Cancel Email Subscriptions

Sometimes, you may receive email subscriptions and email marketing messages that you do not recall signing up for, or that no longer interest you. Most email subscription services and marketing companies will allow you to cancel your subscription with them by clicking on an "Unsubscribe" or "Cancel Email Subscription" link in the body of emails you receive from them. Other services and companies may require you to take additional steps that involve visiting their website to complete the subscription cancellation process. There are also some third-party email management services that will unsubscribe your email address from subscriptions for you; however, in most cases you are required to pay for these types of services. Continue reading this article to learn about the different ways you can cancel the email subscriptions you no longer want to receive.


Unsubscribe by Email

  1. Locate the "Unsubscribe" link within the email subscription you want to cancel. In most cases, any email correspondence you receive in the form of subscriptions, newsletters, announcements, and more, can be cancelled by clicking on an "Unsubscribe" link included within the email.
    • Scroll to the bottom of any email you receive from the subscription service or company that you no longer want to receive correspondence from, and look for the "Unsubscribe" link.
    • Look for variations of the "Unsubscribe" link if you cannot initially locate it in the email. Sometimes this option will be titled as "Cancel Subscription," "Opt Out," or "Modify Email Preferences."
  2. Unsubscribe from the email subscription using the "Unsubscribe" link.
    • Click directly on the "Unsubscribe" link within the email to cancel your subscription. In most cases, you will be redirected to a web page on that specific website domain that confirms your subscription has been cancelled.
    • Follow the website's on-screen prompts provided to you if additional steps to cancel the subscription are required. For example, some websites will require you to click on buttons marked "Opt Out" or "Cancel Subscription" to process the cancellation; whereas other websites will require you to enter the reason for cancellation or your email address.
  3. Reply using "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. Some email subscriptions will instruct you to unsubscribe from mailings by replying to the sender, and entering "Unsubscribe" into the subject line.
    • Enter the unsubscribe command using the same format in which it is displayed within the body of the email subscription. This will ensure that you are successfully unsubscribed from the mailings. For example, if a subscription instructs you to enter "UNSUBSCRIBE" in all caps, reply to the email using the same format.

Third-Party Email Management Services

  1. Use the services or software of a third-party email management company. There are many types of email management services and software designed for both individuals and businesses that can be used to manage and cancel email subscriptions.
    • Visit any Internet search engine, and enter keyword search phrases such as "email management service" or "email management software" to locate companies that manage email.
  2. Verify that the software or service contains a feature that will cancel subscriptions. Examples of email management companies that will help cancel email subscriptions are "Unsubscribe" and "SendBlaster," both of which are featured in the Sources section of this article.
    • Review the terms, conditions, and services provided by each company to confirm that you will receive assistance in regards to email subscription cancellation.
  3. Use the email management service to cancel your email subscriptions. You will be provided with directions or assistance in regards to ways you can accomplish this task upon signing up for the service.


  • If you are having difficulty finding the "Unsubscribe" link in an email, or with cancelling a particular email subscription, visit the "PC Mag" website provided to you in the Sources section of this article to find instructions for the cancellation method on multiple websites. Sometimes, companies will make it difficult for you to cancel subscriptions so they do not lose your business or readership.
  • Create a "dummy" email account with an email address you will never use, except in providing it to websites and other services that need your email address before you can use their services. This will often prevent you from having to take the time to cancel email subscriptions or manage email preferences with that particular service.


  • Some email subscriptions will require you to log into your online account for that particular website to complete the unsubscribe process. For example, if you want to unsubscribe from 1-800-FLOWERS emails, you will first need to click on the "Remove Me" link from within an email, log into your 1-800-FLOWERS account online, then send an email to "remove [at]" from your account to be unsubscribed from future mailings.

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