Remove a Cigarillo Filter

Cigarillos are short, narrow, tobacco-leaf, or tobacco-paper wrapped cigars used for tobacco smoking. They are smaller than standard cigars, but larger than cigarettes.[1] Cigarillo smoking is usually done without a filter, but few come filtered. Removing the filter paper can be done manually. Read on to learn the process in doing so.


Peeling the Wrapper

  1. Examine the cigarillo itself for the filter band. This band is where the filter begins and ends so you will know where the tobacco is stored as well.
    • This band should be a different color than the majority of the cigarillo.
  2. Peel the wrapper off the cigarillo filter itself. It's best to do this with just your thumb and index fingertips.[2]
    • Make sure your fingertips are clean when you start.
    • Slide the tip of the leaf/paper of the wrapper loose enough to rub and tug on.
    • If you have trouble starting the peel, try using your fingernails to lift it up.
    • When you get the peel going, continue around in a steady motion to avoid prematurely tearing the wrapper into smaller pieces.
    • If you do happen to tear the wrapper into tinier pieces, make sure those bits are discarded where they are not at risk of catching fire.
    • You may end up loosening some of the tobacco in the tip within the cigarillo.
  3. Loosen the tobacco wrapper glue on the filter. Continually rub and twist the wrapper around the filter until it comes off.[3]
    • You can decide now how much of the filter you actually want to take off.
    • The filter will be an exposed paper or cotton-based fiber combination filling the tip.
    • The more of the filter that stays on, the better for your health.[4]
  4. Discard the removed items. Dispose of the filter and excess material.
    • Ensure no flammable items are carelessly left about.
    • Sweep clear any excess tobacco and/or store it for re-use if that's what you intend.

Cutting the Wrapper

  1. Collect a pair of scissors. This will help take off the edge of the wrapper more quickly, but at more risk of damage.[5][6]
    • If you are concerned about safety, consider having gloves and a cutting board available too.
    • There is a risk with scissors in that you will over-torque or twist when cutting and ruin the cigarillo that way.
  2. Examine the cigarillo carefully for the filter band's location. Again, this should be on one tip and alternately colored from the rest of the cigarillo.
    • Try to decide beforehand if you want all or some of the filter to be removed.
    • The cutting method does increase risk of damage to the filter and cigarillo.
  3. Cut the tip of the cigarillo wrapper on the filter end. Be careful not to cut beyond the filter's edge into the main part of the cigarillo.
    • Slide the cigarillo tip into the scissor blade while it's steadied on a flat surface such as a table.
    • Snip slowly and evenly, avoid any twisting motions.
  4. After cutting, slowly peel the freed wrapper from the filter and remove as much of it as you want.
    • Use the thumb and forefinger method to peel the remainder of the wrapper after cutting.
    • Take care in discarding any sliced or peeled bits of tobacco wrapper so they are not near sources of fire.
    • Remember more of the filter remaining is better for your health.[7]
  5. Discard what you have removed. Properly dispose of what you cut out of the cigarillo.
    • Do not leave anything flammable in your work area.
    • Replace your cutting implements to their proper locations.
    • Remove excess tobacco and/or store it.

Undoing the Threads

  1. Gather a set of tweezers for this method. Make sure they are clean.[8]
    • If you're unsure if the tweezers are clean, run them under boiling water and let them cool and dry before proceeding.
  2. Make sure you are in a well lighted environment. You want to be able to see clearly as you insert the tweezers into the cigarillo.
    • If you have someone helping you, they can use a flashlight over your shoulder.
    • Make sure your lighting source is not going to be a fire risk to the cigarillo and tobacco.
  3. Look over the cigarillo for the filter band. The band should be located on one tip and colored differently from the rest of wrapper.
    • This tweezer-thread method will result in total removal of the filter.
  4. Insert the tweezers through the wrapper tip on the filter end. Use the tweezers to grab the filter's individual threads.
    • Pull the threads carefully through the end of the cigarillo tube without damaging the wrapper.
    • Have a convenient place to deposit the threads as you proceed.
    • Try to only let the very tips of the tweezers enter the cigarillo or you may split the wrapper.
    • Continue this process until the filter is disassembled.
    • Once gone with this method, the filter cannot be replaced. The filter remaining is better for your health.[9]
  5. Discard what you have removed. Properly dispose of what you pulled out of the cigarillo.
    • Do not leave anything flammable in your work area.
    • Store the tweezers in their proper locations.
    • Remove excess tobacco and/or store it.

Cutting the Tip

  1. Use the punch/bullet cutter for most cases. If you have a tipped cigarillo, though they are not common, you will likely need a cutter.[10] There are three major varieties of cutters--punch/bullet cuts, v-cuts, and straight or "guillotine" cuts. The punch/bullet cutter is the easiest cutter to use. [11]
    • Insert the cigarillo's tip into the opening, push and twist the blade, and then pull it out.
  2. Operate the v-cut. This is not the best cutter to use since it only notches into the tip and can result in an uneven burn, but it is an option. And if you are removing the filter, this may be insufficient.[12]
    • Insert the cigarillo tip into the v-slot double bladed area.
    • Extend and then squeeze the ends of the cutter to snip the end.
    • Pull back the sliced tip and discard.
  3. Cut with the straight version. The straight cutters come in single or double bladed forms, but operate mostly the same way.[13]
    • Insert the cigarillo tip into the bladed opening.
    • Extend then squeeze the ends to snip the tip.
    • Remove the tip and discard.


  • Avoid getting any of the removal implements or cigarillo wet when performing the removal.
  • Have a first-aid kit available in case of injury while using the cigar cutter.
  • Have sealable tins or glass jars ready to store the extra tobacco. You want to keep them in cool, dark places around {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} and away from moisture.[14]
  • Cigar cutters can be bought at any cigar or tobacco shop as well as as a wide variety of online retailers.
  • Cigarillos more commonly come without filters and without tips.
  • Get a holder/container for your cigar cutter to prevent accidents/injury when it is not in use


  • Cigars and cigarillos generally are not inhaled when smoked, but some inhalation can occur.
  • Do not re-use old jars for storing tobacco as moisture and odors can be transferred.
  • Smoking any tobacco products can be harmful to your health.
  • There are risks of injury, especially to fingers, and damage to to the cigarillo when using cigar cutters.

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