaf which is mainly grown in NC and SC.
- Never buy from those you don't trust, as you may get a poor quality or contaminated product.
- If you want to stop smoking, there are a variety of free resources available online.
- Laws may vary in different jurisdictions. To avoid getting into trouble, consider buying all your tobacco from a permitted supplier.
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