Buy a Hedgehog

Buying a hedgehog for a pet can be daunting if you don't know what to look for. Here are some very simple steps to help you choose wisely.


  1. Make sure it is legal. Some jurisdictions may not allow pet ownership of a hedgehog or may have restrictions for specific reasons. Find this out first before setting your heart on a hedgehog.
  2. Be hedgehog savvy. Read up on your future companion before looking for one. This will help you to identify the type of hedgehog you are looking for, as well as helping you with the questions that you need to ask (see next step). In addition, it will confirm in your mind if a hedgehog is the right pet for you.
  3. Never, never, NEVER buy a hedgehog from a pet store, or from web site sellers that are not professional breeders! Do not buy from backyard breeders! Their animals frequently suffer from poor temperament, questionable genetics and often die young. Don't support animal dealing or backyard breeding for profit!
  4. Purchase a baby from a reputable breeder! A baby with you from the youngest age possible is very likely to bond strongly to you and accept you much more readily. Be sure to research the breeder thoroughly, look for and ask about these things;
    • Do they have quality parents? Be sure that they have pedigreed animals that are clear of WHS (wobbly hedgehog syndrome) and cancer. Ask to see the animals' pedigrees, and if you feel like being extra careful, confirm with those other breeders that the pedigree goes to that animal. Do not purchase a hedgehog from a backyard breeder who breeds mixed-breed animals! You're far better with a pedigree.
    • Do they use good breeding ethics? Ask them if they practice inbreeding, how often females are bred, and how soon the babies go home. Babies are weaned at 6 weeks but should not leave the breeder until at least 7 weeks of age.
    • Be sure they properly socialize their hoglets. Ask them how early they start socialization, how often they socialize, and for how long. Ask them what handling methods they use and what the babies will be exposed to.
    • Are they licensed? Breeders are allowed to breed and sell hedgehogs without a USDA License if the Breeder has 3 or fewer breeding females. More than 3 females requires a license.
    • Are they a part of the hedgehog breeding community? Ask them if the participate in any forums, or are a part of any groups like the Hedgehog Breeders Alliance, Hedgehog Welfare Society, or the International Hedgehog Association.
    • Do you take good care of your hedgehogs? Ask them what they feed their hogs, what kind of cage they use, what stimulation they provide, how often they're cleaned, and how often they are bred. Females should never be bred more than 3 times a year.
    • Can I return the hedgehog if things don't work out? Be clear on this from the outset.
    • Are there any health guarantees and replacements offered for genetic illnesses? A good breeder will offer a lifetime replacement guarantee for WHS and at least a 6 month genetic guarantee.
    • Look for a transparent facility that lists all of their breeding animals and practices on their website. Anything else has the right to be viewed as suspicious.
  5. It's not recommended for first time owners, but you can make the decision to purchase an older hedgehog from a private owner. These hedgehogs take much longer to warm up to you, and typically come with behavioral problems due to poor or lacking socialization. The seller should know the age, background and condition of the hedgehog - ask questions along these lines:
    • How old is the hedgehog?
    • Where did the hedgehog come from? (Ask for any "pedigree" papers if relevant).
    • What have you been feeding the hedgehog? This will help you to determine the condition of the hedgehog and whether changes are needed or if the diet has been a good one.
    • How often has the hedgehog been handled? You want a hedgehog that has been handled every day or every other day. Anything less is a warning sign of a ill-tempered or poorly socialized hedgehog!
    • When was the last time the hedgehog was vet checked?
    • Are there any previous or known health/behavior problems?
    • Is the hedgehog amiable to petting/what is its temperament?
    • What's the last time the animal was bathed/toenails trimmed?
    • What sort of cage, bedding, and toys is the hedgehog used to?
  6. Consider the following things for yourself when you pick up a potential pet; look closely at the hedgehog you're considering and ask yourself:
    • Does the hedgehog have clean, bright eyes? Do not consider a hedgehog with runny eyes or conjunctivitis. Same for eyes that are half-closed, sunken or droopy; this is unlikely to indicate a healthy hedgehog.
    • Does the hedgehog have a clean nose? Again, don't choose a hedgehog with a runny nose. Listen to the breathing; if you hear any rasping noises, be wary of the possibility of a respiratory infection.
    • Are the ears clean? Any discharge or scabs should be queried. Nibbled patches are usually caused by close proximity to siblings and as long as these are properly healed, they can be dismissed as being a problem.
    • Is the underbelly soft and clear of tangles?
    • Set it down and watch it walk. Use common sense in assessing the gait; if it walks normally, all is probably fine. If it wobbles, limps or winces, the hedgehog is not likely to be in healthy condition.
    • Is the hedgehog responsive? Your chosen hedgehog should be alert and interested. A lethargic hedgehog is a sign that all is not well.
    • Check the quills (spines). These are a very good indicator of health. If there are any bare spots missing quills or unusual discoloration, the hedgehog may not be in good health.
    • Check the weight of the hedgehog. You could ask for the weight but you should also try to assess the overall look of the hedgehog for yourself. You don't want an emaciated hedgehog (caved-in stomach); it should look well-rounded and plump. On the other side, you don't want an overweight hedgehog who cannot roll into a ball.
    • Ask about any injuries or scabs. If you see injuries or scabs, ask the seller how these occurred. Consider carefully whether this will affect your ability to keep the hedgehog. It is one thing to have healed quill wounds from close confinement; it is another to have a blind hedgehog unless you are truly dedicated.
    • Check for mites! If the skin is crusty around the base of the quills, the skin may be infested with mites or fleas. Alternatively, it could be a sign of dry skin. Either way, ask the seller what is being done to treat this problem and be prepared to keep up the treatment if you choose this hedgehog, until the problem is resolved.
  7. Test the temperament of your chosen hedgehog:
    • Does the hedgehog unroll when you pick it up? Just as with people, hedgehogs are personalities in their own right. A shy hedgehog will take longer to unroll than a more outgoing one.
    • There is nothing wrong with a shy pet; it is only your expectations that can mar a relationship with such a pet. If you want a more outgoing hedgehog, pick one that unrolls more readily and doesn't mind you handling it so much. It is likely that a hedgehog that has been handled a lot will be more responsive. Ask the seller about its habits if you can't see them for yourself.
    • Does the hedgehog click or pop at you? A normal hedgehog noise is hissing. If the hedgehog makes clicking sounds, it is behaving threateningly and will be unlikely to make a suitable pet.
    • In general, the personality is not gender-specific, so you can choose a male or a female according to your wants. It is the personality and behavior that you should be looking at closely.
  8. Be 100% certain. A tame hedgehog cannot live in the wild. Its life is now with you. Re-homing the hedgehog multiple times can lead to behavioral and trust problems with the animal. Be totally sure that you want this companion for the next half a decade of your life before purchasing it.


  • In some respects, choosing a hoglet is like choosing a kitten: the more outgoing ones will be seen crawling about, unrolling playfully and behaving in an extrovert fashion; the quiet, shy and cuddly ones are also exhibiting their traits.Choose the personality that suits your needs and wants.
  • Hedgehogs live 3 - 9 years. Hedgehog age can affect bonding with you but is not as pronounced as with some animals. It is not recommended for any first time or otherwise inexperienced owner to take in hedgehogs from previous owners. They take much longer to accept the new owner, typically don't bond to you, and 9 times out of 10 come with behavioral problems due to poor socialization. Not that rescued hedgehogs can't be great pets, but it takes knowledge and dedication!
  • Hedgehogs are solitary beings, preferring not to have a cage-mate. Females tolerate another female better than two males or a mix, but still will fight if you have a small enough cage. Watch out for that. However, if you wish to own more than one hedgehog, it is advisable to keep them separated.
  • Ask for proof of veterinarian checks; don't take the seller's word for it. Even if you don't need to ask about vet checks, it may be useful to ask about a vet who cares for hedgehogs, for future purposes.
  • Hedgehogs actually live 3-7 years. Ask how old the hedgehog is and figure out about how long it should live. Ask when it was born and if it was born healthy.
  • Hedgehog spikes can be very sharp, so be careful. Do not use gloves because gloves will hide your scent and the hedgehog will not get to know you.
  • Don't let them get near animals like dogs or cats because they will get unfriendly and they would start hurting each other and the other pet may try to eat it.


  • NEVER release an unwanted hedgehog into the wild. You are signing its death sentence if you release it, since it is domesticated and won't know how to survive without you. Your best bet is to return it to the original breeder/store, local vets or place signs in newspapers/on posts to find a new owner if you suddenly find yourself unable to keep the hedgehog any longer.
  • Be sure to check the legality of hedgehogs in your area!
  • If something does go wrong with your new hedgehog, see a vet so that you have professional proof of the problem when you return to the breeder or store to complain.

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