Camp out Overnight in Line

Nowadays, it has become increasingly difficult to quickly purchase hot commodity items such as new electronics, toys, game systems, etc. It is very possible that you will have to camp out in a line overnight if you want these items (especially during the holiday season). If you're willing to brave the crowds and the elements to get what you have your eyes on first, these steps will help you prepare.


  1. Assess the item you want to purchase first and foremost. Make sure you call the store beforehand and find out how many of the items they have, what time the store opens, and if they will be handing your pre-order tickets (many places do now, to avoid possible chaos). If there are only a dozen game systems available and you are the 20th person, it's not worth your time to stay out all night.
  2. Get ready! Start preparations as soon as you know what you're getting and what day the pre-order/shipment is. Make sure do not have commitments for the night of the purchase and the day after. No school, work, parties etc. You'll be too exhausted for any of this after the event!
  3. Gather together supplies. This varies on where you live and what time of year it is, but keeping in mind it will usually be around the holidays, and most likely cold, you will need to think ahead. See the "Things You'll Need" list for supplies.
  4. Bring a buddy. If at all possible, bring a friend, husband, wife, girl/boyfriend, sibling, co worker - anyone! There is safety in numbers and you will have someone to hold your place in line during a food run or much needed bathroom break. If you can't do that, try to seek out a friend in line. Although there can be unsavory people, the chances that hardcore shoppers will stick together in keeping away stragglers cannot be discounted.
  5. Check it out beforehand. If at all possible, drive to the location the day before. Seek out possible bathrooms, coffee shops and 24-hour locations. If nothing else, you will want someplace to warm up. If there are no 24/7 grocery stores, look for convenience stores.
  6. Dress accordingly. When you are ready for the big day, start early and dress warmly! Three layers on top plus a coat (sweater and turtle necks), two layers on bottom (jogging pants/flannel pants and jeans), a hoodie and hat, gloves, scarf, wool or double layers of socks and warm shoes. Bring blankets as well, three at least per person, and sleeping bags if you have them. And get to the location as fast as you can - some hardcore shoppers will camp out the afternoon before the day of the release!
  7. Set up your spot on arrival. When you arrive chances are you won't be the first person there. Set up camp, say hello to everyone, and ask what they are there for. Find out your place in the line. Remain kind and respectful to your fellow shoppers - you'll go through a lot together that night!
  8. Try to sleep if you can, as hard as that sounds. Walk around to stay warm. If you're with a partner, take car breaks/bathroom breaks, do a snack or food run and keep an eye on the time.
  9. Wake early and stay alert. As you near 5AM, stay awake and do not leave the line! The manager may be out to hand pre-sale tickets out, and you do not want to miss this - you have been camping out all night for these!


  • If you plan to camp out alone, there is a chance you will not find a person in line that will save you place. Assuming you have brought enough food and entertainment supplies, the only unmet need will be bathroom-related. The solution is to bring a "Texas catheter" which fits over your private parts like a condom, but it has a tube attached that lead to a bag. Unfortunately, this solution does not address excretory needs. In order to deal with these issues, you must adjust your pre-camping diet for the 24-36 hours before you start camping. This technique varies by person, but the simple answer is to minimize your intake of greasy foods and other food that encourages sit-down bathroom visits. A more extreme solution is to take over the counter medicines that inhibit the need to sit down on the potty. This approach may seem extreme, but it will make for a good story to tell your friends while you play with your new game console.
  • You need to dress warmly, this cannot be overstated! You may find a fellow shopper who is happy to help you and lend a blanket or buy you a coffee, but you will be in for the coldest night of your life if you don't plan ahead!
  • Do not give up hope!
  • Bring chairs! Do not sit on the ground, you will chill faster. Wrap blankets tightly around you to trap in heat.


  • Do not start fights or arguments with people who drive by. Some may drive by, say they are the manager and that you are too late. Just ignore them.
  • Don't carry cash. Use a debit or credit card, or pay by check. Leave your purse at home.
  • Carry a cell phone for time, safety and in case you need to call a relative or the hospital.

Things You'll Need

  • Backpack to hold supplies
  • Energy drinks, soda, or coffee/cocoa in a thermos
  • Magazine or book for possible reading material
  • Foldable lawn chairs
  • Blankets, comforters and a pillow
  • Space heater (if temperature dips below zero)
  • Snacks - chips, gum, possibly candy
  • Cell phone
  • iPod, portable DVD player, or handheld game system or laptop to relieve boredom

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