Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology
According to numerology, the numerical value of your name influences areas of your personal and professional development. This article will teach you how to calculate your name number in numerology.
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- Write out the alphabet from A to Z.
- Assign each letter a digit from 1 to 9.
- Write out your full name.
- Match each letter in your name to its corresponding number.
- Add together all of the letter’s numbers.
- Reduce the sum of your name’s numbers into a single digit.
- Leave the Master Numbers as double digits.
Assigning Numbers to Letters in Your Name
- Write out the alphabet from ‘A’ to ‘Z.’ On a piece of paper, write out all 26 letters in a horizontal line. Each letter is going to be assigned a different numerical value. You can also write the letters vertically; as long as they are in order and organized you can choose either direction.
- Assign each letter a digit from 1 to 9. Start with the letter A. Write a ‘1’ next to it and then give each following letter the next number as you go in numerical order. For example, B will have a 2, and C is 3. Once you reach ‘I’ which is a ‘9,’ start back at 1 as you continue along the alphabet.
- Some sources only use digits 1 through 8, but there are 9 numerology name numbers, so be sure to use all 9 digits when numbering the letters.
- The system can also be summarized like this:
- 1– A, J, S
- 2– B, K, T
- 3– C, L, U
- 4– D, M, V
- 5– E, N, W
- 6– F, O, X
- 7– G, P, Y
- 8– H, Q, Z
- 9– I, R
- Write out your full name. To find out your true name number, you will need to use your full name. You can find your entire name on your birth certificate or an official identification document. Don’t forget to include your middle name if you have one as well.
- If you have a name that’s been passed down through your family, such as John Smith II, or you have unique prefixes or suffixes, include it as long as it is part of your full, official name.
- If you have legally changed your name, use that name since that is now how you identify yourself.
- You can use nicknames, but they won’t give a completely accurate result.
- Match each letter in your name to its corresponding number. Now that each letter has a numerical value, you can start putting numbers with the letters in your name. Below where you have written your name, write each number that goes with each individual letter.
- You will have some duplicates, but that is not a problem.
- For example, if your name is John Jacob Smith, then all of the Js will get a 1, the Os will get a 6, the Hs will get an 8, and so on.
Adding Together the Numbers
- Add together all of the letter’s numbers. Using a calculator or a pencil and paper, add together every single digit from your name. If your name has 20 letters, you will be adding together 20 individual numbers. You will end up with a two-digit sum after adding everything together.
- For example, BATMAN is numbers 2+1+2+4+1+5, which equals 15.
- Reduce the sum of your name’s numbers into a single digit. After you have added your numbers together, you will have a double or triple digit sum, if your name is long. To reduce the sum, add together the two digits within it. For example, if the sum of your letters is a 25, split the 25 and add 2+5 to equal 7. The 7 is your true name number.
- Leave the Master Numbers as double digits. If you add up the letters in your name and you get a sum that equals either 11, 22, or 33, don’t reduce them. These are the three Master numbers, which can add difficulty but also depth to the personality you are discovering or the topic of numerology you are studying. These three numbers have their own personality explanations.
- Master numbers can be reduced, but only in certain situations. They are reduced when they are found within a date or number equation.
- For example, if a total sum is a Master number do not reduce it. But if there is a Master number within the equation, go ahead and reduce an 11 to a 2 or a 33 to a 6 to simplify the equation.
Discovering Your Personality Type
- Match your name number to the basic numbers of numerology. Once you have your name number, you can look up that number in a numerology chart to find out more about yourself. Whether you were intentionally named with a numerology result in mind or your name number is by chance, knowing your number sign can perhaps give you some insight into your personality.
- Some sources differ slightly in their descriptions of each number, but overall their general descriptors remain similar:
- 1 – Initiator action, pioneering, leading, independent, attaining, individualistic
- 2 – Cooperation, adaptability, consideration of others, partnering, mediating
- 3 – Expression, verbalization, socialization, the arts, the joy of living
- 4 – Values foundation, order, service, struggle against limits, steady growth
- 5 – Expansiveness, visionary, adventure, the constructive use of freedom
- 6 – Responsibility, protection, nurturing, community, balance, sympathy
- 7 – Analysis, understanding, knowledge, awareness, studious, meditating
- 8 – Practical endeavors, status oriented, power-seeking, high-material goals
- 9 – Humanitarian, giving nature, selflessness, obligations, creative expression
- 11 – Higher spiritual plane, intuitive, illumination, idealist, a dreamer
- 22 – The Master Builder, large endeavors, powerful force, leadership
- Some sources differ slightly in their descriptions of each number, but overall their general descriptors remain similar:
- Discover your soul, destiny, and personality name number. Name numbers are often referred to by other names such as your life path number. There are also other variations that can reveal your soul’s inner desires as well as subconscious dreams.
- Your soul number will tell you your likes, dislikes, and deepest desires. Assign only the vowels in your first name and last name numbers, add them to find the sum, and reduce the sum to find your soul number.
- Your personality, or inner dreams, number is found by giving only the consonant letters a number.
- To find your destiny name number, you will follow the same process to find your normal name number.
- When differentiating between vowels and consonants, treat Ys and Ws with special care. When Ys are used as a vowel and a W is paired with a vowel to create a vowel sound, such as ‘Matthew,’ then they are given numbers for a soul number.
- Conversely, if Ys and Ws are being used in a name as consonants, do not give them numbers for a personality name number.
- Change your name to change your name number. If you find that you’re unsatisfied with your name number results or you don’t like your given name itself, you can always change your name. You may find that as you get older you want to be identified and called something else more suiting to your complex personality. Names aren’t written in stone, just legally binding paper, but that can be fixed.
- If you want to skip the courthouse, you can always ask people to call you by a nickname.
- A new name may take some time to catch on, but be consistent with correcting people nicely and signing your new name correctly to help it stick.
- You can even start by spelling your name differently to alter your name number results. For example, Tamra is an 8 but by spelling her name Tamara, she becomes a 9.
- Numerology is not the absolute definition of who you are. There are other things beyond your name that determine your personality and nature.
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