Calm Hyperactive Children

Hyperactive children may fidget, have difficulty concentrating, be unable to sit still or generally be overexcited. A child who is hyperactive does not always mean that they have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but they may have certain tendencies that contribute to difficulty in maintaining focus. Medication for hyperactivity is often over-prescribed[1]. Instead, diet changes, routines and calming activities can help to calm a hyperactive child.


Creating a Calm Environment

  1. Create a calming kids-only space. Dedicate a corner of a room, a nook, or other small space to making a space that the child can sit in by themselves. Put pillows, stuffed animals, books or other cozy items in this space. This is not a time-out space where they go when they are in trouble. Instead, this is a space where they feel safe and can get a chance to relax.[2]
  2. Play calm music. If you play music in your house, choose more soothing music like classical or meditative music, rather than upbeat pop or hard rock. Too much noise can be a trigger for some children to become hyperactive, and eliminating or changing the type of noise can be helpful in calming children.
  3. Minimize screen time. Too much exposure to television, video games, computers and phones can trigger hyperactivity. These devices often have rapidly moving images, bright colors and loud sounds that are the opposite of calming. Limit screen time or eliminate it altogether.[3]
  4. Give a mini-massage. Hyperactive children in particular respond well to touch and affection. Give the child a little massage on their back, feet or hands to help them calm down. Physical touch and affection can stimulate endorphins, which can be very calming and healing.
  5. Speak in a calm voice. Instead of shouting or talking loudly, reduce the volume of your voice by speaking to the child calmly. They may need to stop what they’re doing to hear you, which can help interrupt their hyperactivity.
  6. Remove your child from certain situations. If there are too many people around, especially other kids who are noisy or rambunctious, this might also trigger hyperactivity in a child. Take your child out of this situation and give them some calm time on their own or just with you.

Planning Activities

  1. Help your child burn off energy. Help the child get some exercise by going for a walk, riding bikes, or going to a park. All kids get built-up energy that needs an outlet, and it may be particularly the case for a hyperactive child. Getting fresh air and a change of scenery can be really useful in redirecting a child’s disposition.
    • Find a sport that the child enjoys doing. Do not pressure them to do a sport they don’t like, as this can increase their hyperactivity and lack of focus.
  2. Do calm activities. Give your child a chance to take a breath and relax by reading a book with them or singing a soft song. Giving them a warm bath is also a good idea.[2] Add lavender essential oils to the bath to create a calming scent.
  3. Spend time in natural settings. Nature can have a calming effect on people, even if it’s just spending time in the yard or garden. Taking a walk or hike in a forest can also be very beneficial, as the child will get fresh air, exercise, and a chance to clear their heads.[3]
  4. Distract the child with another activity. If there is an activity that seems to trigger your child’s hyperactivity, such as something that is noisy, frustrating, too chaotic, and so on, redirect their attention to another activity. This can help refocus their attention.
  5. Use guided imagery and meditation. Meditating is, for any age, a good way to calm the mind and body. When children are unable to handle thinking about stressful situations, you can help them visualize how they can respond in those situations. This can help calm them down. Search online for examples of these, or find a book at your local library on meditation and guided imagery for children.[4]
    • For example, have the child sit and close their eyes. Ask them to imagine a calm space, like a beach or a forest. Have them pay attention to the sounds that they hear, the wind they feel on their face, and the details they see around them. Using a regular imagined calming space can be helpful.
  6. Practice breathing techniques. Teach your child how to take deep breaths to relax. Take a deep breath in through the nose and slowly breathe out through the mouth. Focus on different parts of the body while taking these deep breaths.[5]
    • For example, have your child think about their legs while breathing deeply and rhythmically. Have them tighten up their leg muscles when they inhale, and relax those muscles with every exhale. Go through different parts of the body until the entire body is relaxed.
    • Have your child imagine a warm color or light that surrounds them as they breathe. Imagine this color or light wraps them up to calm them down.
  7. Practice kids’ yoga or tai chi. Calming meditative practices like yoga and tai chi are not just good for adults. They help kids get centered and find balance in their lives. Find a DVD at your local library that guides kids through yoga or tai chi. Similarly, search online for one.
  8. Give your child a journal to write in. If the child is old enough to write, give them a notebook or journal to write their feelings in. They can write a page or two every day, jotting down their thoughts, problems and concerns. They can either keep the page intact or crumple it up and throw it away.
    • Do not read your child’s journal. They should feel that they can be totally honest in their journal, and respecting their privacy will help them feel safe enough to write what is really on their mind.

Creating Routines

  1. Establish a daily schedule. Kids thrive on routine, and knowing what activities will be happening in the day can help give them a sense of stability. This doesn’t mean you need to schedule every moment of the day, but you should have meals at regular times, homework time after school, bath time before bed, and so on.
  2. Eat meals together. Sit down together with your child to eat meals. This gives the child a chance to eat good food while having your attention. Model healthy eating habits for your child.
    • Do not bring screen media to the table. Turn off the TV, computer and phone while eating meals together.
  3. Encourage healthy sleep habits. Younger children need 10-12 hours of sleep every night, while teenagers need 8-9 hours of sleep.[6] Make sure the child goes to bed at a reasonable hour and gets a full, uninterrupted night of sleep.
    • Limit use screen media (TV, computer, video games), especially before bedtime. This can disrupt sleep patterns.[7]

Changing Diets

  1. Serve a healthy breakfast. Give your child a good start to the day with protein and whole grains. Serve eggs or peanut butter on toast. Stay away from sugary cereals, white bread, and other refined carbohydrates and sugars, which may contribute to blood sugar imbalances.
  2. Determine if there are any food allergies. Food allergies have the potential to cause behavioral problems. Eliminate certain foods to see if your child is allergic or sensitive to them. Start with eliminating some of the most common food allergens, such as wheat, dairy, eggs, corn, shellfish or peanuts. Track how your child feels and behaves as each of these foods is eliminated and then reintroduced into their diet.[8]
  3. Serve lots of vegetables and fruits. Leafy green vegetables are rich with vitamins and give good nutrients to your child. Many of these also have omega 3 acids, which can help with hyperactivity. Fruits can be a good alternative to sweets that contain refined sugar.[9]
  4. Keep your child hydrated. Be sure that your child drinks a good amount of water every day. This will help your child feel better overall, along with helping to flush their body of toxins. Serve plain water instead of sodas or fruit juices.

Using Natural Remedies

  1. Use essential oils. Essential oils are derived from plants and can be added to warm baths or an aromatherapy diffuser to give out a calming scent.[10] Some essential oils that are particularly good for hyperactivity include lavender, peppermint, and orange.
    • Put a few drops into a handkerchief and have your child breathe in the scent to help calm them down.
  2. Have your child drink calming teas. There are many natural herbs that have calming properties, such as chamomile, catnip, and peppermint can be calming. Be careful not to give them really hot tea, especially if they are young.
  3. Take nutritional supplements. Some people with hyperactivity may have a deficiency of calcium or magnesium. These nutrients aid in muscle relaxation and sleep. Give your child supplements from a natural health foods store. Be sure to read instructions on the label to ensure you are giving them appropriate doses of supplements.[3]


  • Medications for ADHD are often over prescribed  and are not the best approach.[1] These medications can have detrimental side effects, which can include sleep disturbances, mood swings, loss of appetite, and other symptoms.[11] Medication should be a last resort for calming hyperactive children. Talk with your doctor for more information.

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